From: iaoa-swao-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:iaoa-swao-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Obrst, Leo J.
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:42 PM
To: IAOA SemanticWeb-AppliedOntology SIG (iaoa-swao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: [iaoa-swao] example review notice in EasyTalk (from FOIS 2014)
FYI. The following is an example review notice (after a bidding phase, where you bid on papers you’d like to review, i.e., yes, maybe, no, confict of interest):
Note that this is just an example and notices vary widely.
Dear Leo Obrst,
The bidding phase is now over and we enter the reviewing period.
On the basis of your collective bidding efforts, we assigned at most four papers to PC members. We tried to follow your bids as closely as possible, still, you may have received a paper that you did not explicitly bid on. FOIS is an
interdisciplinary conference, and we therefore invite you to prove your open-mindedness and attempt to evaluate fairly all assigned papers from your personal scientific standpoint.
You need to log in to EasyChair as a PC member and use an online form provided by the system, or download the offline review form. It contains the standard 7-grade scale of general evaluation (from 'strong accept' to 'strong reject'),
a familiar 5-grade scale of reviewer's confidence, and a few additional criteria.
Although these scales are crucial for our decision on submissions, the most important part of your review is of course a textual description of the reviewed paper, which may be accompanied by confidential remarks for the program committee.
We kindly ask you to be generous and dedicate as much of your time as possible to these textual reviews. They are of crucial importance not only for the individual authors, or for the PC chairs who will have to make many hard decisions on their basis, but
they are likely to influence the scientific significance of the conference and determine its impact on our community. Therefore, we would appreciate if you could refrain from evaluating a full research paper in one or two sentences.
We would like to ask you to submit the reviews at your earliest convenience, but not later than
May, 2nd.
If, for some reason or other, you find that your review cannot be delivered by that time, please let us know as soon as possible.
Looking forward to your detailed and thoughtful reviews.
Best regards,
Pawel Garbacz
Oliver Kutz
FOIS 2014 PC chairs
Please find below the list of papers assigned to you for reviewing.