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[ontology-summit] Ontology Summit 2015: Internet of Everything: Toward S

To: "ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Mark Underwood <mark.underwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 02:28:55 +0000
Message-id: <1415327282681.25237@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Attached is Ram's track proposal and a copy of my response from earlier this week, which resulted in some tweaks.

I have also taken the liberty of creating a Google spreadsheet with separate tabs for each track. If we decide to use this (just a suggestion), it can be a convenient way to comment, merge, etc. In related projects, I've had trouble creating useful artifacts (to appropriate the idea) from the email threads.

I created columns to suggest champions, panelists. Just a start.

On the main sheet I tried to capture several of the suggestions that were under consideration from today's chat.


The permissions are wide open, but you have to have a Google account.


Mark Underwood, CSQE
Sr. Business Process Architect | Krypton Brothers LLC 

 D 520.457.7004 |  M 516.234.0076 | F 520.457.5343

mark.underwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | kryptonbrothers.com

LinkedIn: knowlengrKrypton Brothers @knowlengr  



Attachment: IOEproposal-v3.docx
Description: IOEproposal-v3.docx

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