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[oor-dev] Fwd: [bioontology-support] New version of BioPortal Virtual Ap

To: Mark Musen <musen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ray Fergerson <ray.fergerson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, OpenOntologyRepository-development <oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 05:25:01 -0800
Message-id: <CAGdcwD2hXPuzUrHMzCMz+_hFXAwRk9v7dt3ntgnrDm888Kdz1g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Congratulations, Mark, Ray and the BioPortal team. Thank you for the greatwork,  and sharing it with everyone!

Fyi, OOR folks ...

Regards. =ppy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ray Fergerson" <ray.fergerson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Dec 9, 2013 5:07 PM
Subject: [bioontology-support] New version of BioPortal Virtual Appliance
To: <bioontology-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

We have now a new version of the BioPortal Virtual Appliance, version 2.0. This VM is built with our new, RDF triple store backend, the same technology now used by the public BioPortal site.


If you are already a VM user then you can gain access to the new VM through the link that you were originally given. If you have requested VM access in the last few weeks then we will contact you shortly to provide you access to this VM.



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  • [oor-dev] Fwd: [bioontology-support] New version of BioPortal Virtual Appliance, Peter Yim <=