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[iaoa-general] 4th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Vatican C

To: "[IAOA-member]" <iaoa-member@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Oliver Kutz <okutz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:26:57 +0200
Message-id: <9AA8BF75-3BA2-4949-A8E4-505AC89752EC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Call for Papers - SQUARE 2014
4th World Congress on the Square of Opposition
Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican, May 5-9, 2014    (01)

Any talk related to the square of opposition is welcome for this 
interdisciplinary congress gathering top researchers from all over the world 
(logicians, philosophers, mathematicians, theologists, linguists, semioticians, 
computer scientists, cognitivists, psychologists, artists).    (02)

Deadline to send an abstract is November 1st, 2013
World Congress on the Square of Opposition
Montreux 2007 - Corsica 2010 - Beirut 2012 - Vatican 2014
http://www.square-of-opposition.org/    (03)

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  • [iaoa-general] 4th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Vatican City (Vatican), 5-9 May 2014, Oliver Kutz <=