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[oor-forum] BioPortal defines the following resources which act as part

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Cameron Ross <cross@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 11:29:39 -0400
Message-id: <AANLkTime=sQy8x6eVbSse45P_yW52dvokvrihn41kX0T@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

BioPortal defines the following resources which act as part of its RESTful interface:
  - /concepts/{ontologyversionid}
  - /concepts/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}
  - /concepts/children/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}
  - /concepts/instances/{ontologyVersionId}
  - /concepts/leafpath/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}
  - /concepts/parents/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}
  - /concepts/property/{property}
  - /concepts/rootpath/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}
  - /concepts/siblings/{ontologyversionid}/{conceptid}

There is no notion of concepts, properties, instances etc. within CL, which
seems to be central to the resource model defined within BioPortal.  This
suggests that the OOR resource model must be a) generalized for all of the
representation languages we wish to support, or b) partitioned into
pluggable resource sets.  The later option  seems more appealing to me.

Kojeware Corporation

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