Chat transcript from room: ontoiop_20140702
2014-07-02 GMT-08:00
[08:04] TillMossakowski: == discussion of sections 7 and 8 ==
[08:04] TillMossakowski: OMS provide formal descriptions the scope
of which ranges from domain knowledge and activities
[08:06] TillMossakowski: what is the plural of OMS? OMSs?
[08:07] TillMossakowski: better: we use OMS for both the singular
and the plural
[08:08] FabianNeuhaus: OMS provide formal descriptions, which
scope ranges from domain knowledge and activities
[08:08] TillMossakowski: this particular sentence is improved to
"An OMS provides formal descriptions the scope of which ranges
[08:11] TillMossakowski: Maria's comments: agreed to comments on
[08:15] TillMossakowski: p.27 top: do we have a reference for
geographcial data sets?
[08:21] ChristophLange1: Sorry, dropped my connection 3 minutes
ago, now back
[08:23] TillMossakowski: p.29: add some example involving UML
class diagrams, e.g. consistency of the class diagram (no
conflicting number restrictions)
[08:25] TillMossakowski: cooperating state machines: mention that
their cooperation is specified by a composite structure diagram
[08:27] TillMossakowski: grammar monster says: put a comma before
"e.g.", but after it only in some cases (in other cases, use a
[08:29] TillMossakowski: p.31: Within the DOL framework, existing
OMSs in conforming established languages such as OWL or Common
Logic remain as they are, acknowledging the wide tool support
these languages enjoy.
[08:31] TillMossakowski: Acknowledging the wide tool support that
conforming established languages such as OWL or Common Logic
enjoy, within the DOL framework, existing OMS in these languages
remain as they are.
[08:33] TillMossakowski: Acknowledging the wide tool support that
conforming established languages such as OWL or Common Logic
enjoy, existing OMS in these languages remain as they are within
the DOL framework.
[08:33] TerryLongstreth: Acknowledging the wide tool support that
conforming established languages such as OWL or Common Logic
enjoy, existing OMS in these languages remain as they are within
the DOL framework. [consensus!]
[08:34] TaraAthan: I am looking at the pdf from the latest email,
with date June 17, but I still see a lot of occurrences of OSM, in
sections 7 and 8. Do I have an old version?
[08:38] TillMossakowski: no, that is the current version
[08:39] TillMossakowski: section 8.1. should start with a design
overview in a nutshell, and then continuing with some key
[08:40] TillMossakowski: I will rewrite 8.1
[08:41] TillMossakowski: All text for a telecon will be sent
around one week before the telecon.
[08:41] TillMossakowski: next meeting: July 16th, same time
[08:41] TerryLongstreth: O&O
[08:53] List of attendees: anonymous, ChristophLange,
FabianNeuhaus, MariaKeet, MichaelGruninger, rickmurphy, TaraAthan,
TerryLongstreth, TillMossakowski, Yazmin Ibanez
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