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[ontolog] Re: Ontology Approach [was Re: [soul] Minutes from the UBL-LC

From: "Peter P. Yim" <yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:14:06 -0700
Message-id: <3D08EEFE.E70F616E@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Re: Ontology Approach [was Re: [soul] Minutes from the 
UBL-LCSCMinneapolis Meeting
Date:  Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:07:40 -0700
From:  "Peter P. Yim" <yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:  Monica Martin <mmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Michael Adcock <Michael.Adcock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Kurt Conrad 
soul-talk@xxxxxxxx    (01)

Monica,    (02)

Thank you for the input, and for sharing your findings. I believe I have done 
my share of advocacy
and should just cool-off for a while.    (03)

Moving to an ontological approach requires the kind of paradigm shift which the 
UBL team (at least
those in control) is not ready to commit to, at least for now. I respect that, 
and accept that it
is even possible that that could be a wise move -- although I, personally, 
can't agree to the
latter as being the case. I believe UBL will, or will have to, come around to 
the ontological
approach some day, or else they won't have the stuff to back their namesake 
claim.    (04)

If you feel strongly enough, do share your findings and thoughts with the rest 
of the group (these
are your findings in the first place, no less). And, good luck!    (05)

--    (06)

> Monica Martin wrote Wed, 12 Jun 2002 15:37:07 -0700:
> > Suggest you take some of the information I provided to you and at least
> > make that information available within UBL.  It is an information point
> > as to the relationships/dependencies that various efforts have upon one
> > another.
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Monica
> >
> >         -----Original Message-----
> >         From: Peter P. Yim
> >         Sent: Tue 6/11/2002 11:56 AM
> >         To: ubl-ontolog@xxxxxxxx; ubl-lcsc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >         Cc:
> >         Subject: [ubl-lcsc] Ontology Approach [was Re: [soul] Minutes
> > from the UBL-LCSCMinneapolis Meeting (6/3-6/7/02)]
> >
> >
> >
> >         Leo,
> >
> >         We had our weekly ubl-lcsc conference call this morning.
> >
> >         In view of the desire, the politics and the general readiness of
> > ubl and/or ubl-lcsc to
> >         systematically adopt the ontological approach, I suggested, and
> > was agreed at the lcsc meeting that
> >         we keep that in the "back burner" for now. We can revisit it if
> > and when the group can perceive the
> >         real need for it later. For now, I don't feel the setting is
> > conducive to volunteer contribution.
> >
> >         The minutes of today's call (by Lisa Seaburg) can be found
> >         at
> > http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lcsc/admindocs/minutes11june02.htm
> >
> >         My personal thanks to you, once again, for your time, effort and
> > contribution.
> >
> >         Really appreciate it!   -ppy
> >         ...
> >
> >         ALL:
> >
> >         Thanks to those who had shown interested and contributed to the
> > effort.
> >
> >         I am going to close the current discussion and change the
> > address of the [ontolog] list from
> >         <ubl-ontolog@xxxxxxxx> to <ontolog@xxxxxxxx>, and am re-inviting
> > people who are individually
> >         interested to participate to join that; taking the discussion
> > offline from the ubl/ubl-lcsc
> >         activities (as resolved.)
> >
> >         If you would like to subscribe and contribute to this [ontolog]
> > discussion, please send me an
> >         e-mail at <yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx>, off-line, so that I can subscribe
> > you to the list.
> >
> >         Regards,
> >         PPY
> >
> >         P.S. this will be my last post to <ubl-ontolog>.   -ppy
> >         --
> >
> >         "Peter P. Yim" wrote to the [soul-talk] list Mon, 10 Jun 2002
> > 20:51:28 -0700:
> >
> >         > The minutes (by Lisa Seaburg) of the captioned meeting is now
> > available --
> >         >
> >         > at
> > http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lcsc/admindocs/minutes04june02.htm
> >         >
> >         > Thanks again, to Leo, for being there and for the very
> > educational presentations.
> >         >
> >         > -ppy
> >         > --
> >
> >
> >         ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >         To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
> >         manager: < http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
> >    (07)

An archive of the [ubl-ontolog] postings can be found
at http://ubl.cim3.org/lists/ubl-ontolog/    (08)
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  • [ontolog] Re: Ontology Approach [was Re: [soul] Minutes from the UBL-LCSCMinneapolis Meeting (6/3-6/7/02)], Peter P. Yim <=