Dear All, (01)
Here are the material from our 45th OntoIOp team conference call.
Kindly review and advise of any error, omission or edit. (02)
1. the audio archive for the (n.45) OntoIOp teleconference of Wed
2013.10.23 is now online: (03)
* Date: Wednesday 23-Oct-2013
* Meeting time: 1505 ~ 1554 UTC
* length/format/size: 0:42:49 , mp3 , 4.9 MB
* accessible directly as: (04)
3. The chat-transcript (lightly edited) is attached below, which is
also available as: (05)
4. Our next regular team meetings will be in two weeks - i.e. Wed
2013.11.06 ... (06)
*** Note that we are moving the meeting one hour earlier; plus the
fact that Europe and America will be switching to Standard time (from
Daylight Daving Time) by then! *** (07)
= OntoIOp team-confcall (n.46) - Wed 2013.11.06 = (08)
Date: Wed 6-Nov-2013
start-time: 7:00am PST / 10:00 am EST / 4:00pm CET / 5:00pm SAST /
0:00am [+1] KST / 15:00 GMT/UTC
* ref. world clock -
Duration: 1.0~1.5 Hrs.
* shared-file workspace:
* chat-workspace: (09)
Please mark your calendars. (010)
Regards. =ppy (011)
p.s. Till / Kiyong, please note - [8:04] TillMossakowski: suggesting
moving the meeting an hour early. By the next meeting, we will all be
on Standard Time; unfortunately, that would still mean midnight for
KiyongLee in Korea, though. <-- revised from what was discussed at the
meeting, after double checking the worldclock. =ppy (012)
-- (013)
------ <OntoIOp-confcall-n45_chat-transcript_20131023b.txt> ------ (014)
Chat transcript from room: ontoiop_20131023
2013-10-23 GMT-08:00 [PDT]
------ (015)
[8:01] anonymous morphed into ConradBock (016)
[8:01] PeterYim: . (017)
= OntoIOp team-confcall (n.45) - Wed 2013.10.23 = (018)
* Date: Wed 23-Oct-2013
* start-time: 8:00am PDT / 11:00 am EDT / 5:00pm CEST / 4:00pm BST /
12:00am[+1] KST / 1500 UTC
** ref. world clock -
* Duration: 1.0~1.5 Hrs. (019)
* in-session chat-workspace: (020)
* shared-file workspace for this session: (021)
Remarks: (022)
* the session may be recorded for archival purposes. Unless
otherwise documented, participants agrees to this by virtue
of their participation at the session. (023)
* In case we have to mute everyone (due to extraneous noise or echo)
- Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (024)
* for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad?
... it may be under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" (025)
* There has been some issues with skype connections (variously reported
by people from different locations.) Therefore, if you are using skype
and the connection to "joinconference" is not holding up, try using
(your favorite POTS or VoIP line, etc.) either your phone, skype-out
or google-voice and call the US dial-in number:
+1 (206) 402-0100 ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (026)
* some local numbers may be available (in the US, Australia, Canada
& UK) - see: (027)
* for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it may be
under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" (028)
* for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only
available on v4.1 (or later or the earlier Skype versions 2.x,) if the
dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the
"d" hotkey to enable it. (--CLange) (029)
Attendees: TillMossakowski (chair), ConradBock, MichaelGruninger,
OliverKutz, PeterYim, TerryLongstreth
Regrest: ChristophLange (030)
== Proceedings: == (031)
[8:04] PeterYim: [responding MichaelGruninnger's request]
@ConradBockBock: Ref earlier communications, the credentials needed
The (role-based) authentication pair is:
username = ontoiop-member
password = ***
(note: this password ...[snip]...)
// (032)
[8:17] ConradBock: Thx, Peter. What is the login for the SVN? They
seem to be different. (033)
[8:18] PeterYim: @ConradBock - Till & Christoph runs the SVN, they can
provide the details (034)
[8:20] TillMossakowski: ConradBock, please send me a username and
password encrypted with htpasswd (you can google what this is if
needed) (035)
[9:03] PeterYim: @Conrad @Michael @Till ... I will add ConradBockBock
to the team roster and subscribe him to both [ontoiop-wg] and
[ontoiop-forum] (let me know otherwise) (036)
[8:05] PeterYim: == TillMossakowski starts the meeting ... (037)
[8:08] ChristophLange: Hi, I'm afraid I can only afford to say hello
and "sorry can't make it" today. Busy moving out of Birmingham.
@Till: I should be able to do some proof-reading tomorrow and Friday;
if that's still helpful could you maybe let me know (by email)?
Thanks, and have a productive meeting today! (038)
[8:06] PeterYim: Till: today's agenda is (i) the revision of the OMG
RFP; (ii) discuss time of future meetings (039)
[8:04] TillMossakowski: Please find the current version of the RFP at (040)
[8:04] PeterYim: == discussion: (ii) time for future meetings (041)
[8:04] TillMossakowski: suggesting moving the meeting an hour early.
By the next meeting, we will all be on Standard Time; unfortunately,
that would still mean midnight for KiyongLee in Korea, though. (042)
[8:06] TerryLongstreth: An hour earlier would be better for me (043)
[8:09] PeterYim: Till: [decision] we will move the meeting one hour
earlier, starting next meeting (044)
[8:11] PeterYim: therefore the next call will be on 6-Nov-2013, by
which time, both Europe and the US will be back on standard time
(instead of daylight saving time) - OntioIOp confcall n.46 - Wed
2013.11.06 - start-time: 4pm CET - (045)
[8:12] PeterYim: == discussion: (i) the revision of the OMG RFP (046)
[8:04] TillMossakowski: Please find the current version of the RFP at (047)
[8:10] TillMossakowski: Six main feedback points by OMG: (048)
1. This is too ambitious -- this project is trying to solve all
interoperability problems. - the scope of the metalanguage is too
broad and ambitious (Note: I think we need to emphasize heterogeneous
interoperability among ontologies; some people thought we were
specifying mappings between all possible languages and ontologies) (049)
2. This sounds like a research project, not a standards project.
Response: Provide formal definitions with citations to the literature
where these definitions have been stated. e.g. what is the definition
of a logically heterogeneous ontology? (050)
3. The role of translations and mappings - will translations between
specific languages (e.g. OWL-2 and CL) be part of the standard? - if
so, will only one translation be allowed? - what is the relationship
between different translations between the same two languages? - will
mappings between specific ontologies be part of the standard? (051)
4. What is the need for the metalanguage? This justification needs to
be aligned with the mandatory requirements. Show how the requirements
and related to the use cases. (052)
5. How detailed are the metalevel relationships? For example, consider
the Date-Time Vocabulary (dtv). Do we simply say that dtv_owl is an
approximation of dtv_cl or does the standard specify in what way it is
an approximation, saying what is lost and what is preserved. 6. Are
the conformance criteria for logical languages specified with enough
detail to be testable? (053)
[8:23] TillMossakowski: ConradBock: as an answer to point 1, we should
specify what the market need for OntoIOp is (054)
[8:24] MichaelGruninger: Behind the second comment is perhaps the
point: "This sounds like a research project since we don't see any
market-driven need for this approach" (055)
[8:25] MichaelGruninger: ConradBock: underlying question -- why is
this being standardized? (056)
[8:27] MichaelGruninger: ConradBock: the Problem Statement is where we
need to motivate why we are doing this (057)
[8:28] TerryLongstreth: Should we bite the bullet and mention,
explicitly, that we're trying to find ways to make the millions of OWL
concepts useful? [Terry will try to come up with some wording] (058)
[8:53] PeterYim: Till: review/discussion done ... suggest we use the
next 2 weeks to get everything ready. Terry, Michael & Till still has
some additional input (as discussed.) At the next (Nov-6) meeting, we
will do a final review, and submit on Nov-11, which would be 4 weeks
before the Santa Clara OMG meeting. (059)
[8:54] TerryLongstreth: Have to split for another meeting... (060)
[8:54] PeterYim: -- session ended: 5:54pm CEST -- (061)
------ </OntoIOp-confcall-n45_chat-transcript_20131023b.txt> ------ (062)
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