Special Sessions (01)
Session Title: Smart Techniques adapted for managing Big Data
Session Organizer: Prof. Cyrus F. Nourani
Akdmkr-DAI Berlin, Germany
Email:Acdmkrd@xxxxxxxxx, (02)
Dear Prof.Cyrus, it is my pleasure to inform you three excellent
news on
the new year 2015 regarding our ICCMIT'15 "www.iccmit.net"
held in Prague, Czech Republic on 20-22 April 2015 hoping
you participate and cooperate us in this big event:-
attracting good
articles, we extend the paper deadline submission date to be:
28 February 2015.
> The theme of this year's Ontology Summit is Internet of Things: Toward
> Smart
> Networked Systems and Societies and over the next three months, we will
> explore how ontologies can play a significant role in the realization of
> smart networked systems and societies in the Internet of Things.
> You are cordially invited to our next session this coming Thursday February
> 5 on the topic Ontology Integration in IoT
> The session will be chaired by Ram Sriram and Leo Obrst, with Steve Ray,
> Payam Barnaghi, and Jack Hodges as invited speakers.
> * Date: Thursday, 05-Feb-2015
> * Start-time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 1730
> ** world clock:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150205T1230&p1=17
> 9
> ** Duration: ~2.0 hours
> All other details can be found at
> http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/ConferenceCall_2015_02_05
> and the main Ontology Summit page at
> http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/OntologySummit2015
> - Michael Gruninger and Mark Underwood
> Chairs, Ontology Summit 2015
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> (03)
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