Everyone, (01)
Our next meeting of the SWAO SIG will take place Monday May 12, 10:00 am
EDT / 7:00am PDT / 4:00pm CET / 1400 GMT/UTC (postponed from May 5). (02)
Please see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IAOA_SWAO_SIG#nid4DBE (03)
1. Next steps for the SIG
* Listing on the IAOA Special Interest Group web page
* Creation of a dedicated SIG page
* Solicitation for members (only the chairs and liaison are currently
listed as members) (04)
2. ISWC workshop proposal status (i.e., rejected) (05)
3. Workshop announcement (nothing for the SIG to do due to timing)
* Geospatial Semantics Workshop and GeoVoCamp
(http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/meetings/geosp_sem/), June 2-3, 2014, University
of Wisconsin-Madison / No remote access (06)
4. Discussion on creating an introductory online/training tutorial
* Introductory sections for non-technical audiences and to set the stage
* Subsequent sections building on the introduction to go more in-depth
and perhaps with exercises
* Work in conjunction with the IAOA Education Committee (07)
5. Discussion on an issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology related to
reuse and lessons learned
* Extending and discussing the work of this year's Ontology Summit (08)
6. Brainstorm and share information about people and projects relevant to
this SIG and reach out them to make them aware of our existence and maybe
invite them for a talk or an informal chat. (09)
If interested in joining the SWAO SIG, please let us know or join the SWAO
SIG list: http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/iaoa-swao/. (010)
Note that our monthly meetings are normally on the first Monday of every
month, at the above time. (011)
Please see the SIG wiki page for dial-in details. (012)
Best regards, (013)
Mike Bennett (014)
Msg Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/iaoa-swao/
File-share: http://iaoa.cim3.net/file/work/SIG/SemanticWeb-AppliedOntology/
SIG Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IAOA_SWAO_SIG
Activities Blog: http://iaoa-activities.blogspot.com/ ...(coming!)
To join: please email the SIG conveners or to: info[at]iaoa.org
IAOA website: http://iaoa.org (015)