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[ontoiop-forum] AB Review of the OntoIOp RFP, ad/13-11-03

To: Till Mossakowski <Till.Mossakowski@xxxxxxx>
Cc: OMG Architecture Board <ab@xxxxxxx>, OntoIOp open discussion <ontoiop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Elisa Kendall <ekendall@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:24:02 -0800
Message-id: <52A00DF2.7000808@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Till and all,    (01)

Here is my preliminary review of the Ontology, Model and Specification 
Integration and Interoperability (OntoIOp) draft RFP, ad/13-11-03.    (02)

First, I'd like to congratulate the team on the vast improvement I've 
seen in the RFP over the last several months.  It's really come a long 
way in terms of (1) clarifying the problem and set of use cases you're 
attempting to address, (2) narrowing the scope, and (3) providing much 
clearer and more concise requirements for implementation.    (03)

I've had several conversations with the team, including this morning, 
and the following is a summary of my comments on this version of the RFP.    (04)

1.  Some of the language still reads a little clumsily, primarily due to 
the fact that it was written by non-native speakers of English.  I've 
provided some detailed edits under separate cover, especially to the 
background sections of the RFP, to assist in cleaning this up, but 
another review pass, perhaps by Michael or Peter, would be useful.    (05)

2. Some of the use cases could be described more succinctly.  The 
background remains quite useful in illustrating what the authors are 
looking for, but could be tightened up a bit more for the sake of 
readability.  Use case 4 is a bit lengthy in particular.    (06)

3.  Section 6.3 needs to either discuss why the various OMG 
specifications called out are related to OntoIOp, as it does for the 
ODM, or remove the reference.  For example, if MOF QVT is related, is it 
a requirement for the submitters to use QVT as one of the mapping 
paradigms leveraged by the OntoIOp meta-language at an implementation 
level, i.e., should the submitters provide extensions to QVT as one of 
the required platform-specific implementations of the 
platform-independent meta-language (if it is indeed 
platform-independent).  If not, should submitters be required to state 
why not?  I see you have this as one of the issues to be discussed, but 
a short phrase about how each of the standards relates specifically to 
OntoIOp should be included here, especially any that are explicitly 
required to be used.    (07)

4. Formulas in 6.5.2 need to be explained in English.    (08)

5. Section 6.5.6 needs some additional work -- it seems to conflate the 
notions of registry and repository, which should be teased out and 
explained more clearly.  It also seems to be somewhat out of scope from 
the other requirements -- I am not convinced that OntoIOp should require 
submitters to specify requirements for either a registry or repository, 
only requirements of the meta-language relevant to its usage in a 
registry context.  You would have to develop requirements for 
governance, for ensuring uniqueness of identifiers, establish processes 
for registration, etc., which are all orthogonal to development of the 
meta-language itself.    (09)

At most, specification of the technology, rules, processes, etc. related 
to the registry should be an optional requirement, and perhaps only 
something to be discussed in terms of how this might be done.  I realize 
that some of the Ontolog OOR / COLORE work is doing this, but there are 
commercial tools for general purpose registries, both ISO 
11179-compliant and otherwise, that could be augmented to support this.  
They may not be freely available or open-source, but they certainly 
exist.  OMG's CTS2 standard provides some of the capabilities that might 
be leveraged to support this, among others, as well.    (010)

6.  Section 6.6.1 - this seems to be more about justification for use of 
the meta-language rather than requirements for the language itself, and 
APIs such as those in work for API4KBs should be able to be used as the 
basis for development in conjunction with the set of ontologies and 
meta-language the RFP is asking for.    (011)

7. Section 6.8 -- Evaluation criteria could be a bit more explicit with 
respect to a minimum set of requirements that must be met.    (012)

8. 6.9 is blank -- either delete this section or say something like 
"None", if there isn't anything else you want to say here.    (013)

9. 6.11 -- I think the timetable for your LOI deadline is short, and 
would push it out another meeting cycle.  The rest looks aggressive, but 
I recognize that there is significant work backing this up already.    (014)

I'll look forward to working through this with Fabian next week,    (015)

Elisa    (016)

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