Building Service Provisioning Framework - Yes, thanks Rex - to
provision a set of 10 buildings and send them out into the semantic
world, using BIMstorm examples, to see how they survive or where they
fall short. An effort to see what building models need as opposed to
the actual buildings in various stages of success or failure in the
physical world. (01)
A basic set of samples proposed for now are based on OmniClass Table
11 Construction Entities by Function attached. I have selected 10
samples based on the rationale below. Can this be pinned down first?
I am not sure whether or not these are the best samples to properly
capture and reflect what the ontological side needs: (02)
11 11 00 00 Assembly Facilities - provides the opportunity to
incorporate current events schedules by reference. Necessary for this
building type because occupancy will vary depending if there is an
event or not. (03)
11 12 00 00 Learning Facilities - provides the opportunity to overlay
a masterplan for school coverage or census data, similar to fire
station coverage. (04)
11 13 00 00 Public Service Facilities
- first example (currently underway) is 11 13 11 31 Fire Station based
on designs by Design Atlantic at BIMstorm New Orleans.
- 11 13 24 11 Hospital may be able to be linked up with service
provisions and larger efforts that already "understand" what a
hospital needs to do, may already have registered locations in
existing GIS and so on. (05)
11 14 00 00 Cultural Facilities - would like to indicate where
priceless, irreplaceable physical objects are stored. (06)
11 16 00 00 Residential Facilities - for density studies (07)
11 17 00 00 Commercial Facilities - 11 17 11 00 Offices, perhaps a few
specific types of service providers could be compared later on (08)
11 21 00 00 Production Facilities - might match up better with the oil
and gas industry ISO cited earlier, will be useful for NBIMS product
manufacturer exchanges. (09)
11 52 00 00 Transportation Routes - this can tie to maps and emergency
situations, more a representation of civil engineering (010)
11 90 00 00 Mixed Use - this will be a catch all (011)
Deborah (012)
-- (013)
Deborah L. MacPherson
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC (014)
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