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Re: [onion-forum] ONION COP Meeting Minutes 12 December 2006

To: carlmattocks@xxxxxxxxxxx, onion-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: adam Pease <apease@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Pat Cassidy <pcassidy@xxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:36:01 -0800
Message-id: <45A2F181.7040207@xxxxxxxx>
Carl et al.,    (01)

Regarding the reference to the SUMO upper ontology ... 
it may be more expedient, for this ONION exercise) to 
reference the ontology which combines SUMO, MILO, QoS 
and the additions for the ebXML Core Component Types -- 
an ontology (SMQCC) that was compiled as a deliverable 
of the Ontolog [CCT-Representation] Project (ref: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CctRepresentation)    (02)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (03)

Carl Mattocks wrote Wed, 20 Dec 2006 14:38:50 -0500 (EST):
> Meeting Minutes 12 December 2006
> ONION Charter
> Charter was reviewed and it was agreed that it will remain as a draft
> until mid January so that all comments can be addressed'
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ONION
> Comment - Implicit Objective
> Not currently stated in charter but an implicit objective is to explicitly
> encourage the creation of Open International standards for those elements
> of the Business of IT that are open, ethical, legal, and generic.
> Summary BCM Ontological Relations
> The Chair of The OASIS BCM TC focused on the symbiosis of the Guidelines
> for eBusiness and the best practice promoted by the ITSM / COBIT /
> Security specifications. In particular -
> Semantic relations between the Business Centric Methodology to ITSM / COSO
> / COBIT / Security are layer specific and provide building blocks to other
> common terms. For example, the semantic bridge to Control Objectives for
> Information and related Technology (COBIT) could be expanded to incoporate
>  Business Process Management (or BPM) which refers to practice of applying
> IT engineering techniques to the policies and procedures used by
> businesses to optimize and adapt their processes.
> Layers
> BCM  has four foundational layers that exploit template structures and
> archetype definitions.
> Implementation Layer focused on defining use of SOA, Protocols and other
> IT infrastructure resources.
> Conceptual Layer ensures that all elements, including SOA artifacts, have
> unambiguos definitions. Such as those published in the ONION ontology.
> Extension Layer explicitly adresses use of open source constructs and
> domain specific componentry that has been defined by one or more Community
> of Interest / Action / Practice. e.g. ACORD; HL7
> Business Layer Templates include
> Comments on Current Draft
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/ONION/reference/onionCPLv1.owl
> Reasonable Content
> The validity of ONION  content, such as necessary ontological statements
> and domain specific extension layers, is measured by the majority of the
> cOP membership declaring it fit for reasonable use.
> Distinctionary Construct
> The distinctionary construct allow one ONION statement to be distinct from
> other ontological statements.
> Such that a commonly used term is first placed in the ONION as a type of a
> broader term or concept and then another specialized term is added that
> distinguishes each particular notion or concept from its peers.
> Leverage Existing Definitions
> Whenever possible the ontological statements should leverage publically
> available ontological definitions. For example -
> http://www.ontologyportal.org/translations/SUMO.owl.txt
> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID= "Process">
> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource ="#Physical"/>
> <rdfs:comment>Intuitively, the class of things that happen
> and have temporal parts or stages.  Examples include extended events
> like a football match or a race, actions like Pursuing and Reading,
> and biological processes. The formal definition is: anything that lasts
> for a time but is not an Object.  Note that a Process may have
> participants 'inside' it which are Objects, such as the players
> in a football match.  In a 4D ontology, a Process is something whose
> spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into temporal stages
> roughly perpendicular to the time-axis.</rdfs:comment>
> </rdfs:Class>
> Future Discussion Points proposed by Peter Brooks
> CMDB  - Eventually I'd expect the CMDB (Configuration Management Database)
> to be an instantiation of the ITSM ontology.
> Problem Management  - ITSM consists of a series of processes. There are
> some top-level  descriptions of parts of processes, but I'd expect some
> common  definition of a process and its instantiation. "Problem
> Management",  for example, is a process. It is instantiated by a 'Problem'
> (or a  'Problem Record') that has a number of properties - states,
> ownership,  metrics and relationships.
> Metrics - Is the ontology not the place to describe relationships? I see,
> for example, that 'Metrics' are mentioned - but metrics relate to every
> process, so are really, as above, a property of a process.
> Instantiated Elements -. If you had an ideal ontology driven application
> (just a pipe dream,  but I'm mentioning this to try to clarify my
> understanding) then, if it instantiated the ITSM ontology, all you'd need
> is some gui elements  to interface to add, update, and report verbs in the
> application and you'd have a fully functional application to support all
> elements of  Service Management
> Event - As far as detail is concerned, I'm surprised that there is a
> 'Businessevent', but no primitive 'event'. Surely events cause
>  incidents, problems and changes? In simple terms: event -> problem -> 
> incident  and problem -> change so events are pretty essential.
> CI (Configuration Item) - The definition of a CI is too narrow, CIs
> include people, organisations, and process elements - so a 'problem
> record' is a CI.
> CI Relations - Again, as in 'Metrics' above, the fundamental thing about
> CIs is their relationship to other CIs and the description of these
> relationships ('is owned by', 'is caused by', 'is contained in','is
> installed on','is escalated to', 'is solved by','is due to be
> installed/updated  on','is mirrored by' etc. etc.) is what enables
> Configuration  Management to take place. Without it, all you have is a
> static asset  management database.
> Administrivia
> To facilitate participation in future conference calls I have been asked
> to schedule them a little earlier.
> To help members manage their schedules I will send a reminder
> approximately 1 day before the scheduled event takes place.
> Please note that as a member of the ONION CoP you are able to participate
> in other ONTOLOG hosted events. In 2007 you will automatically receive
> invitations to open information exchange sessions.
> Wishing you happy holidays
> thanks for you support
>     (04)

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