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[health-ont] Rex's Health Informatics Follow Up

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, health-ont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: <dodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:35:34 -0400
Message-id: <200508261635.DMX48348@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Rex et al:    (01)

Re: Medical Banking - John Casillas was ill so he didn't 
catch the call but I gave him the link for follow up. I think 
John Hardin was just booked prepping for the ebSOA call. He's 
the tech advisor and David Webber has given some advice over 
the past few months as has Monica Martin and Farrukh Najmi. 
I'm a workgroup member as well and I have been trying to 
unofficially liaise between OASIS, OMG and MBP in terms of 
making certain the folks working on developments in one group 
which may benefit the others hear about. {I dislike 
reredundancy.}    (02)

I know that John Hardin and Asuman Dogac have begun 
communicating recently about the IHE XDS, business processes 
and Semantic connections; John's also got the connection with 
the UDEF work.    (03)

All this to say I think the MBP Cooperative Open-source 
Medical Banking Architecture & Technology initiative [ ] would like to 
encourage this work -- but this is as with everyone else's 
situation -- as resources allow.    (04)

Ed Dodds    (05)

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