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[iaoa-general] Public Report of IAOA EC meeting n. 46 (Thr., 28 July 201

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Stefano Borgo <stefano.borgo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 19:54:41 +0200
Message-id: <24A694F1-C1C0-4598-8E0C-15B3FCAE3A59@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear IAOA-general mailing list subscribers,    (01)

please, find below the public report of the 46th IAOA Executive Council meeting.    (02)

The past public reports are collected at
http://www.iaoa.org/council/reports/reports.html    (03)

If you are an IAOA member but do not have the password to access the IAOA 
member's area (http://www.iaoa.org/members/members.php), 
contact the association at: info@xxxxxxxx    (04)

Stefano Borgo
on behalf of IAOA EC    (05)

---    (06)

Forty-sixth meeting of the IAOA Executive Council (EC)
Virtual Meeting of 28 July 2011    (07)

Nicola Guarino (chair)
John Bateman
Stefano Borgo
Ali Hashemi (invited)
Leo Obrst
Peter Yim
Laure Vieu    (08)

The EC is very pleased with the organization, implementation and outcome of the 
IAOA-Vespucci Summer Institute that took place in Fiesole (Italy) on July 
18-22, and thanks the organization team for the good job done. The event was 
successful both in terms of registration (all available seats were filled) and 
in terms of activities. A press release will be issued to familiarize the 
members and the large community with this kind of events, characterized by 
focussed presentations, team work and long open discussions.
The Association plans to organize a Summer School next year (2012), and the EC 
looks forward to another Summer Institute in 2013.    (09)

The IAOA web site is being updated. In particular, this time the Infrastructure 
Committee is focusing on making information about SIGs, Committees and 
Supported Events more accessible, to enable more membership involvement.    (010)

The EC looked carefully at the proposed changes in the IAOA Statute. This 
revision normalizes the content in the IAOA Statute and the content in the 
ByLaws. Both documents are being edited and a consistency check is planned by 
the end of the summer.    (011)

(End of Report)    (012)

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  • [iaoa-general] Public Report of IAOA EC meeting n. 46 (Thr., 28 July 2011), Stefano Borgo <=