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[iaoa-general] CfP: Design Semantics 2014 - Bari, Italy, June 30-July 2

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "[IAOA-member]" <iaoa-member@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: John Bateman <bateman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:09:54 +0100
Message-id: <53023452.80601@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

++Call for Participation++

Design Semantics 2014
Bari, Italy 
June 30-July 2 2014

Workshop programme:
- Invited Keynotes, and presentations
- Contributed talks
- Topical overview talks, demos
- Setting the agenda for the SIG

Participation requirements:
- Short position statement
- Workshop registration

Important dates in 2014 are:
- April 1: online position statement submission
- May 15: workshop registration
- June 30-July 2: workshop in Bari, Italy

- Reduced registration and scholarships for students



“Design Semantics” is a Special Interest Group of the International Association of Ontology and its Applications (IAOA). After several preparatory meetings, the Design Semantics SIG is now poised to hold its first official kickoff workshop in Bari, Italy during June 30-July 2 2014. Participation in the workshop is open for everyone interested; a relatively small group of researchers have also been invited based on participation in past events and collaborations related to the topic.

++ SCOPE ++

The Special Interest Group on Design Semantics aims to create an interdisciplinary platform for the discussion of all topics connected to the theory and professional practice of design, encompassing aspects of multi-modality, creativity, engineering, and scientific problem-solving. Perspectives from ontology, computer science and artificial intelligence, mathematics, aesthetics, cognitive science, psycho-linguistics and beyond are of focus in the SIG. In particular, the SIG aims to facilitate a discussion between researchers from all disciplines interested in representing and reasoning about design. This includes formal (e.g., logic-based, relational, algebraic), cognitive, linguistic, engineering and philosophical aspects of design, as well as their application in the sciences and in the arts, both human and computer generated. Specific domains being addressed include architecture, urban planning, geodesign, product design, visual and auditory digital media (e.g., music, film, animation, entertainment) design etc. 

The scope of the SIG particularly addresses:

- design semantics and multi-modality encompassing, for instance, language, image, gestures, sound
- design semantics in creative domains (visual art, photography)
- design domains involving engineering, function-driven computer-aided design
- design for urban planning, environmental modelling, geography, entertainment and digital media
- applied ontological foundations of next-generation decision-support systems and analytical technologies facilitating the design process

A preliminary focus of the SIG is on the domain of spatial design for architecture, and the role of design semantics in the context of computer-aided architecture design standards and interoperability initiatives such as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and the Building Information Model (BIM). Here, the SIG addresses the ontological and semantic aspects underlying next-generation computer aided design tools; contemporary design technologies lack the ability to exploit the expertise that a designer is equipped with, but is unable to communicate to the design tool explicitly in a manner that is consistent with its inherent human-centred conceptualisation, i.e., semantically and qualitatively. In this context, this special interest group aims to establish working-groups, and standardisation and dissemination initiatives in collaboration with academics and practitioners of architectural & product design, and beyond.


The following speakers have already agreed to participate; further speakers are currently being contacted.

Prof. Pascal Le Masson
Chair of Design Theory and Methods for Innovation
Centre de Gestion Scientifique, MINES ParisTech (PSL), France

Prof. Lorenza Saitta
        Dipartimento di Scienze ed Innovazione Tecnologica (DiSIT)
        Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"

Position statements are solicited for participating in the workshop and becoming a member in the SIG DesignSemantics. A small group of contributing participants, invited speakers, PhD candidates, and undergraduate students are expected to participate in the meeting. The position statement should consist of:

1. Cover page: Title, author name and affiliation, and topical keywords
2. Extended abstract: A max two or three page (not including references) extended abstract consisting of:
2.1: your core research community by way of a brief state of the art
2.2: your own research (e.g., citing key publications in the last 5 years, projects etc)
2.3 a brief statement on the relationship of your research topics to the theme of the workshop
2.4 three research questions that are considered to be ``big'' challenges in your area of work
3.  References: References / citations in support of your extended abstract
4.  Biography: Personal academic profile / biography, academic website and contact information
All positions statements will be reviewed to ensure topical and thematic fit with the scope and objectives of the workshop, and the SIG on DesignSemantics in general. Accepted and presented position statements and participant profiles will be disseminated both before (internally) and after (publicly) the event. Position statement public dissemination will be done via the Online SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition Technical Report Series.

POST WORKSHOP CONTRIBUTIONS: A post workshop publication in the form of an edited volume has been planned. Interested workshop participants will have the opportunity to contribute toward this volume with a full contribution after the workshop, subject to a thorough peer-review process by the editorial and program committees. The workshop will schedule time for discussing this planned outcome.

Accepted participants are required to register for the workshop by May 15 2014. Registration includes SIG and IAOA membership.
Complete details about contributions and registration are available online: www.designsemantics.org

- April 1: online position statement submission
- May 15: workshop registration
- June 30-July 2: workshop in Bari, Italy

The Design Semantics SIG 2014 workshop is generously sponsored by:

- International Association for Ontology and its Application (IAOA). http://www.iaoa.org/
- Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB). http://www.iamb.it
Politecnico di Bari, DICATEChhttp://dau049.poliba.it/

Mehul Bhatt (University of Bremen, Germany)
John Bateman (University of Bremen, Germany)
Domenico Camarda (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Francesca A. Lisi (Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro", Italy)

Local Organisation:
Rossella Stufano
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Politecnico di Bari, ITALY

Giulia Mastrodonato
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Politecnico di Bari, ITALY

(please distribute as you see fit - apologies for cross-postings)

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