FYI Please forward to interested parties. Ed (01)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Schuldt, Ron L <ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Feb 15, 2007 11:19 AM
Subject: Electronic Medical Record Topic for UDEF Vendor Challenge
To: udef@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (02)
To help launch discussion on the topic of Electronic Health Records
(EHR) for a possible vendor challenge, I recommend that you read the
interview published by Health-IT World at The article
provides excellent insight to many of the issues and opportunities
associated with EHR. (03)
Assuming the non technical barriers to sharing medical record
information among medical providers are solved (by laws or other
government action), one of the data architecture issues is the need
for interoperable semantics across the many applications used by the
many providers. This semantic interoperability issue is one that the
UDEF can help solve. I offer the following to help stimulate
discussion. (04)
I recommend that we begin by identifying suitable data element
concepts that one can expect to find within a typical EHR. Note: you
can find the definition of a data element concept in ISO/IEC 11179-1
available for download at (05)
I believe we will find data element concepts that address the
Electronic Health Record itself – a UDEF "Document" object. Properties
associated with the EHR could include an identifier assigned by the
health provider. The current UDEF "Document" object has UDEF name
"Record.Document" with UDEF ID "l.2" and will need an extension for
"Medical.Record.Document" and tentative UDEF ID "e.l.2" Similarly,
the current UDEF "Identifier" property has "Assigned.Identifier" with
UDEF ID "35.8" and will need an extension such as
"Health-Provider.Assigned.Identifier" with tentative UDEF ID "16.35.8" (06)
Therefore, the complete UDEF name and ID for the proposed data element
concept Medical Record Document Health Provider Assigned Identifier
would have the UDEF ID "e.l.2_16.35.8" See the UDEF Document object
tree at and the UDEF
Identifier property tree at (07)
Another set of data element concepts relevant to EHR must address the
person for whom the record is about. Within the context of the EHR,
the person has the role of Patient and may have multiple possible
identifiers. One candidate data element concept is Patient Person
Government Assigned Identifier with UDEF ID "au.5_13.35.8" and another
possible data element concept is Patient Person Health-Provider
Assigned Identifier with UDEF ID "au.5_16.35.8" (08)
The government assigned identifier might be a driver's license number
plus the state which issued the license or it might be a social
security number. Unique identification of a person is a topic that
will require government involvement to achieve a consistent approach.
Until then, I suspect there will be multiple options that will be
allowable. (09)
I encourage others on this list to submit other data element concepts
that are relevant to Electronic Health Records. If you need guidance
for extending the UDEF, please download the free Guide for Extending
the UDEF at (010)
The challenge to the vendors on this list is to define tools that will
help simplify the UDEF mapping and gap analysis process. If possible,
it would be great if the tool vendors could show their products at the
next Open Group Conference meeting in Paris, April 23-25, 2007 or at
least by the meeting in Austin, July 23-25, 2007. (011)
Ron Schuldt, Chairman (012)
The Open Group UDEF Forum (013)
303-977-1414 (014)
ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx (015)
________________________________ (016)
From: Schuldt, Ron L
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 2:16 PM
To: udef@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Suggested Topic for Vendor Challenge (017)
During last Friday's UDEF Interested Parties telecon, one of the
topics discussed included the need for a vendor challenge that would
highlight the value that the UDEF could bring to a high visibility
problem. Three topics were mentioned during the call – Homeland
Security, Electronic Health Records, and Emergency Situation Response. (018)
One candidate high visibility topic is Electronic Health Records. It
is my understanding that all companies above a certain size will soon
be required to maintain electronic health records of their employees.
This topic is high on the priority list for several organizations
currently participating in the UDEF Interested Parties including a
company that is working on a pilot to demonstrate how the UDEF could
be used to remotely exchange patient medical information based on
sensors with systems that one might find in a doctor's office. (019)
The goal of the Vendor Challenge would be to demonstrate that systems
could be independently mapped to the UDEF and then semantically
aligned with the gap analysis tool that is available online at Sample source and
target files in XML format can be downloaded from the Gap Analysis
section of (020)
We should identify a suitable subset of an Electronic Health Record
and include the extensions necessary in the next cycle of UDEF
extensions. The next cycle of extensions would be approved at the
Paris meeting (021)
I welcome your comments and suggestions. (022)
Ron Schuldt, Chairman (023)
The Open Group UDEF Forum (024)
303-977-1414 (025)
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