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[oor-dev] BioPortal UI Now Supports Easier Deployment -- and Internation

To: OpenOntologyRepository-development <oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Paul R Alexander <palexander@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 18:11:10 -0700
Message-id: <4C2E8E2E.6050308@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

The BioPortal team is happy to announce some new changes that will ease the life of those who are deploying the BioPortal UI application in stand-alone instances. This should make it easier for you to upgrade BioPortal as we release new versions and lays down a framework for us to add new functionality without breaking your installations in the future. Previously, things like the autocomplete, found in the Jump To and Form Complete widgets, were hard-coded to use bioportal.bioontology.org as their AJAX back-end. That's no longer the case.

In addition, we've begun the process to split out text on the site that's used to explain functionality or provide guidance into a translation file. This means that you can change the text on many parts of your BioPortal install without actually getting into the ERB templates. And since it's all in one file and that file isn't under version control, upgrading should be a snap. In addition, this will allow us to support locale-based translations. While we don't have any translation yet -- and we don't have plans to create any -- we would gladly take contributions from the community.

There may be some areas of the site that haven't been split out into the translation file yet. If you have specific requests we can look at adding some more. This is another area that we would gladly take some community contribution.

For more information, including specific code changes, please see:

Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I'll be on vacation for the next week but someone at that address will be happy to answer questions if they have the knowledge.

Paul Alexander
Web / UI Developer
NCBO BioPortal

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