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Re: [health-ont] NHIN-RFI Thesis

To: "[health-ont]" <health-ont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 22:39:31 -0800
Message-id: <41DE2EA3.9060907@xxxxxxxx>
Thanks, Adam.    (01)

Two comments:    (02)

1. To Adam, (easy one first) ... there's a bit more clean up to do at:    (03)

2. To All, (along the lines of what I proposed in my earlier wiki post, 
which we discussed at the conference call today), I proposed the 
following change:    (04)

We propose the following solution to the technological challenges of 
NHI    (020)    (05)

    * open source tool support from the leading ontology development 
environment - Protege    (021)
    * reuse of a formal ontology, which embodies the best practices in 
information model development - the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. In 
particular we will map and relate the HL7 Reference Information Model 
(RIM) to SUMO in order to make recommendations for extending and 
formalizing the HL7.    (022)    (06)

    * use of standard formal representation languages, including 
Ontology Web Language and Simplified Common Logic    (023)    (07)

    * Additionally, we believe in the process of open collaboration as 
the optimal means to bootstrap the development and continuous 
improvement of such National Health Information infrastructure, system 
or network.    (029)    (08)

We propose the following solutions to the combined technological and 
social challenges of NHI    (024)    (09)

    * a program of education on ontology building, ontology reuse and 
ontology tools    (025)
    * an objective and automated formal conformance and validation 
process for health and medical extensions to the SUMO foundation and its 
mapping to HL7.    (026)
    * that multiple open communities of practice be engaged (newly 
formed, where necessary) to harness the distributed human and knowledge 
resources that can be put to bear to bootstrap the development and 
continuous improvement of the envisioned National Health Information 
Network.    (030)
//    (010)

We propose the following solution to the technological challenges of 
NHI   (020)    (011)

    * a drive toward semantic interoperability among disparate systems
    * use and reuse of formal ontologies;   (022)
    ** in particular, the adoption of a formal common upper ontology 
(such as one that is developed through mapping the HL7 RIM into SUMO);
    *** from which domain ontologies can be developed, as extensions of 
that common upper ontology
    * the use of open source tool support and open ontology development 
environment (such as Protege)
    * use of standard formal representation languages (such as Ontology 
Web Language and Simplified Common Logic)    (023)
    * Additionally, we believe in the process of open collaboration as 
the optimal means to bootstrap the development and continuous 
improvement of such National Health Information infrastructure, system 
or network.    (029)    (012)

We propose the following solutions to the combined technological and 
social challenges of NHI    (024)    (013)

    * a program of education on semantic engineering, ontology building, 
ontology reuse and ontology tools    (025)
    * an objective and automated formal conformance and validation 
process for health and medical ontologies    (026)
    * that multiple open communities of practice be engaged (newly 
formed, where necessary) to harness the distributed human and knowledge 
resources that can be put to bear to bootstrap the development and 
continuous improvement of the envisioned National Health Information 
Network.    (030)
//    (014)

I invite others, especially members of the NHIN-RFI response project 
team, to weigh in, and/or help wordsmith my proposed changes.    (015)

I sincerely hope we can reach consensus on the matter ... but if not, I 
suggest we narrow things down to a finite number of options by 
end-of-day Mon 2005.01.10, and decide by taking a vote among active 
participants of the NHIN-RFI team during the Tue 2005.01.11 project 
conference call (assuming we have quorum).    (016)

Regards.  -ppy
--    (017)

Adam Pease wrote Thu, 06 Jan 2005 15:55:07 -0800:
(transferred from the thread under "Subject: Re: [health-ont] HL7 RIM 
URL" to maintain the thread)    (018)

 > Folks,
 >   I've edited the "thesis" to address Mark's comments and my 
interpretation of  the comments on today's call.
 > Adam
--    (019)

Peter P. Yim wrote Thu, 06 Jan 2005 10:15:51 -0800:    (020)

> Wonderful work, Adam and Mark!
> I added a couple of suggested additions, and a comment to the draft.
> See:
> -ppy
> -- 
> Mark Musen wrote Tue, 4 Jan 2005 23:05:52 -0800:
>> On Dec 22, 2004, at 4:17 PM, Bob Smith wrote:
>>> Excellent start on structuring content for our initial thesis (Problem
>>> Statement)!
>> I agree!  I've made a few comments on the Wiki:  
>>     Mark
>    (021)

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