Thank you, Michelle, for the announcement/reminder. (01)
1. I won't be able to participate in today's conference call. Regrets. (02)
2. An observation -- It is possible (quite probable, actually), that
the notion of "open" means different things in different domains, once
we get outside of the "open source software," "creative commons" and
"Internet IPR" crowd (where our definitions of "open" come from.) ...
therefore, (03)
2a. We should forewarn people of the nature of open, public, archived
mailing list (as in [bsp-forum]) and suggest that people use their
personal, unencumbered, email addresses to subscribe, where necessary.
... this should be one of the things we need to remember to mention
at the kick-off (kindly incorporate that into the slide deck.) (04)
2b. that said ... if people had, in fact, stated in a private exchange
(whether specifically intended, or just because the clause comes with
every message they sent out through their institutional mail system)
that their message is "confidential" ... we should be refrain from
transferring that, verbatim, to the public list. (I'm sure the breach
of confidence is not intended ... but regretfully, it does end up that
way.) (05)
2c. ... therefore, the important thing, for everyone, but the
conveners especially, is to be vigilant in ensuring that
confidentially clauses, don't show up inadvertently, on the archived
messages, period! (06)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
-- (07)
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Michelle Raymond
<michellearaymond@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> BSP folks,
> Reminder: Today, *Monday 23 June 2008* -Building Service
> Performance (add-in) Project Meeting (10:30 PST, 1:30 EST,
> 14:30 UTC)- see:
> The Building Service Performance Project Kickoff is set
> for Monday the 14th of July, and responses started coming
> in within 1/2 hour of the invitation being sent.
> Today is the team meeting we added in order to discuss
> near term and further out project goals. We may have
> more information on any "due dates" for the buildingSMART
> project listing. We've also still got a good part of the earlier
> list of related projects and suggested topics for further
> exploration to explore.
> Our "regularly" scheduled meeting is still set for the following
> week, *Monday 30 June 2008*. There's plenty of pre-kickoff
> discussion for that meeting too.
> Best regards,
> MichelleRaymond (on behalf of the BSP project team) (08)
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:03 AM, Deborah MacPherson
> <dmacpherson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Paul � would love to have you join. However, the meeting is Monday the
>> 14th, the message is an announcement to get it on peoples calendars. Please
>> see details below and thanks again for joining. Deborah
>> ...[snip]... (09)
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