Wonderful, Bob et al. (01)
Note: in all haste, Bob probably meant to say at the beginning of his
message: (02)
"The current Draft Response to Dr. Brailer�s RFI was sent as an
attachment, but some of you may have problems with attachments. The RFI
Draft is now posted on our file-sharing workspace at
<http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/health-ont/NHIN-RFI/Version to
Circulate to Onto.doc> ..." (03)
-ppy (04)
P.S. If the above link doesn't show up as one piece on your email (due
to the spaces on the filename), please cut and paste it to your browser
command line. ( It might be helpful to refer back to the file naming
convention that Ontolog has adopted. See:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2004-02/msg00029.html ) -ppy (05)
P.P.S. Bob had inadvertently including the link to WebDAV server upload
URL (which is password protected), rather than the download URL (which
is not password protected.) That said, I believe most of us know the
access password already ... if not, and you need it, please email me
offline. -ppy
-- (06)
Bob Smith wrote Mon, 17 Jan 2005 20:07:04 -0800: (07)
> Hello,
> The current Draft Response to Dr. Brailer�s RFI was sent as an
> attachement, but some of you may have problems with attachemetns. The
> RFI Draft is now posted on the Wiki .at
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/work/health-ont/NHIN-RFI/Version to Circulate
> to Onto.doc
> This Draft document introduces Ontolog, states our thesis, replies to
> Part A questions, and sets the groundwork for responses to Part B and
> C questions.
> The �B� Team is devoting time early tomorrow to receiving your inputs
> and completing open and appropriate parts of Parts B and C.
> Please review and add comments *highlighted RED LINE* so that we can
> include your suggested changes. We expect to make one last revision,
> If needed, please call me at 714 536 1084
> Thanks,
> Bob Smith
> (08)
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