; Mon Jul 28 02:15:23 EDT 2003 ; ;+ (version "1.8") ;+ (build "Build 1074") ([AdditionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([altitude] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class LengthMeasure)) ([between] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Object)) ([capability] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Object)) ([conditionalProbability] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class RealNumber)) ([confersObligation] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class CognitiveAgent)) ([confersRight] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class CognitiveAgent)) ([connects] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SelfConnectedObject)) ([connectsEngineeringComponents] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class EngineeringComponent)) ([DayFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Month)) ([depth] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class LengthMeasure)) ([distance] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class LengthMeasure)) ([DivisionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([domain] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SetOrClass)) ([domainSubclass] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SetOrClass)) ([EditionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositiveInteger)) ([Entity] of %3ASYN-CLASS (%3ASYNONYMS [UBLinv011_00166] [UBLinv011_00167])) ([ExponentiationFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Integer)) ([geometricDistance] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class LengthMeasure)) ([GraphPathFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class GraphNode)) ([hasPurposeForAgent] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class CognitiveAgent)) ([HourFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Day)) ([IntersectionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SetOrClass)) ([IntervalFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class ConstantQuantity)) ([KappaFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Formula)) ([links] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class GraphArc)) ([ListConcatenateFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class List)) ([ListOrderFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositiveInteger)) ([LogFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositiveInteger)) ([MaxFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([MaximalWeightedPathFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class GraphNode)) ([MeasureFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class UnitOfMeasure)) ([MereologicalDifferenceFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Object)) ([MereologicalProductFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Object)) ([MereologicalSumFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Object)) ([MinFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([MinimalWeightedPathFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class GraphNode)) ([MinuteFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Hour)) ([MonthFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Year)) ([MultiplicationFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([occupiesPosition] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Organization)) ([orientation] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositionalAttribute)) ([PerFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class ConstantQuantity)) ([PeriodicalIssueFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositiveInteger)) ([pointOfIntersection] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class GeometricPoint)) ([prefers] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Formula)) ([recurrentTimeIntervalFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimeInterval)) ([relatedExternalConcept] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Language)) ([RelativeComplementFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SetOrClass)) ([RelativeTimeFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimeZone)) ([RemainderFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([representsForAgent] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Agent)) ([representsInLanguage] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Language)) ([SecondFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Minute)) ([SeriesVolumeFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class PositiveInteger)) ([subsumedExternalConcept] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Language)) ([SubtractionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Quantity)) ([SUMO148_00000] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain2Class])) ([SUMO148_00001] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "instance") (documentation "An object is an &%instance of a &%SetOrClass if \nit is included in that &%SetOrClass. An individual may be an instance of many \nclasses, some of which may be subclasses of others. Thus, there is no \nassumption in the meaning of &%instance about specificity or uniqueness.")) ([SUMO148_00002] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subclass") (documentation "(&%subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) means that ?CLASS1 is \na subclass of ?CLASS2, i.e. every instance of ?CLASS1 is also an instance of \n?CLASS2. A class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses.")) ([SUMO148_00003] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subrelation") (documentation "(&%subrelation ?REL1 ?REL2) means that \nevery tuple of ?REL1 is also a tuple of ?REL2. In other words, if \nthe &%Relation ?REL1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, \nthen the &%Relation ?REL2 holds for the same arguments. A consequence \nof this is that a &%Relation and its subrelations must have the same \n&%valence. In CycL, &%subrelation is called #$genlPreds.")) ([SUMO148_00004] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "domain") (documentation "Provides a computationally and heuristically\nconvenient mechanism for declaring the argument types of a given relation. \nThe formula (&%domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each \ntuple in the relation ?REL must be an instance of ?CLASS. Specifying argument\ntypes is very helpful in maintaining ontologies. Representation systems can \nuse these specifications to classify terms and check integrity constraints. \nIf the restriction on the argument type of a &%Relation is not captured by a \n&%SetOrClass already defined in the ontology, one can specify a &%SetOrClass \ncompositionally with the functions &%UnionFn, &%IntersectionFn, etc.")) ([SUMO148_00005] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "domainSubclass") (documentation "&%Predicate used to specify argument \ntype restrictions of &%Predicates. The formula (&%domainSubclass \n?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the \nrelation ?REL must be a subclass of ?CLASS.")) ([SUMO148_00006] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "equal") (documentation "(equal ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) is true just in case \n?ENTITY1 is identical with ?ENTITY2.")) ([SUMO148_00007] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "rangeSubclass") (documentation "(&%rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS) means that \nall of the values assigned by ?FUNCTION are &%subclasses of ?CLASS.")) ([SUMO148_00008] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "valence") (documentation "Specifies the number of arguments that a \nrelation can take. If a relation does not have a fixed number of \narguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of \n&%VariableArityRelation. For example, &%holds is a \n&%VariableArityRelation.")) ([SUMO148_00009] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "documentation") (documentation "A relation between objects in the domain \nof discourse and strings of natural language text. The domain of \n&%documentation is not constants (names), but the objects themselves. \nThis means that one does not quote the names when associating them with \ntheir documentation.")) ([SUMO148_00010] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "disjoint") (documentation "&%Classes are &%disjoint only if they share no \ninstances, i.e. just in case the result of applying &%IntersectionFn to\nthem is empty.")) ([SUMO148_00011] of Predicate (SUO-name "disjointRelation") (documentation "This predicate relates any number of &%Relations. \n(&%disjointRelation @ROW) means that any two relations in @ROW have no tuples in \ncommon. As a consequence, the intersection of all of the relations in @ROW is the \nnull set.")) ([SUMO148_00012] of Predicate (SUO-name "contraryAttribute") (documentation "A &%contraryAttribute is a set of &%Attributes \nsuch that something can not simultaneously have more than one of these &%Attributes. \nFor example, (&%contraryAttribute &%Pliable &%Rigid) means that nothing can be both \n&%Pliable and &%Rigid.")) ([SUMO148_00013] of Predicate (SUO-name "exhaustiveAttribute") (documentation "This predicate relates a &%Class to a \nset of &%Attributes, and it means that the elements of this set exhaust the \ninstances of the &%Class. For example, (&%exhaustiveAttribute &%PhysicalState \n&%Solid &%Liquid &%Gas) means that there are only three instances of the class \n&%PhysicalState, viz. &%Solid, &%Liquid, and &%Gas.")) ([SUMO148_00014] of Predicate (SUO-name "exhaustiveDecomposition") (documentation "An &%exhaustiveDecomposition of a \n&%Class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every subclass of C either \nis an element of the set or is a subclass of an element of the set. Note: \nthis does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint \n(see &%partition - a &%partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition.)")) ([SUMO148_00015] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "exhaustiveDecomposition") (documentation "An &%exhaustiveDecomposition of a \n&%Class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every subclass of C either \nis an element of the set or is a subclass of an element of the set. Note: \nthis does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint \n(see &%partition - a &%partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition.)")) ([SUMO148_00016] of Predicate (SUO-name "disjointDecomposition") (documentation "A &%disjointDecomposition of a &%Class \nC is a set of subclasses of C that are mutually &%disjoint.")) ([SUMO148_00017] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "disjointDecomposition") (documentation "A &%disjointDecomposition of a &%Class \nC is a set of subclasses of C that are mutually &%disjoint.")) ([SUMO148_00018] of Predicate (SUO-name "partition") (documentation "A &%partition of a class C is a set of \nmutually &%disjoint classes (a subclass partition) which covers C. \nEvery instance of C is an instance of exactly one of the subclasses \nin the partition.")) ([SUMO148_00019] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "partition") (documentation "A &%partition of a class C is a set of \nmutually &%disjoint classes (a subclass partition) which covers C. \nEvery instance of C is an instance of exactly one of the subclasses \nin the partition.")) ([SUMO148_00020] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "relatedInternalConcept") (documentation "Means that the two arguments are \nrelated concepts within the SUMO, i.e. there is a significant similarity \nof meaning between them. To indicate a meaning relation between a SUMO \nconcept and a concept from another source, use the Predicate \n&%relatedExternalConcept.")) ([SUMO148_00021] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "relatedExternalConcept") (documentation "Used to signify a three-place \nrelation between a concept in an external knowledge source, a concept \nin the SUMO, and the name of the other knowledge source.")) ([SUMO148_00022] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subAttribute") (documentation "Means that the second argument can be \nascribed to everything which has the first argument ascribed to it.")) ([SUMO148_00023] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "successorAttribute") (documentation "(&%successorAttribute ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2) \nmeans that ?ATTR2 is the &%Attribute that comes immediately after ?ATTR1 \non the scale that they share.")) ([SUMO148_00024] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "successorAttributeClosure") (documentation "The transitive closure of \n&%successorAttribute. (&%successorAttributeClosure ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2) means \nthat there is a chain of &%successorAttribute assertions connecting \n?ATTR1 and ?ATTR2.")) ([SUMO148_00025] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "and") (documentation "The truth-functional connective of conjunction.")) ([SUMO148_00026] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "or") (documentation "The truth-functional connective of disjunction.")) ([SUMO148_00027] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "=>") (documentation "The truth-functional connective of implication.")) ([SUMO148_00028] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "<=>") (documentation "The truth-functional connective of bi-implication.")) ([SUMO148_00029] of LogicalOperator (SUO-name "not") (documentation "The truth-functional connective of negation.")) ([SUMO148_00030] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "forall") (documentation "The universal quantifier of predicate logic.")) ([SUMO148_00031] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "exists") (documentation "The existential quantifier of predicate logic.")) ([SUMO148_00032] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "entails") (documentation "The operator of logical entailment. (&%entails \n?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) means that ?FORMULA2 can be derived from ?FORMULA1 \nby means of the proof theory of SUO-KIF.")) ([SUMO148_00033] of Function (SUO-name "AssignmentFn") (documentation "If F is a function with a value for the \nobjects denoted by N1,..., NK, then the term (AssignmentFn F N1 ... NK) \ndenotes the value of applying F to the objects denoted by N1,..., NK. \nOtherwise, the value is undefined.")) ([SUMO148_00034] of Predicate (SUO-name "holds") (documentation "(holds P N1 ... NK) is true just in case \nthe tuple of objects denoted by N1,..., NK is an element of \nthe &%Relation P.")) ([SUMO148_00035] of VariableArityRelation (SUO-name "holds") (documentation "(holds P N1 ... NK) is true just in case \nthe tuple of objects denoted by N1,..., NK is an element of \nthe &%Relation P.")) ([SUMO148_00036] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PowerSetFn") (documentation "(&%PowerSetFn ?CLASS) maps the &%SetOrClass \n?CLASS to the &%SetOrClass of all &%subclasses of ?CLASS.")) ([SUMO148_00037] of TotalValuedRelation (SUO-name "PowerSetFn") (documentation "(&%PowerSetFn ?CLASS) maps the &%SetOrClass \n?CLASS to the &%SetOrClass of all &%subclasses of ?CLASS.")) ([SUMO148_00038] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "FrontFn") (documentation "A &%Function that maps an &%Object to the side \nthat generally receives the most attention or that typically faces the \ndirection in which the &%Object moves. Note that this is a partial \nfunction, since some &%Objects do not have sides, e.g. apples and \nspheres. Note too that the &%range of this &%Function is indefinite in \nmuch the way that &%ImmediateFutureFn and &%ImmediatePastFn are indefinite. \nAlthough this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, \nit does not have significant practical implications, since there is \nwidespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases.")) ([SUMO148_00039] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "FrontFn") (documentation "A &%Function that maps an &%Object to the side \nthat generally receives the most attention or that typically faces the \ndirection in which the &%Object moves. Note that this is a partial \nfunction, since some &%Objects do not have sides, e.g. apples and \nspheres. Note too that the &%range of this &%Function is indefinite in \nmuch the way that &%ImmediateFutureFn and &%ImmediatePastFn are indefinite. \nAlthough this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, \nit does not have significant practical implications, since there is \nwidespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases.")) ([SUMO148_00040] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "BackFn") (documentation "A &%Function that maps an &%Object to the side \nthat is opposite the &%FrontFn of the &%Object. Note that this is a \npartial function, since some &%Objects do not have sides, e.g. apples \nand spheres. Note too that the &%range of this &%Function is indefinite in \nmuch the way that &%ImmediateFutureFn and &%ImmediatePastFn are indefinite. \nAlthough this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, \nit does not have significant practical implications, since there is \nwidespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases.")) ([SUMO148_00041] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "part") (documentation "The basic mereological relation. All other \nmereological relations are defined in terms of this one. \n(&%part ?PART ?WHOLE) simply means that the &%Object ?PART is part\nof the &%Object ?WHOLE. Note that, since &%part is a \n&%ReflexiveRelation, every &%Object is a part of itself.")) ([SUMO148_00042] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "properPart") (documentation "(&%properPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that \n?OBJ1 is a part of ?OBJ2 other than ?OBJ2 itself. This is a \n&%TransitiveRelation and &%AsymmetricRelation (hence an \n&%IrreflexiveRelation).")) ([SUMO148_00043] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "material") (documentation "(&%material ?SUBSTANCE ?OBJECT) means that \n?OBJECT is structurally made up in part of ?SUBSTANCE. This relation \nencompasses the concepts of 'composed of', 'made of', and 'formed of'. \nFor example, plastic is a &%material of my computer monitor. Compare \n&%part and its subrelations, viz &%component and &%piece.")) ([SUMO148_00044] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "contains") (documentation "The relation of spatial containment for two \nseparable objects. When the two objects are not separable (e.g. an \nautomobile and one of its seats), the relation of &%part should be used. \n(&%contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the &%SelfConnectedObject ?OBJ1 has \na space (i.e. a &%Hole) which is at least partially filled by ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00045] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "member") (documentation "A specialized common sense notion of part for \nuniform parts of &%Collections. For example, each sheep in a flock of \nsheep would have the relationship of member to the flock.")) ([SUMO148_00046] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subCollection") (documentation "(&%subCollection ?COLL1 ?COLL2) means that \nthe &%Collection ?COLL1 is a proper part of the &%Collection ?COLL2.")) ([SUMO148_00047] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "containsInformation") (documentation "A subrelation of &%represents. This \npredicate relates a &%ContentBearingObject to the &%Proposition that is \nexpressed by the &%ContentBearingObject. Examples include the relationships \nbetween a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its \nmusical content.")) ([SUMO148_00048] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "leader") (documentation "(&%leader ?ORGANIZATION ?PERSON)\nmeans that the leader of ?ORGANIZATION is ?PERSON.")) ([SUMO148_00049] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "property") (documentation "This &%Predicate holds between an instance of \n&%Entity and an instance of &%Attribute. (property ?ENTITY ?ATTR) \nmeans that ?ENTITY has the &%Attribute ?ATTR.")) ([SUMO148_00050] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "attribute") (documentation "(&%attribute ?OBJECT ?PROPERTY) means that \n?PROPERTY is a &%Attribute of ?OBJECT. For example, \n(&%attribute &%MyLittleRedWagon &%Red).")) ([SUMO148_00051] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "attribute") (documentation "(&%attribute ?OBJECT ?PROPERTY) means that \n?PROPERTY is a &%Attribute of ?OBJECT. For example, \n(&%attribute &%MyLittleRedWagon &%Red).")) ([SUMO148_00052] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "manner") (documentation "(&%manner ?PROCESS ?MANNER) means that the \n&%Process ?PROCESS is qualified by the &%Attribute ?MANNER. The &%Attributes \nof &%Processes are usually denoted by adverbs and include things like the \nspeed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports \ncompetition.")) ([SUMO148_00053] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "manner") (documentation "(&%manner ?PROCESS ?MANNER) means that the \n&%Process ?PROCESS is qualified by the &%Attribute ?MANNER. The &%Attributes \nof &%Processes are usually denoted by adverbs and include things like the \nspeed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports \ncompetition.")) ([SUMO148_00054] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "AbstractionFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%Class into \nthe instance of &%Attribute that specifies the condition(s) for membership \nin the &%Class.")) ([SUMO148_00055] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ExtensionFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Attribute \ninto the &%Class whose condition for membership is the &%Attribute.")) ([SUMO148_00056] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "lessThan") (documentation "(&%lessThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is true just \nin case the &%Quantity ?NUMBER1 is less than the &%Quantity ?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00057] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "greaterThan") (documentation "(&%greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is true \njust in case the &%Quantity ?NUMBER1 is greater than the &%Quantity \n?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00058] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "lessThanOrEqualTo") (documentation "(&%lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) \nis true just in case the &%Quantity ?NUMBER1 is less than or equal to \nthe &%Quantity ?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00059] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "greaterThanOrEqualTo") (documentation "(&%greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1 \n?NUMBER2) is true just in case the &%Quantity ?NUMBER1 is greater \nthan the &%Quantity ?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00060] of CaseRole (SUO-name "agent") (documentation "(&%agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT) means that ?AGENT is \nan active determinant, either animate or inanimate, of the &%Process \n?PROCESS, with or without voluntary intention. For example, water is \nthe &%agent of erosion in the following proposition: the water \neroded the coastline. For another example, Eve is an &%agent in the \nfollowing proposition: Eve bit an apple.")) ([SUMO148_00061] of CaseRole (SUO-name "destination") (documentation "(destination ?PROCESS ?GOAL) means that \n?GOAL is the target or goal of the Process ?PROCESS. For example, \nDanbury would be the destination in the following proposition: Bob went \nto Danbury. Note that this is a very general &%CaseRole and, in \nparticular, that it covers the concepts of 'recipient' and 'beneficiary'. \nThus, John would be the &%destination in the following proposition: \nTom gave a book to John.")) ([SUMO148_00062] of CaseRole (SUO-name "experiencer") (documentation "(&%experiencer ?PROCESS ?AGENT) means \nthat ?AGENT experiences the &%Process ?PROCESS. For example, Yojo \nis the &%experiencer of seeing in the following proposition: Yojo \nsees the fish. Note that &%experiencer, unlike &%agent, does \nnot entail a causal relation between its arguments.")) ([SUMO148_00063] of CaseRole (SUO-name "origin") (documentation "(&%origin ?PROCESS ?SOURCE) means that ?SOURCE \nindicates where the ?Process began. Note that this relation implies \nthat ?SOURCE is present at the beginning of the process, but need not \nparticipate throughout the process. For example, the submarine is the \n&%origin in the following proposition: the missile was launched from a \nsubmarine.")) ([SUMO148_00064] of CaseRole (SUO-name "patient") (documentation "(&%patient ?PROCESS ?ENTITY) means that ?ENTITY \nis a participant in ?PROCESS that may be moved, said, experienced, etc. \nFor example, the direct objects in the sentences 'The cat swallowed the \ncanary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of &%patients. Note \nthat the &%patient of a &%Process may or may not undergo structural \nchange as a result of the &%Process. The &%CaseRole of &%patient is used \nwhen one wants to specify as broadly as possible the object of a \n&%Process.")) ([SUMO148_00065] of Class (SUO-name "InheritableRelation") (documentation "This is a &%Class of &%Classes. Each \n&%instance of &%InheritableRelation is a &%subclass of &%Relation whose \nproperties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the \n&%subrelation &%Predicate.")) ([SUMO148_00066] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ProbabilityFn") (documentation "One of the basic &%ProbabilityRelations, \n&%ProbabilityFn is used to state the a priori probability of a state of \naffairs. (&%ProbabilityFn ?FORMULA) denotes the a priori probability \nof ?FORMULA.")) ([SUMO148_00067] of ProbabilityRelation (SUO-name "conditionalProbability") (documentation "One of the basic &%ProbabilityRelations. \n&%conditionalProbability is used to state the numeric value of a conditional \nprobability. (&%conditionalProbability ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2 ?NUMBER) means \nthat the probability of ?FORMULA2 being true given that ?FORMULA1 is true is \n?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00068] of ProbabilityRelation (SUO-name "increasesLikelihood") (documentation "One of the basic &%ProbabilityRelations. \n(&%increasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) means that ?FORMULA2 is more \nlikely to be true if ?FORMULA1 is true.")) ([SUMO148_00069] of ProbabilityRelation (SUO-name "decreasesLikelihood") (documentation "One of the basic &%ProbabilityRelations. \n(&%decreasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) means that ?FORMULA2 is less \nlikely to be true if ?FORMULA1 is true.")) ([SUMO148_00070] of ProbabilityRelation (SUO-name "independentProbability") (documentation "One of the basic &%ProbabilityRelations. \n(&%independentProbability ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) means that the probabilities of \n?FORMULA1 and ?FORMULA2 being true are independent.")) ([SUMO148_00071] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "prefers") (documentation "(&%prefers ?AGENT ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) means that \n&%CognitiveAgent ?AGENT prefers the state of affairs expressed by ?FORMULA1\nover the state of affairs expressed by ?FORMULA2 all things being equal.")) ([SUMO148_00072] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "inScopeOfInterest") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate. \n(&%inScopeOfInterest ?AGENT ?ENTITY) means that ?ENTITY is within the \nscope of interest of ?AGENT. Note that the interest indicated can be \neither positive or negative, i.e. the ?AGENT can have an interest in \navoiding or promoting ?ENTITY.")) ([SUMO148_00073] of ObjectAttitude (SUO-name "needs") (documentation "(&%needs ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is \nphysically required for the continued existence of ?AGENT.")) ([SUMO148_00074] of ObjectAttitude (SUO-name "wants") (documentation "(&%wants ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is desired by ?AGENT, \ni.e. ?AGENT believes that ?OBJECT will satisfy one of its goals. Note that there is \nno implication that what is wanted by an agent is not already possessed by the agent.")) ([SUMO148_00075] of PropositionalAttitude (SUO-name "desires") (documentation "(&%desires ?AGENT ?FORMULA) means that ?AGENT wants \nto bring about the state of affairs expressed by ?FORMULA. Note that there \nis no implication that what is desired by the agent is not already true. \nNote too that &%desires is distinguished from &%wants only in that the former \nis a &%PropositionalAttitude, while &%wants is an &%ObjectAttitude.")) ([SUMO148_00076] of PropositionalAttitude (SUO-name "considers") (documentation "(&%considers ?AGENT ?FORMULA) means that ?AGENT \nconsiders or wonders about the truth of the proposition expressed by \n?FORMULA.")) ([SUMO148_00077] of PropositionalAttitude (SUO-name "believes") (documentation "The epistemic predicate of belief. \n(&%believes ?AGENT ?FORMULA) means that ?AGENT believes the proposition \nexpressed by ?FORMULA.")) ([SUMO148_00078] of PropositionalAttitude (SUO-name "knows") (documentation "The epistemic predicate of knowing. (&%knows \n?AGENT ?FORMULA) means that ?AGENT knows the proposition expressed by \n?FORMULA. Note that &%knows entails conscious awareness, so this \n&%Predicate cannot be used to express tacit or subconscious or \nunconscious knowledge.")) ([SUMO148_00079] of List (SUO-name "NullList") (documentation "The &%List that has no items. The uniqueness of \n&%NullList follows from the extensionality of &%Lists, i.e. the fact that \ntwo &%Lists with the same items in the same order are identical.")) ([SUMO148_00080] of Function (SUO-name "ListFn") (documentation "A &%Function that takes any number of arguments and \nreturns the &%List containing those arguments in exactly the same order.")) ([SUMO148_00081] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "ListOrderFn") (documentation "(&%ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) denotes the item \nthat is in the ?NUMBER position in the &%List ?LIST. For example, \n(&%ListOrderFn (&%ListFn &%Monday &%Tuesday &%Wednesday) 2) would return the \nvalue &%Tuesday.")) ([SUMO148_00082] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ListLengthFn") (documentation "A &%Function that takes a &%List as its sole \nargument and returns the number of items in the &%List. For example, \n(&%ListLengthFn (&%ListFn &%Monday &%Tuesday &%Wednesday)) would return the \nvalue 3.")) ([SUMO148_00083] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "ListConcatenateFn") (documentation "A &%Function that returns the concatenation \nof the two &%Lists that are given as arguments. For example, the value of \n(&%ListConcatenateFn (&%ListFn &%Monday &%Tuesday) (&%ListFn &%Wednesday \n&%Thursday)) would be (&%ListFn &%Monday &%Tuesday &%Wednesday &%Thursday).")) ([SUMO148_00084] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "inList") (documentation "The analog of &%element and &%instance for &%Lists. \n(&%inList ?OBJ ?LIST) means that ?OBJ is in the &%List ?LIST. For example, \n(&%inList &%Tuesday (&%ListFn &%Monday &%Tuesday &%Wednesday)) would be true.")) ([SUMO148_00085] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subList") (documentation "(&%subList ?LIST1 ?LIST2) means that ?LIST1 is a \nsublist of ?LIST2, i.e. every element of ?LIST1 is an element of ?LIST2 and \nthe elements that are common to both &%Lists have the same order in both \n&%Lists.")) ([SUMO148_00086] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "closedOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction is closed on a &%SetOrClass \nif it is defined for all instances of the &%SetOrClass and its value is \nalways an instance of the &%SetOrClass.")) ([SUMO148_00087] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "reflexiveOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation is reflexive on a \n&%SetOrClass only if every instance of the &%SetOrClass bears the relation \nto itself.")) ([SUMO148_00088] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "irreflexiveOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation is irreflexive on a \n&%SetOrClass only if no instance of the &%SetOrClass bears the relation to \nitself.")) ([SUMO148_00089] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "partialOrderingOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation is a partial \nordering on a &%SetOrClass only if the relation is &%reflexiveOn the \n&%SetOrClass, and it is both an &%AntisymmetricRelation, and a \n&%TransitiveRelation.")) ([SUMO148_00090] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "totalOrderingOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation ?REL is a total \nordering on a &%SetOrClass only if it is a partial ordering for which either \n(?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) or (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) for every ?INST1 and ?INST2 \nin the &%SetOrClass.")) ([SUMO148_00091] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "trichotomizingOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation ?REL is \ntrichotomizing on a &%SetOrClass only if, for all instances ?INST1 and ?INST2 \nof the &%SetOrClass, at least one of the following holds: (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2),\n(?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) or (equal ?INST1 ?INST2).")) ([SUMO148_00092] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "equivalenceRelationOn") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation is an \n&%equivalenceRelationOn a &%SetOrClass only if the relation is &%reflexiveOn \nthe &%SetOrClass and it is both a &%TransitiveRelation and a \n&%SymmetricRelation.")) ([SUMO148_00093] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "distributes") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction ?FUNCTION1 is \ndistributive over another &%BinaryFunction ?FUNCTION2 just in case \n(?FUNCTION1 ?INST1 (?FUNCTION2 ?INST2 ?INST3)) is equal to \n(?FUNCTION2 (?FUNCTION1 ?INST1 ?INST2) (?FUNCTION1 ?INST1 ?INST3)), \nfor all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3.")) ([SUMO148_00094] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "causes") (documentation "The causation relation between instances of &%Process. \n(&%causes ?PROCESS1 ?PROCESS2) means that the instance of &%Process ?PROCESS1 \nbrings about the instance of &%Process ?PROCESS2, e.g. (&%causes &%Killing &%Death).")) ([SUMO148_00095] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "causesSubclass") (documentation "The causation relation between subclasses of &%Process. \n(&%causesSubclass ?PROCESS1 ?PROCESS2) means that the subclass of &%Process ?PROCESS1 \nbrings about the subclass of &%Process ?PROCESS2, e.g. (&%causes &%Killing &%Death).")) ([SUMO148_00096] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "copy") (documentation "relates an &%Object to an exact copy of the \n&%Object, where an exact copy is indistinguishable from the original \nwith regard to every property except (possibly) spatial and/or temporal \nlocation.")) ([SUMO148_00097] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "time") (documentation "This relation holds between an instance of \n&%Physical and an instance of &%TimePosition just in case the temporal \nlifespan of the former includes the latter. The constants &%located \nand &%time are the basic spatial and temporal predicates, \nrespectively.")) ([SUMO148_00098] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "holdsDuring") (documentation "(&%holdsDuring ?TIME ?FORMULA) means that the \nproposition denoted by ?FORMULA is true in the time frame ?TIME. Note \nthat this implies that ?FORMULA is true at every &%TimePoint which is a \n&%temporalPart of ?TIME.")) ([SUMO148_00099] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "capability") (documentation "NOTE: domain is a class. Ternary predicate. (&%capability ?PROCESS ?ROLE ?OBJ) means \nthat ?OBJ has the ability to play the role of ?ROLE in &%Processes of \ntype ?PROCESS.")) ([SUMO148_00100] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "exploits") (documentation "(&%exploits ?OBJ ?AGENT) means that ?OBJ is used \nby ?AGENT as a &%resource in an unspecified instance of &%Process. This \n&%Predicate, as its corresponding axiom indicates, is a composition of the \nrelations &%agent and &%resource.")) ([SUMO148_00101] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "hasPurpose") (documentation "This &%Predicate expresses the concept of a \nconventional goal, i.e. a goal with a neutralized agent's intention. \nAccordingly, (&%hasPurpose ?THING ?FORMULA) means that the instance of \n&%Physical ?THING has, as its purpose, the &%Proposition expressed by \n?FORMULA. Note that there is an important difference in meaning between \nthe &%Predicates &%hasPurpose and &%result. Although the second argument \nof the latter can satisfy the second argument of the former, \na conventional goal is an expected and desired outcome, while a result \nmay be neither expected nor desired. For example, a machine process may \nhave outcomes but no goals, aimless wandering may have an outcome but no \ngoal; a learning process may have goals with no outcomes, and so on.")) ([SUMO148_00102] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "hasPurposeForAgent") (documentation "Expresses a cognitive attitude of an \nagent with respect to a particular instance of Physical. More precisely, \n(&%hasPurposeForAgent ?THING ?FORMULA ?AGENT) means that the purpose of \n?THING for ?AGENT is the proposition expressed by ?FORMULA. Very complex \nissues are involved here. In particular, the rules of inference of the \nfirst order predicate calculus are not truth-preserving for the second \nargument position of this &%Predicate.")) ([SUMO148_00103] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "hasSkill") (documentation "Similar to the &%capability &%Predicate \nwith the additional restriction that the ability be practised/\ndemonstrated to some measurable degree.")) ([SUMO148_00104] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "hasSkill") (documentation "Similar to the &%capability &%Predicate \nwith the additional restriction that the ability be practised/\ndemonstrated to some measurable degree.")) ([SUMO148_00105] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "holdsRight") (documentation "Expresses a relationship between a &%Formula \nand a &%CognitiveAgent whereby the &%CognitiveAgent has the right to \nbring it about that the &%Formula is true.")) ([SUMO148_00106] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "confersRight") (documentation "Expresses the relationship between a &%Formula, \nan &%Entity, and a &%CognitiveAgent when the &%Entity authorizes the \n&%CognitiveAgent to bring it about that the &%Formula is true.")) ([SUMO148_00107] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "holdsObligation") (documentation "Expresses a relationship between a \n&%Formula and a &%CognitiveAgent whereby the &%CognitiveAgent has \nthe obligation to bring it about that the &%Formula is true.")) ([SUMO148_00108] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "confersObligation") (documentation "Expresses the relationship between a \na &%Formula, an &%Entity, and a &%CognitiveAgent when the &%Entity \nobligates the &%CognitiveAgent to bring it about that the &%Formula is \ntrue.")) ([SUMO148_00109] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "partlyLocated") (documentation "(&%partlyLocated ?THING ?OBJ) means that the \ninstance of &%Physical ?THING is at least partially located at ?OBJ. For \nexample, Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe. \nNote that &%partlyLocated is the most basic localization relation: &%located \nis an immediate &%subrelation of &%partlyLocated and &%exactlyLocated is \nan immediate &%subrelation of &%located.")) ([SUMO148_00110] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "between") (documentation "(between ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3) means that ?OBJ2 is \nspatially located between ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ3. Note that this implies that \n?OBJ2 is directly between ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ3, i.e. the projections of ?OBJ1 \nand ?OBJ3 overlap with ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00111] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "traverses") (documentation "(&%traverses ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 \ncrosses or extends across ?OBJ2. Note that &%crosses and \n&%penetrates are subrelations of &%traverses.")) ([SUMO148_00112] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "WhereFn") (documentation "Maps an &%Object and a &%TimePoint at which the \n&%Object exists to the &%Region where the &%Object existed at that \n&%TimePoint.")) ([SUMO148_00113] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "possesses") (documentation "&%Relation that holds between an &%Agent and \nan &%Object when the &%Agent has ownership of the &%Object.")) ([SUMO148_00114] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PropertyFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Agent to the &%Set of &%Property owned by the &%Agent.")) ([SUMO148_00115] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "precondition") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate. (&%precondition \n?PROC1 ?PROC2) means that an instance of ?PROC2 can exist only if an \ninstance of ?PROC1 also exists.")) ([SUMO148_00116] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "inhibits") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate. (&%inhibits \n?PROC1 ?PROC2) means that the &%Process ?PROC1 inhibits or hinders \nthe occurrence of the &%Process ?PROC2. For example, obstructing an \nobject inhibits moving it. Note that this is a relation between types \nof &%Processes, not between instances.")) ([SUMO148_00117] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "prevents") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate. (&%prevents ?PROC1 \n?PROC2) means that ?PROC1 prevents the occurrence of ?PROC2. In other \nwords, if ?PROC1 is occurring in a particular time and place, ?PROC2 \ncannot occur at the same time and place. For example, innoculating \nprevents contracting disease. Note that this is a relation between types \nof &%Processes, not between instances.")) ([SUMO148_00118] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "refers") (documentation "(&%refers ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 \nmentions or includes a reference to ?OBJ2. Note that &%refers is \nmore general in meaning than &%represents, because presumably something \ncan represent something else only if it refers to this other thing. \nFor example, an article whose topic is a recent change in the price of \noil may refer to many other things, e.g. the general state of the economy, \nthe weather in California, the prospect of global warming, the options \nfor alternative energy sources, the stock prices of various oil companies, \netc.")) ([SUMO148_00119] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "representsForAgent") (documentation "A very general predicate. \n(&%representsForAgent ?THING ?ENTITY ?AGENT) means that the ?AGENT \nchooses to use the &%instance of &%Physical ?THING to 'stand for' \n?ENTITY.")) ([SUMO148_00120] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "representsInLanguage") (documentation "A very general predicate. \n(&%representsInLanguage ?THING ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE) means that the \n&%LinguisticExpression ?THING stands for ?ENTITY in the &%Language \n?LANGUAGE.")) ([SUMO148_00121] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subsumesContentClass") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate that relates two \nsubclasses of &%ContentBearingObject. (&%subsumesContentClass ?CLASS1 \n?CLASS2) means that the content expressed by each instance of ?CLASS2 is \nalso expressed by each instance of ?CLASS1. Examples include the \nrelationship between a poem and one of its stanzas or between a book and \none of its chapters. Note that this is a relation between subclasses of \n&%ContentBearingObject, rather than instances. If one wants to relate \ninstances, the &%Predicate &%subsumesContentInstance can be used. Note \nthat &%subsumesContentClass is needed in many cases. Consider, for \nexample, the relation between the King James edition of the Bible and its \nBook of Genesis. This relation holds for every copy of this edition and \nnot just for a single instance.")) ([SUMO148_00122] of EquivalenceRelation (SUO-name "equivalentContentInstance") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate relating two \ninstances of &%ContentBearingObject. (&%equivalentContentInstance \n?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the content expressed by ?OBJ1 is identical to \nthe content expressed by ?OBJ2. An example would be the relationship \nbetween a handwritten draft of a letter to one's lawyer and a typed \ncopy of the same letter. Note that (&%equivalentContentInstance ?OBJ1 \n?OBJ2) implies (&%subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) and \n(&%subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ2 ?OBJ2).")) ([SUMO148_00123] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subsumesContentInstance") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate relating two \ninstances of &%ContentBearingObject. (&%subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) \nmeans that the content expressed by ?OBJ2 is part of the content expressed \nby ?OBJ1. An example is the relationship between a handwritten poem and \none of its stanzas. Note that this is a relation between instances, \nrather than &%Classes. If one wants to assert a content relationship \nbetween &%Classes, e.g. between the version of an intellectual work and a \npart of that work, the relation &%subsumesContentClass should be used.")) ([SUMO148_00124] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "realization") (documentation "A subrelation of &%represents. \n(&%realization ?PROCESS ?PROP) means that ?PROCESS is a Process which \nexpresses the content of ?PROP. Examples include a particular musical \nperformance, which realizes the content of a musical score, or the \nreading of a poem.")) ([SUMO148_00125] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "expressedInLanguage") (documentation "(&%expressedInLanguage ?EXPRESS ?LANG) \nmeans that ?EXPRESS is expressed in &%Language ?LANG.")) ([SUMO148_00126] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subProposition") (documentation "(&%subProposition ?PROP1 ?PROP2) means that \n?PROP1 is a &%Proposition which is a proper part of the &%Proposition ?PROP2. \nIn other words, &%subProposition is the analogue of &%properPart for chunks \nof abstract content.")) ([SUMO148_00127] of TransitiveRelation (SUO-name "subPlan") (documentation "(&%subPlan ?PLAN1 ?PLAN2) means that ?PLAN1 \nis a &%Plan which is a proper part of ?PLAN2. This relation is generally \nused to relate a supporting &%Plan to the overall &%Plan in a particular \ncontext.")) ([SUMO148_00128] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "uses") (documentation "(&%uses ?OBJECT AGENT) means that ?OBJECT is used by \n?AGENT as an instrument in an unspecified &%Process. This &%Predicate, \nas its corresponding axiom indicates, is a composition of the &%CaseRoles \n&%agent and &%instrument.")) ([SUMO148_00129] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MultiplicationFn") (documentation "If ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2 are &%Numbers, \nthen (&%MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the arithmetical product \nof these numbers.")) ([SUMO148_00130] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "AdditionFn") (documentation "If ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2 are &%Numbers, then \n(&%AdditionFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the arithmetical sum of these \nnumbers.")) ([SUMO148_00131] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "SubtractionFn") (documentation "If ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2 are &%Numbers, \nthen (&%SubtractionFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the arithmetical difference \nbetween ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2, i.e. ?NUMBER1 minus ?NUMBER2. An \nexception occurs when ?NUMBER1 is equal to 0, in which case \n(&%SubtractionFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the negation of ?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00132] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "DivisionFn") (documentation "If ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2 are &%Numbers, then \n(&%DivisionFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the result of dividing ?NUMBER1 by \n?NUMBER2. An exception occurs when ?NUMBER1 = 1, in which case \n(&%DivisionFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the reciprocal of ?NUMBER2.")) ([SUMO148_00133] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "AbsoluteValueFn") (documentation "The value of (&%AbsoluteValueFn ?NUMBER) \nis the absolute value of the &%RealNumber ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00134] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "CeilingFn") (documentation "(&%CeilingFn ?NUMBER) returns the smallest \n&%Integer greater than or equal to the &%RealNumber ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00135] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "CosineFn") (documentation "(&%CosineFn ?DEGREE) returns the cosine of the \n&%PlaneAngleMeasure ?DEGREE. The cosine of ?DEGREE is the ratio of the \nside next to ?DEGREE to the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle.")) ([SUMO148_00136] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "DenominatorFn") (documentation "(&%DenominatorFn ?NUMBER) returns the \ndenominator of the canonical reduced form of the &%RealNumber ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00137] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "ExponentiationFn") (documentation "(&%ExponentiationFn ?NUMBER ?INT) returns \nthe &%RealNumber ?NUMBER raised to the power of the &%Integer ?INT.")) ([SUMO148_00138] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "FloorFn") (documentation "(&%FloorFn ?NUMBER) returns the largest &%Integer \nless than or equal to the &%RealNumber ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00139] of Function (SUO-name "GreatestCommonDivisorFn") (documentation "(&%GreatestCommonDivisorFn \n?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2 ... ?NUMBER) returns the greatest common divisor of \n?NUMBER1 through ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00140] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ImaginaryPartFn") (documentation "(&%ImaginaryPartFn ?NUMBER) returns \nthe part of ?NUMBER that has the square root of -1 as its factor.")) ([SUMO148_00141] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "IntegerSquareRootFn") (documentation "(&%IntegerSquareRootFn ?NUMBER) \nreturns the integer square root of ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00142] of Function (SUO-name "LeastCommonMultipleFn") (documentation "(&%LeastCommonMultipleFn \n?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2 ... ?NUMBER) returns the least common multiple of \n?NUMBER1 through ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00143] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "LogFn") (documentation "(LogFn ?NUMBER ?INT) returns the logarithm of the \n&%RealNumber ?NUMBER in the base denoted by the &%Integer ?INT.")) ([SUMO148_00144] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MaxFn") (documentation "(&%MaxFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the largest of \n?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2. In cases where ?NUMBER1 is equal to ?NUMBER2, \n&%MaxFn returns one of its arguments.")) ([SUMO148_00145] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MinFn") (documentation "(&%MinFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the smallest of \n?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2. In cases where ?NUMBER1 is equal to ?NUMBER2, \n&%MinFn returns one of its arguments.")) ([SUMO148_00146] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "NumeratorFn") (documentation "(&%NumeratorFn ?NUMBER) returns the numerator \nof the canonical reduced form ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00147] of PositiveRealNumber (SUO-name "Pi") (documentation "&%Pi is the &%RealNumber that \nis the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter. It is \napproximately equal to 3.141592653589793.")) ([SUMO148_00148] of PositiveRealNumber (SUO-name "NumberE") (documentation "&%NumberE is the &%RealNumber that is the base for \nnatural logarithms. It is approximately equal to 2.718282.")) ([SUMO148_00149] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "RationalNumberFn") (documentation "(&%RationalNumberFn ?NUMBER) returns \nthe rational representation of ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00150] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "RealNumberFn") (documentation "(RealNumberFn ?NUMBER) returns the part of \n?NUMBER that is a &%RealNumber.")) ([SUMO148_00151] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ReciprocalFn") (documentation "(ReciprocalFn ?NUMBER) is the reciprocal \nelement of ?NUMBER with respect to the multiplication operator \n(&%MultiplicationFn), i.e. 1/?NUMBER. Not all numbers have a reciprocal \nelement. For example the number 0 does not. If a number ?NUMBER has a \nreciprocal ?RECIP, then the product of ?NUMBER and ?RECIP will be \n1, e.g. 3*1/3 = 1. The reciprocal of an element is &%equal to \napplying the &%ExponentiationFn function to the element to the power \n-1.")) ([SUMO148_00152] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "RemainderFn") (documentation "(RemainderFn ?NUMBER ?DIVISOR) is the \nremainder of the number ?NUMBER divided by the number ?DIVISOR. \nThe result has the same sign as ?DIVISOR.")) ([SUMO148_00153] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "RoundFn") (documentation "(&%RoundFn ?NUMBER) is the &%Integer closest \nto ?NUMBER on the number line. If ?NUMBER is halfway between two \n&%Integers (for example 3.5), it denotes the larger &%Integer.")) ([SUMO148_00154] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "SineFn") (documentation "(&%SineFn ?DEGREE) is the sine of the \n&%PlaneAngleMeasure ?DEGREE. The sine of ?DEGREE is the ratio of the side \nopposite ?DEGREE to the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle.")) ([SUMO148_00155] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "SquareRootFn") (documentation "(SquareRootFn ?NUMBER) is the principal \nsquare root of ?NUMBER.")) ([SUMO148_00156] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "TangentFn") (documentation "(&%TangentFn ?DEGREE) is the tangent of the \n&%PlaneAngleMeasure ?DEGREE. The tangent of ?DEGREE is the ratio of \nthe side opposite ?DEGREE to the side next to ?DEGREE in a right-angled \ntriangle.")) ([SUMO148_00157] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "identityElement") (documentation "An object ?ID is the identity element \nfor BinaryFunction ?FUNCTION just in case, for every instance ?INST, \napplying ?FUNCTION to ?INST and ?ID results in ?INST.")) ([SUMO148_00158] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "SuccessorFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Integer to \nits successor, e.g. the successor of 5 is 6.")) ([SUMO148_00159] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PredecessorFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Integer to \nits predecessor, e.g. the predecessor of 5 is 4.")) ([SUMO148_00160] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "element") (documentation "(element ?ENTITY ?SET) is true just in case \n?ENTITY is contained in the &%Set ?SET. An &%Entity can be an &%element \nof another &%Entity only if the latter is a &%Set.")) ([SUMO148_00161] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "UnionFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps two &%SetOrClasses to \nthe union of these &%SetOrClasses. An object is an &%element of the union \nof two &%SetOrClasses just in case it is an &%instance of either &%SetOrClass.")) ([SUMO148_00162] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "IntersectionFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps two \n%SetOrClasses to the intersection of these &%SetOrClasses. An object is \nan instance of the intersection of two &%SetOrClasses just in case it is \nan instance of both of those &%SetOrClasses.")) ([SUMO148_00163] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "RelativeComplementFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps two \n&%SetOrClasses to the difference between these &%SetOrClasses. More \nprecisely, (&%RelativeComplementFn ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) denotes the instances \nof ?CLASS1 that are not also instances of ?CLASS2.")) ([SUMO148_00164] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ComplementFn") (documentation "The complement of a given &%SetOrClass C is the \n&%SetOrClass of all things that are not instances of C. In other words, an \nobject is an instance of the complement of a &%SetOrClass C just in case it \nis not an instance of C.")) ([SUMO148_00165] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "GeneralizedUnionFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that takes a &%SetOrClass \nof &%Classes as its single argument and returns a &%SetOrClass which is the \nmerge of all of the &%Classes in the original &%SetOrClass, i.e. the &%SetOrClass \ncontaining just those instances which are instances of an instance of the \noriginal &%SetOrClass.")) ([SUMO148_00166] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "GeneralizedIntersectionFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that takes a \n&%SetOrClass of &%Classes as its single argument and returns a &%SetOrClass which \nis the intersection of all of the &%Classes in the original &%SetOrClass, i.e. \nthe &%SetOrClass containing just those instances which are instances of all \ninstances of the original &%SetOrClass.")) ([SUMO148_00167] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "CardinalityFn") (documentation "(CardinalityFn ?CLASS) returns the \nnumber of instances in the &%SetOrClass or &%Collection ?CLASS.")) ([SUMO148_00168] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "KappaFn") (documentation "A class-forming operator that takes two \narguments: a variable and a formula containing at least one unbound \noccurrence of the variable. The result of applying &%KappaFn to a \nvariable and a formula is the &%SetOrClass of things that satisfy the formula. \nFor example, we can denote the &%SetOrClass of prime numbers that are less \nthan 100 with the following expression: (KappaFn ?NUMBER \n(and (instance ?NUMBER PrimeNumber) (lessThan ?NUMBER 100))). Note that \nthe use of this function is discouraged, since there is currently no \naxiomatic support for it.")) ([SUMO148_00169] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "links") (documentation "a &%TernaryPredicate that specifies the \n&%GraphArc connecting two &%GraphNodes.")) ([SUMO148_00170] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "graphPart") (documentation "A basic relation for &%Graphs and their \nparts. (&%graphPart ?PART ?GRAPH) means that ?PART is a &%GraphArc \nor &%GraphNode of the &%Graph ?GRAPH.")) ([SUMO148_00171] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subGraph") (documentation "The relation between two &%Graphs when one \n&%Graph is a part of the other. (&%subGraph ?GRAPH1 ?GRAPH2) means \nthat ?GRAPH1 is a part of ?GRAPH2.")) ([SUMO148_00172] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "pathLength") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate that specifies the \nlength (in number of &%GraphNodes) of a &%GraphPath.\n(&%pathLength ?PATH ?NUMBER) means that there are ?NUMBER nodes in \nthe &%GraphPath ?PATH.")) ([SUMO148_00173] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "InitialNodeFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a \n&%GraphArc to the initial node of the &%GraphArc. Note\nthat this is a partial function. In particular, the function is \nundefined for &%GraphArcs that are not part of a &%DirectedGraph.")) ([SUMO148_00174] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "TerminalNodeFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a \n&%GraphArc to the terminal node of the &%GraphArc. Note that this \nis a partial function. In particular, the function is undefined \nfor &%GraphArcs that are not part of a &%DirectedGraph.")) ([SUMO148_00175] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "BeginNodeFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%GraphPath \nto the &%GraphNode that is the beginning of the &%GraphPath. Note that, \nunlike &%InitialNodeFn (which relates a &%GraphArc to a &%GraphNode), \n&%BeginNodeFn is a total function - every &%GraphPath has a beginning.")) ([SUMO148_00176] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "EndNodeFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%GraphPath \nto the &%GraphNode that is the end of the &%GraphPath. Note that, unlike \n&%TerminalNodeFn (which relates a &%GraphArc to a &%GraphNode), \n&%EndNodeFn is a total function - every &%GraphPath has a end.")) ([SUMO148_00177] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "arcWeight") (documentation "This predicate indicates the value of a \n&%GraphArc in a &%Graph. This could map to the length of a road in \na road network or the flow rate of a pipe in a plumbing system.")) ([SUMO148_00178] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PathWeightFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a \n&%GraphPath to the sum of the &%arcWeights on the &%GraphArcs in \nthe &%GraphPath.")) ([SUMO148_00179] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MinimalWeightedPathFn") (documentation "This &%BinaryFunction assigns two \n&%GraphNodes to the &%GraphPath with the smallest sum of weighted arcs \nbetween the two &%GraphNodes.")) ([SUMO148_00180] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MaximalWeightedPathFn") (documentation "This &%BinaryFunction assigns two \n&%GraphNodes to the &%GraphPath with the largest sum of weighted arcs \nbetween the two &%GraphNodes.")) ([SUMO148_00181] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "GraphPathFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps two &%GraphNodes \nto the &%Class of &%GraphPaths between those two nodes. Note that the two \n&%GraphNodes must belong to the same &%Graph.")) ([SUMO148_00182] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "CutSetFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that assigns a &%Graph the \n&%Class of &%GraphPaths that partition the graph into two separate \ngraphs if cut. There may be more than one cutset for a given graph.")) ([SUMO148_00183] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "MinimalCutSetFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that assigns a &%Graph \nthe &%Class of &%GraphPaths which comprise cutsets for the &%Graph and \nwhich have the least number of &%GraphArcs.")) ([SUMO148_00184] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MeasureFn") (documentation "This &%BinaryFunction maps a &%RealNumber and \na &%UnitOfMeasure to that &%Number of units. It is used for expressing \n&%ConstantQuantities. For example, the concept of three meters is \nrepresented as (&%MeasureFn 3 &%Meter).")) ([SUMO148_00185] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "KiloFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to 1,000 units of the original &%UnitOfMeasure. \nFor example, (&%KiloFn &%Gram) is 1,000 &%Grams.")) ([SUMO148_00186] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "MegaFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to 1,000,000 units of the original \n&%UnitOfMeasure. For example, (&%MegaFn &%Hertz) is 1,000,000 &%Hertz.")) ([SUMO148_00187] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "GigaFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to 1,000,000,000 units of the original \n&%UnitOfMeasure. For example, (&%GigaFn &%Hertz) is 1,000,000,000 &%Hertz.")) ([SUMO148_00188] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "TeraFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure \ninto a &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to 1,000,000,000,000 units of the original \n&%UnitOfMeasure. For example, (&%TeraFn &%Hertz) is 1,000,000,000,000 &%Hertz.")) ([SUMO148_00189] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "MilliFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to .001 units of the original &%UnitOfMeasure. \nFor example, (&%MilliFn &%Ampere) is .001 &%Amperes.")) ([SUMO148_00190] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "MicroFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to .000001 units of the original &%UnitOfMeasure. \nFor example, (&%MicroFn &%Meter) is .000001 &%Meters.")) ([SUMO148_00191] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "NanoFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to .000000001 units of the original \n&%UnitOfMeasure. For example, (&%MicroFn &%SecondDuration) is .000000001 \n&%SecondDurations.")) ([SUMO148_00192] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PicoFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%UnitOfMeasure into \na &%UnitOfMeasure that is equal to .000000000001 units of the original \n&%UnitOfMeasure. For example, (&%PicoFn &%Ampere) is .000000000001 \n&%Amperes.")) ([SUMO148_00193] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "IntervalFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps two &%ConstantQuantities \nto the &%Class of &%ConstantQuantities that comprise the interval from the first &%ConstantQuantity to the second &%ConstantQuantity. For example, (&%IntervalFn (&%MeasureFn 8 &%Meter) (&%MeasureFn 14 &%Meter)) would return the &%Class of &%ConstantQuantities between 8 and 14 meters in length.")) ([SUMO148_00194] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "MagnitudeFn") (documentation "The magnitude of a &%ConstantQuantity is the \nnumeric value for the quantity. In other words, &%MagnitudeFn converts \na &%ConstantQuantity with an associated &%UnitOfMeasure into an ordinary \n&%RealNumber. For example, the magnitude of the &%ConstantQuantity 2 \n&%Kilometers is the &%RealNumber 2. Note that the magnitude of a \nquantity in a given unit times that unit is equal to the original \nquantity.")) ([SUMO148_00195] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "PerFn") (documentation "&%PerFn maps two instances of &%ConstantQuantity to the &%FunctionQuantity composed of these two instances. For example, (&%PerFn (&%MeasureFn 2 (&%MicroFn &%Gram)) (&%MeasureFn 1 (&%KiloFn &%Gram))) denotes the &%FunctionQuantity of \n2 micrograms per kiogram. This function is useful, because it allows the knowledge \nengineer to dynamically generate instances of &%FunctionQuantity.")) ([SUMO148_00196] of TotalValuedRelation (SUO-name "DensityFn") (documentation "&%DensityFn maps an instance of &%MassMeasure \nand an instance of &%VolumeMeasure to the density represented by this \nproportion of mass and volume. For example, (&%DensityFn (&%MeasureFn 3 &%Gram)\n(&%MeasureFn 1 &%Liter)) represents the density of 3 grams per liter.")) ([SUMO148_00197] of TotalValuedRelation (SUO-name "SpeedFn") (documentation "Maps an instance of &%LengthMeasure and an instance of \n&%TimeDuration to the speed represented by this proportion of distance and time. \nFor example, (&%SpeedFn (&%MeasureFn 55 &%Mile)(&%MeasureFn 1 &%HourDuration))\nrepresents the velocity of 55 miles per hour.")) ([SUMO148_00198] of QuaternaryFunction (SUO-name "VelocityFn") (documentation "Specifies the velocity of an object, i.e. the speed \nand the direction of the speed. For example (&%VelocityFn (&%MeasureFn 55 &%Mile)\n(&%MeasureFn 2 &%HourDuration) ?REFERENCE &%North) denotes the velocity of 55 miles \nper hour North of the given reference point ?REFERENCE.")) ([SUMO148_00199] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "measure") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate for asserting that a \nparticular &%Object is measured by a particular &%ConstantQuantity. \nIn general, the second argument of this &%Predicate will be an instance \nof the &%Function &%MeasureFn.")) ([SUMO148_00200] of SingleValuedRelation (SUO-name "distance") (documentation "(&%distance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?QUANT) means that the \nshortest distance between the two objects ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 is ?QUANT. Note \nthat the difference between the predicates &%length and &%distance is that \nthe &%length is used to state the &%LengthMeasure of one of the dimensions of \na single object, while &%distance is used to state the &%LengthMeasure that \nseparates two distinct objects.")) ([SUMO148_00201] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "larger") (documentation "(&%larger ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) simply means that ?OBJ1 is \nlarger, with respect to all &%LengthMeasures, than ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00202] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "smaller") (documentation "(&%smaller ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) simply means that ?OBJ1 \nis smaller, with respect to all &%LengthMeasures, than ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00203] of SingleValuedRelation (SUO-name "monetaryValue") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate that associates an \n&%Object with its value expressed as an instance of &%CurrencyMeasure.")) ([SUMO148_00204] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "WealthFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Agent to a \n&%CurrencyMeasure specifying the value of the property owned by the &%Agent. \nNote that this &%Function is generally used in conjunction with the \n&%Function &%PropertyFn, e.g. (&%WealthFn (&%PropertyFn BillGates)) would \nreturn the monetary value of the sum of Bill Gates' holdings.")) ([SUMO148_00205] of TimePoint (SUO-name "PositiveInfinity") (documentation "The &%TimePoint that is after \nall other &%TimePoints.")) ([SUMO148_00206] of TimePoint (SUO-name "NegativeInfinity") (documentation "The &%TimePoint that is before \nall other &%TimePoints.")) ([SUMO148_00207] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "duration") (documentation "(&%duration ?POS ?TIME) means that the \nduration of the &%TimePosition ?POS is ?TIME. Note that this \n&%Predicate can be used in conjunction with the &%Function &%WhenFn \nto specify the duration of any instance of &%Physical.")) ([SUMO148_00208] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "frequency") (documentation "(frequency ?PROC ?TIME) means that the \n&%Process type of ?PROC recurs after every interval of ?TIME.")) ([SUMO148_00209] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "frequency") (documentation "(frequency ?PROC ?TIME) means that the \n&%Process type of ?PROC recurs after every interval of ?TIME.")) ([SUMO148_00210] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "temporalPart") (documentation "The temporal analogue of the spatial &%part predicate. \n(&%temporalPart ?POS1 ?POS2) means that &%TimePosition ?POS1 is part of &%TimePosition ?POS2. Note that since &%temporalPart is a &%ReflexiveRelation every &%TimePostion is a \n&%temporalPart of itself.")) ([SUMO148_00211] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "BeginFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%TimeInterval to \nthe &%TimePoint at which the interval begins.")) ([SUMO148_00212] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "EndFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%TimeInterval to \nthe &%TimePoint at which the interval ends.")) ([SUMO148_00213] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "starts") (documentation "(&%starts ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that \n?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 are both &%TimeIntervals that have the same \ninitial &%TimePoint and that ?INTERVAL1 ends before ?INTERVAL2.")) ([SUMO148_00214] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "finishes") (documentation "(&%finishes ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that \n?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 are both &%TimeIntervals that have the same \nending &%TimePoint and that ?INTERVAL2 begins before ?INTERVAL1.")) ([SUMO148_00215] of TemporalRelation (SUO-name "before") (documentation "(&%before ?POINT1 ?POINT2) means that ?POINT1 \nprecedes ?POINT2 on the universal timeline.")) ([SUMO148_00216] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "beforeOrEqual") (documentation "(&%beforeOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2) means that ?POINT1 \nis identical with ?POINT2 or occurs before it on the universal timeline.")) ([SUMO148_00217] of TemporalRelation (SUO-name "temporallyBetween") (documentation "(&%temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 \n?POINT3) means that the &%TimePoint ?POINT2 is between the &%TimePoints \n?POINT1 and ?POINT3, i.e. ?POINT1 is before ?POINT2 and ?POINT2 is before \n?POINT3.")) ([SUMO148_00218] of TemporalRelation (SUO-name "temporallyBetweenOrEqual") (documentation "(&%temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2 \n?POINT3) means that the &%TimePoint ?POINT1 is before or equal to the \n&%TimePoint ?POINT2 and ?POINT2 is before or equal to the &%TimePoint \n?POINT3.")) ([SUMO148_00219] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "overlapsTemporally") (documentation "(&%overlapsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 \n?INTERVAL2) means that the &%TimeIntervals ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 \nhave a &%TimeInterval as a common part.")) ([SUMO148_00220] of TransitiveRelation (SUO-name "during") (documentation "(&%during ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that \n?INTERVAL1 starts after and ends before ?INTERVAL2.")) ([SUMO148_00221] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "meetsTemporally") (documentation "(&%meetsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2)\nmeans that the terminal point of the &%TimeInterval ?INTERVAL1 is the \ninitial point of the &%TimeInterval ?INTERVAL2.")) ([SUMO148_00222] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "earlier") (documentation "(&%earlier ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that \nthe &%TimeInterval ?INTERVAL1 ends before the &%TimeInterval ?INTERVAL2 \nbegins.")) ([SUMO148_00223] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "cooccur") (documentation "(&%cooccur ?THING1 ?THING2) means that the \n&%Object or &%Process ?THING1 occurs at the same time as, together with, \nor jointly with the &%Object or &%Process ?THING2. This covers the \nfollowing temporal relations: is co-incident with, is concurrent with, \nis contemporaneous with, and is concomitant with.")) ([SUMO148_00224] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "TimeIntervalFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that takes two &%TimePoints \nas arguments and returns the &%TimeInterval defined by these two &%TimePoints. \nNote that the first &%TimePoint must occur earlier than the second &%TimePoint.")) ([SUMO148_00225] of TemporalRelation (SUO-name "RecurrentTimeIntervalFn") (documentation "A function that is useful for generating \nrecurring time intervals. For example, (&%RecurrentTimeIntervalFn (&%HourFn 6 &%Day)\n(&%HourFn 12 &%Day)) returns the &%Class of &%TimeIntervals beginning at 6 in the \nmorning and ending at 12 noon. For another example, (&%RecurrentTimeInterval \n&%Saturday &%Sunday) returns the &%Class of all weekends. For still another example, \n(&%RecurrentTimeInterval &%June &%August) returns the &%Class containing the academic \nsummer period.")) ([SUMO148_00226] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "WhenFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps an &%Object or \n&%Process to the exact &%TimeInterval during which it exists. Note \nthat, for every &%TimePoint ?TIME outside of the &%TimeInterval \n(WhenFn ?THING), (time ?THING ?TIME) does not hold.")) ([SUMO148_00227] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PastFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%TimePosition \nto the &%TimeInterval that meets it and that begins at \n&%NegativeInfinity.")) ([SUMO148_00228] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ImmediatePastFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a \n&%TimePosition to a short, indeterminate &%TimeInterval that \nimmediately precedes the &%TimePosition.")) ([SUMO148_00229] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "FutureFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%TimePosition \nto the &%TimeInterval which it meets and which ends at \n&%PositiveInfinity.")) ([SUMO148_00230] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ImmediateFutureFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a \n&%TimePosition to a short, indeterminate &%TimeInterval that \nimmediately follows the &%TimePosition.")) ([SUMO148_00231] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "date") (documentation "A &%BinaryPredicate that specifies a \n&%TimePosition in absolute calendar time, at the resolution \nof one day, for a particular &%Object or &%Process.")) ([SUMO148_00232] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "YearFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a number to the corresponding calendar \n&%Year. For example, (&%YearFn 1912) returns the &%Class containing just one instance, \nthe year of 1912. As might be expected, positive integers return years in the Common Era, \nwhile negative integers return years in B.C.E. Note that this function returns a &%Class \nas a value. The reason for this is that the related functions, viz. &%MonthFn, &%DayFn, \n&%HourFn, &%MinuteFn, and &%SecondFn, are used to generate both specific &%TimeIntervals \nand recurrent intervals, and the only way to do this is to make the domains and ranges of \nthese functions classes rather than individuals.")) ([SUMO148_00233] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MonthFn") (documentation "Domains and range are classes. A &%BinaryFunction that maps a subclass of &%Month and a subclass of &%Year to the class containing the &%Months corresponding to those &%Years. For example (&%MonthFn &%January (&%YearFn 1912)) is the class containing the eighth &%Month, i.e. August, of the &%Year 1912. For another example, (&%MonthFn &%August &%Year) is equal to &%August, the class of all months of August. Note that this function returns a &%Class as a value. The reason for this is that the related functions, viz. DayFn, HourFn, MinuteFn, and SecondFn, are used to generate both specific &%TimeIntervals and recurrent intervals, and the only way to do this is to make the domains and ranges of these functions classes rather than individuals.")) ([SUMO148_00234] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "DayFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that assigns a &%PositiveRealNumber and \na subclass of &%Months to the &%Days within each &%Month corresponding to that &%PositiveRealNumber. For example, (&%DayFn 16 &%August) is the &%Class of all sixteenth days of August. For another example, (&%DayFn 9 &%Month) would return the class of all ninth days of any month. For still another example, (&%DayFn 18 (&%MonthFn 8 (YearFn 1912))) denotes the 18th day of August 1912.")) ([SUMO148_00235] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "HourFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that assigns a &%PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of &%Days to the &%Hours within each &%Day corresponding to that &%PositiveRealNumber. For example, (&%HourFn 12 &%Thursday) is the &%Class of all instances of noon Thursday. For another example, (&%HourFn 24 &%Day) would return the class of all instances of midnight. For still another example, (&%HourFn 14 (&%DayFn 18 (&%MonthFn 8 (YearFn 1912)))) denotes 2 PM on the 18th day of August 1912.")) ([SUMO148_00236] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MinuteFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that assigns a &%PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of &%Hours to the &%Minutes within each &%Hour corresponding to that &%PositiveRealNumber. For example, (&%MinuteFn 30 (&%HourFn 17 &%Day)) is the &%Class of all 5:30's in the afternoon. For another example, (&%MinuteFn 15 &%Hour) would return the class of all instances of quarter past the hour. For still another example, (&%MinuteFn 15 (&%HourFn 14 (&%DayFn 18 (&%MonthFn 8 (YearFn 1912))))) denotes 15 minutes after 2 PM on the 18th day of August 1912.")) ([SUMO148_00237] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "SecondFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that assigns a &%PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of &%Minutes to the &%Seconds within each &%Minute corresponding to that &%PositiveRealNumber. For example, (&%SecondFn 4 (&%MinuteFn 5 &%Hour)) is the &%Class of all fourth &%Seconds of every fifth &%Minute of every hour. For another example, (&%SecondFn 8 &%Minute) would return the eighth second of every minute. For still another example, (&%SecondFn 9 (&%MinuteFn 15 (&%HourFn 14 (&%DayFn 18 (&%MonthFn 8 (YearFn 1912)))))) denotes 9 seconds and 15 minutes after 2 PM on the 18th day of August 1912.")) ([SUMO148_00238] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "connected") (documentation "(connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 \n&%meetsSpatially ?OBJ2 or that ?OBJ1 &%overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00239] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "connects") (documentation "The relationship between three things, when one of \nthe three things connects the other two. More formally, (&%connects ?OBJ1 \n?OBJ2 ?OBJ3) means that (&%connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) and (&%connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ3)\nand not (&%connected ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3).")) ([SUMO148_00240] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "surface") (documentation "(&%surface ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 \nis a maximally connected &%superficialPart of ?OBJ2. Note that some \n&%SelfConnectedObjects have more than one surface, e.g. a hollow \nobject like a tennis ball has both an inner and an outer surface.")) ([SUMO148_00241] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MereologicalSumFn") (documentation "(&%MereologicalSumFn ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)\ndenotes the &%Object consisting of the parts which belong to either \n?OBJ1 or ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00242] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MereologicalProductFn") (documentation "(&%MereologicalProductFn ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)\ndenotes the &%Object consisting of the parts which belong to both ?OBJ1 \nand ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00243] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "MereologicalDifferenceFn") (documentation "(&%MereologicalDifferenceFn ?OBJ1 \n?OBJ2) denotes the &%Object consisting of the parts which belong to ?OBJ1 \nand not to ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00244] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "hole") (documentation "(&%hole ?HOLE ?OBJ) means that ?HOLE is a \n&%Hole in ?OBJ. A &%Hole is a fillable body located at the \n&%surface an &%Object.")) ([SUMO148_00245] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PrincipalHostFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%Hole to \nthe &%Object which is its principal host. The principle host of a &%Hole \nis its maximally connected host (a notion taken here to be defined only \nwhen the argument is a hole).")) ([SUMO148_00246] of ShapeAttribute (SUO-name "Fillable") (documentation "Something is &%Fillable if it can be filled by \nsomething else. Note that 'filled' here means perfectly filled.")) ([SUMO148_00247] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "partiallyFills") (documentation "(&%partiallyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE) means that \n?OBJ &%completelyFills some part of ?HOLE. Note that if (&%partiallyFills \n?OBJ1 ?HOLE) and (&%part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2), then (&%partiallyFills ?OBJ2 ?HOLE). \nNote too that a partial filler need not be wholly inside a hole (it may \nstick out), which means that every complete filler also qualifies as \n(is a limit case of) a partial one.")) ([SUMO148_00248] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "properlyFills") (documentation "(&%properlyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE)\nmeans that ?HOLE is properly (though perhaps incompletely) filled by \n?OBJ, i.e. some part of ?HOLE is perfectly filled by ?OBJ. Note that \n&%properlyFills is the dual of &%completelyFills, and is so \nrelated to &%partiallyFills that ?OBJ &%properlyFills ?HOLE just in \ncase ?OBJ &%partiallyFills every part of ?HOLE. (Thus, every perfect \nfiller is both complete and proper in this sense).")) ([SUMO148_00249] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "fills") (documentation "Holes can be filled. (&%fills ?OBJ ?HOLE)\nmeans that the &%Object ?OBJ fills the &%Hole ?HOLE. Note that \n&%fills here means perfectly filled.")) ([SUMO148_00250] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "SkinFn") (documentation "A &%UnaryFunction that maps a &%Hole to the skin \nof the &%Hole. The skin of a &%Hole is the fusion of those superficial \nparts (see &%superficialPart) of the &%Hole's principal host (see \n&%PrincipalHostFn) with which the &%Hole is externally connected.")) ([SUMO148_00251] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "subProcess") (documentation "(&%subProcess ?SUBPROC ?PROC) means that ?SUBPROC \nis a subprocess of ?PROC. A subprocess is here understood as a temporally \ndistinguished part (proper or not) of a &%Process.")) ([SUMO148_00252] of CaseRole (SUO-name "path") (documentation "(&%path ?MOTION ?PATH) means that ?PATH is a route \nalong which ?MOTION occurs. For example, Highway 101 is the path in the \nfollowing proposition: the car drove up Highway 101.")) ([SUMO148_00253] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "transactionAmount") (documentation "(&%transactionAmount ?TRANSACTION \n?AMOUNT) means that ?AMOUNT is an instance of &%CurrencyMeasure being \nexhanged in the &%FinancialTransaction ?TRANSACTION.")) ([SUMO148_00254] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "geographicSubregion") (documentation "(&%geographicSubregion ?PART ?WHOLE)\nmeans that the &%GeographicArea ?PART is part of the &%GeographicArea \n?WHOLE.")) ([SUMO148_00255] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "geopoliticalSubdivision") (documentation "(&%geopoliticalSubdivision \n?AREA1 ?AREA2) means that ?AREA1 is any geopolitical part of ?AREA2; \nthat is, ?AREA1 is an integral &%geographicSubregion of ?AREA2 (not a \n&%DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea), having its own associated \n&%GovernmentOrganization which is subordinated to or constrained by \nthe government of ?AREA2. Cf. &%dependentGeopoliticalArea.")) ([SUMO148_00256] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "developmentalForm") (documentation "(&%developmentalForm ?OBJECT ?FORM)\nmeans that ?FORM is an earlier stage in the individual maturation of \n?OBJECT. For example, tadpole and caterpillar are &%developmentalForms \nof frogs and butterflies, respectively.")) ([SUMO148_00259] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "developmentalForm") (documentation "(&%developmentalForm ?OBJECT ?FORM)\nmeans that ?FORM is an earlier stage in the individual maturation of \n?OBJECT. For example, tadpole and caterpillar are &%developmentalForms \nof frogs and butterflies, respectively.")) ([SUMO148_00260] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "inhabits") (documentation "A very basic notion of living within something \nelse. (&%inhabits ?ORGANISM ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is the residence, \nnest, home, etc. of ?ORGANISM.")) ([SUMO148_00261] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "parent") (documentation "The general relationship of parenthood. \n(&%parent ?CHILD ?PARENT) means that ?PARENT is a biological parent \nof ?CHILD.")) ([SUMO148_00262] of SingleValuedRelation (SUO-name "mother") (documentation "The general relationship of motherhood. \n(&%mother ?CHILD ?MOTHER) means that ?MOTHER is the biological mother \nof ?CHILD.")) ([SUMO148_00263] of SingleValuedRelation (SUO-name "father") (documentation "The general relationship of fatherhood. \n(&%father ?CHILD ?FATHER) means that ?FATHER is the biological father\nof ?CHILD.")) ([SUMO148_00264] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "sibling") (documentation "The relationship between two &%Organisms that \nhave the same &%mother and &%father. Note that this relationship does \nnot hold between half-brothers, half-sisters, etc.")) ([SUMO148_00265] of IrreflexiveRelation (SUO-name "brother") (documentation "The general relationship of being a brother. \n(&%brother ?MAN ?PERSON) means that ?MAN is the brother of ?PERSON.")) ([SUMO148_00266] of IrreflexiveRelation (SUO-name "sister") (documentation "The general relationship of being a sister. \n(&%sister ?WOMAN ?PERSON) means that ?WOMAN is the sister of ?PERSON.")) ([SUMO148_00267] of TransitiveRelation (SUO-name "ancestor") (documentation "The transitive closure of the &%parent predicate. \n(&%ancestor ?DESCENDANT ?ANCESTOR) means that ?ANCESTOR is either the \n&%parent of ?DESCENDANT or the &%parent of the &%parent of &%DESCENDANT or \netc.")) ([SUMO148_00268] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "authors") (documentation "(&%authors ?AGENT ?TEXT) means that ?AGENT is \ncreatively responsible for ?TEXT. For example, Agatha Christie is \nauthor of Murder_on_the_Orient_Express.")) ([SUMO148_00269] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "editor") (documentation "(&%editor ?AGENT ?TEXT) means that ?AGENT is \nan editor of ?TEXT.")) ([SUMO148_00270] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "publishes") (documentation "(&%publishes ?ORG ?TEXT) means that ?ORG \npublishes ?TEXT. For example, Bantam Books publishes Agatha Christie's \nMurder_on_the_Orient_Express.")) ([SUMO148_00271] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "EditionFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps a type of text \n(e.g. Agatha Christie's Murder_on_the_Orient_Express) and a number \nto the edition of the text type corresponding to the number.")) ([SUMO148_00272] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "PeriodicalIssueFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps a subclass of \n&%Periodical and a number to all of the issues of the &%Periodical corresponding \nto the number.")) ([SUMO148_00273] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "version") (documentation "Some &%Artifacts have a life cycle with discrete \nstages or versions. (&%version ARTIFACT1 ARTIFACT2) means that ARTIFACT1 \nis a version of ARTIFACT2. Note that this &%Predicate relates subclasses of \n&%Artifact and not instances.")) ([SUMO148_00274] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "wears") (documentation "(&%wears ?AGENT ?CLOTHING) means that ?AGENT is wearing \nthe item of &%Clothing ?CLOTHING.")) ([SUMO148_00275] of SymmetricRelation (SUO-name "connectedEngineeringComponents") (documentation "This is the most general \nconnection relation between &%EngineeringComponents. If \n(&%connectedEngineeringComponents ?COMP1 ?COMP2), then neither ?COMP1 nor \n?COMP2 can be an &%engineeringSubcomponent of the other. The relation \n&%connectedEngineeringComponents is a &%SymmetricRelation; there is no \ninformation in the direction of connection between two components. It is \nalso an &%IrreflexiveRelation; no &%EngineeringComponent bears this relation \nto itself. Note that this relation does not associate a name or type \nwith the connection.")) ([SUMO148_00276] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "ImmediateFamilyFn") (documentation "(&%ImmediateFamilyFn ?PERSON) denotes the \nimmediate family of ?PERSON, i.e. the &%Group consisting of the &%parents of \n?PERSON and anyone of whom ?PERSON is a &%parent.")) ([SUMO148_00277] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "familyRelation") (documentation "A very general &%Predicate for biological \nrelationships. (&%familyRelation ?ORGANISM1 ?ORGANISM2) means that \n?ORGANISM1 and ?ORGANISM2 are biologically derived from a common ancestor.")) ([SUMO148_00278] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "legalRelation") (documentation "(&%legalRelation ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2) means \nthere is a relationship involving legal obligations between ?AGENT1 and \n?AGENT2. Some examples include marriage, adoption, etc.")) ([SUMO148_00279] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "husband") (documentation "(&%husband ?MAN ?WOMAN) means that ?MAN is the \nhusband of ?WOMAN.")) ([SUMO148_00280] of AsymmetricRelation (SUO-name "wife") (documentation "(&%wife ?WOMAN ?MAN) means that ?WOMAN is the wife of \n?MAN.")) ([SUMO148_00281] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "employs") (documentation "(&%employs ?ORG ?PERSON) means that ?ORG has \nhired ?PERSON and currently retains ?PERSON, on a salaried or \ncontractual basis, to provide services in exchange for monetary \ncompensation.")) ([SUMO148_00282] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "GovernmentFn") (documentation "(&%GovernmentFn ?AREA) denotes the \n&%Government of the &%GeopoliticalArea ?AREA. For example, \n(&%GovernmentFn &%UnitedStates) denotes the Federal-level government of \nthe United States; (&%GovernmentFn &%PuertoRico) denotes the government of \nthe Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.")) ([SUMO148_00283] of IrreflexiveRelation (SUO-name "subOrganization") (documentation "(&%subOrganization ?ORG1 ?ORG2) means \nthat ?ORG1 is an &%Organization which is a proper part of the \n&%Organization ?ORG2.")) ([SUMO148_00284] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "citizen") (documentation "(&%citizen ?PERSON ?NATION) means that the \n&%Human ?PERSON is a citizen of &%Nation ?NATION.")) ([SUMO148_00285] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "premise") (documentation "(&%premise ?ARGUMENT ?PROPOSITION) means that the \n&%Proposition ?PROPOSITION is an explicit assumption of the &%Argument \n?ARGUMENT.")) ([SUMO148_00286] of UnaryFunction (SUO-name "PremisesFn") (documentation "(&%PremisesFn ?ARGUMENT) returns the complete \nset of &%premises of the &%Argument ?ARGUMENT.")) ([SUMO148_00287] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "conclusion") (documentation "(&%conclusion ?ARGUMENT ?PROPOSITION) means that\nthe &%Proposition ?PROPOSITION is the conclusion explicitly drawn from the \n&%Argument ?ARGUMENT. Note that it may or may not be the case that ?ARGUMENT \n&%entails ?PROPOSITION.")) ([SUMO148_00288] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "consistent") (documentation "(&%consistent ?PROP1 ?PROP2) means that the two \n&%Propositions ?PROP1 and ?PROP2 are consistent with one another, i.e. it \nis possible for both of them to be true at the same time.")) ([SUMO148_00289] of SpatialRelation (SUO-name "orientation") (documentation "A general &%Predicate for indicating how two \n&%Objects are oriented with respect to one another. For example, \n(orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 North) means that ?OBJ1 is north of ?OBJ2, and \n(orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Vertical) means that ?OBJ1 is positioned \nvertically with respect to ?OBJ2.")) ([SUMO148_00290] of CaseRole (SUO-name "direction") (documentation "(&%direction ?PROC ?ATTR) means that the \n&%Process ?PROC is moving in the direction ?ATTR. For example, one \nwould use this &%Predicate to represent the fact that Max is moving \n&%North.")) ([SUMO148_00291] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "faces") (documentation "(&%faces ?OBJ ?DIRECTION) means that the front of \n?OBJ (see &%FrontFn) is positioned towards the compass direction ?DIRECTION. \nMore precisely, it means that if a line were extended from the center of \n?DIRECTION, the line would intersect with the front of ?OBJ before it \nintersected with its back (see &%BackFn).")) ([SUMO148_00292] of TruthValue (SUO-name "True") (documentation "The &%TruthValue of being true.")) ([SUMO148_00293] of TruthValue (SUO-name "False") (documentation "The &%TruthValue of being false.")) ([SUMO148_00294] of TruthValue (SUO-name "Likely") (documentation "The &%TruthValue of being probable, i.e. more likely than \nnot to be &%True.")) ([SUMO148_00295] of TruthValue (SUO-name "Unlikely") (documentation "The &%TruthValue of being improbable, i.e. more likely \nthan not to be &%False.")) ([SUMO148_00296] of DirectionalAttribute (SUO-name "North") (documentation "The compass direction of &%North.")) ([SUMO148_00297] of DirectionalAttribute (SUO-name "South") (documentation "The compass direction of &%South.")) ([SUMO148_00298] of DirectionalAttribute (SUO-name "East") (documentation "The compass direction of &%East.")) ([SUMO148_00299] of DirectionalAttribute (SUO-name "West") (documentation "The compass direction of &%West.")) ([SUMO148_00300] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Vertical") (documentation "Attribute used to indicate that an &%Object \nis positioned height-wise with respect to another &%Object.")) ([SUMO148_00301] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Horizontal") (documentation "Attribute used to indicate that an &%Object \nis positioned width-wise with respect to another &%Object.")) ([SUMO148_00302] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Above") (documentation "This is a &%PositionalAttribute derived from the \nup/down schema and not involving contact. Note that this means directly \nabove, i.e., if one object is &%Above another object, then the projections \nof the two objects overlap.")) ([SUMO148_00303] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Below") (documentation "This &%PositionalAttribute is derived from the \nup/down schema and may or may not involve contact. Note that this means \ndirectly below, i.e., if one object is &%Below another object, then the \nprojections of the two objects overlap.")) ([SUMO148_00304] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Adjacent") (documentation "Used to assert that an object ?OBJ1 is close \nto, near or abutting ?OBJ2. This &%PositionalAttribute covers the \nfollowing common sense notions: adjoins, abuts, is contiguous to, \nis juxtaposed, and is close to.")) ([SUMO148_00305] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Left") (documentation "This &%PositionalAttribute is derived from the \nleft/right schema. Note that this means directly to the left, so that, \nif one object is to the left of another, then the projections of the \ntwo objects overlap.")) ([SUMO148_00306] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Right") (documentation "This &%PositionalAttribute is derived from the \nleft/right schema. Note that this means directly to the right, so that, \nif one object is to the right of another, then the projections of the \ntwo objects overlap.")) ([SUMO148_00307] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "Near") (documentation "The relation of common sense adjacency. Note that, if \nan object is &%Near another object, then the objects are not &%connected.")) ([SUMO148_00308] of PositionalAttribute (SUO-name "On") (documentation "This is used to assert that an object is on top of \nanother object, and it is derived from the up/down schema and involves \ncontact.")) ([SUMO148_00309] of TimeZone (SUO-name "CoordinatedUniversalTimeZone") (documentation "A &%TimeZone which functions \nas the standard time zone. It is also known as Zulu time (in the military), \nGreenwich Mean Time, and the Western European time zone. Note that whenever \na &%TimeZone is not specified, the &%TimePosition is understood to be with \nrespect to the &%CoordinatedUniversalTimeZone.")) ([SUMO148_00310] of TimeZone (SUO-name "PacificTimeZone") (documentation "A &%TimeZone that covers much of the \nwestern part of the United States.")) ([SUMO148_00311] of TimeZone (SUO-name "MountainTimeZone") (documentation "A &%TimeZone that covers much of the \nRocky Mountain region of the United States.")) ([SUMO148_00312] of TimeZone (SUO-name "CentralTimeZone") (documentation "A &%TimeZone that covers much of the \nmidwestern United States.")) ([SUMO148_00313] of TimeZone (SUO-name "EasternTimeZone") (documentation "A &%TimeZone that covers much of the \neastern United States.")) ([SUMO148_00314] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "RelativeTimeFn") (documentation "A means of converting &%TimePositions \nbetween different &%TimeZones. (&%RelativeTimeFn ?TIME ?ZONE)\ndenotes the &%TimePosition in &%CoordinatedUniversalTime that is \ncontemporaneous with the &%TimePosition ?TIME in &%TimeZone ?ZONE. \nFor example, (&%RelativeTimeFn (&%MeasureFn 14 &%Hour) &%EasternTimeZone)\nwould return the value (&%MeasureFn 19 &%Hour).")) ([SUMO148_00315] of SocialRole (SUO-name "Unemployed") (documentation "The &%Attribute of a &%CognitiveAgent when \nhe/she is unemployed.")) ([SUMO148_00316] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "occupiesPosition") (documentation "(&%occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORG)\nmeans that ?PERSON holds the &%Position ?POSITION at &%Organization ?ORG. \nFor example, (&%occupiesPosition &%TomSmith &%ResearchDirector \n&%AcmeLaboratory) means that &%TomSmith is a research director at Acme Labs.")) ([SUMO148_00317] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "modalAttribute") (documentation "A &%BinaryRelation that is used to state the \nnormative force of a &%Proposition. (&%modalAttribute ?FORMULA ?PROP) means \nthat the &%Proposition expressed by ?FORMULA has the &%NormativeAttribute \n?PROP. For example, (&%modalAttribute (&%exists (?ACT ?OBJ) (&%and \n(&%instance ?ACT &%Giving) (&%agent ?ACT John) (&%patient ?ACT ?OBJ)\n(&%destination ?ACT Tom))) &%Obligation) means that John is obligated to give \nTom something.")) ([SUMO148_00318] of AlethicAttribute (SUO-name "Possibility") (documentation "Attribute that applies to &%Propositions that are \npossible, i.e. true in at least one possible world.")) ([SUMO148_00319] of AlethicAttribute (SUO-name "Necessity") (documentation "Attribute that applies to &%Propositions that are \nnecessary, i.e. true in every possible world.")) ([SUMO148_00320] of DeonticAttribute (SUO-name "Permission") (documentation "&%Attribute that applies to &%Propositions that an \n&%Agent is permitted, by some authority, to make true.")) ([SUMO148_00321] of DeonticAttribute (SUO-name "Obligation") (documentation "&%Attribute that applies to &%Propositions that an \n&%Agent is required, by some authority, to make true.")) ([SUMO148_00322] of PhysicalState (SUO-name "Solid") (documentation "An &%Object has the &%Attribute of &%Solid if it \nhas a fixed shape and a fixed volume.")) ([SUMO148_00323] of PhysicalState (SUO-name "Fluid") (documentation "&%Fluid is the &%PhysicalState attribute of an \n&%Object that does not have a fixed shape and thus tends to flow or to \nconform to the shape of a container.")) ([SUMO148_00324] of PhysicalState (SUO-name "Liquid") (documentation "An &%Object has the &%Attribute of &%Liquid if \nit has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape.")) ([SUMO148_00325] of PhysicalState (SUO-name "Gas") (documentation "An &%Object has the &%Attribute of &%Gas if it has \nneither a fixed volume nor a fixed shape.")) ([SUMO148_00326] of VisualAttribute (SUO-name "Illuminated") (documentation "The &%Attribute of &%Regions that are \nilluminated to some degree, i.e. in which some shapes are visually \ndiscernable.")) ([SUMO148_00327] of VisualAttribute (SUO-name "Unilluminated") (documentation "The &%Attribute of &%Regions that are \nunilluminated, i.e in which no shapes are visually discernable.")) ([SUMO148_00328] of PrimaryColor (SUO-name "Red") (documentation "The &%Attribute of redness.")) ([SUMO148_00329] of PrimaryColor (SUO-name "Blue") (documentation "The &%Attribute of being blue in color.")) ([SUMO148_00330] of PrimaryColor (SUO-name "Yellow") (documentation "The &%Attribute of being yellow in color.")) ([SUMO148_00331] of PrimaryColor (SUO-name "White") (documentation "The &%Attribute of being white in color.")) ([SUMO148_00332] of PrimaryColor (SUO-name "Black") (documentation "The &%Attribute of being black in color.")) ([SUMO148_00333] of ColorAttribute (SUO-name "Monochromatic") (documentation "An &%Object with this &%Attribute has \nthe same color on every part of its surface.")) ([SUMO148_00334] of ColorAttribute (SUO-name "Polychromatic") (documentation "An &%Object with this &%Attribute has \ndifferent colors on different parts of its surface.")) ([SUMO148_00335] of ShapeAttribute (SUO-name "Pliable") (documentation "The shape of an &%Object with this &%Attribute \ncan be altered.")) ([SUMO148_00336] of ShapeAttribute (SUO-name "Rigid") (documentation "The shape of an &%Object with this &%Attribute \ncannot be altered.")) ([SUMO148_00337] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "geometricPart") (documentation "(&%geometricPart ?PART ?WHOLE) means that the \n&%GeometricFigure ?PART is part of the &%GeometricFigure ?WHOLE.")) ([SUMO148_00338] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "pointOfIntersection") (documentation "(&%pointOfIntersection ?FIGURE1 ?FIGURE2 \n?POINT) means that the two straight lines ?FIGURE1 and ?FIGURE2 meet at the \npoint ?POINT.")) ([SUMO148_00339] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "parallel") (documentation "(&%parallel ?LINE1 ?LINE2) means that the \n&%OneDimensionalFigures ?LINE1 and ?LINE2 are parallel to one another, \ni.e. they are equidistant from one another at every point.")) ([SUMO148_00340] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "angularMeasure") (documentation "(&%angularMeasure ?ANGLE ?MEASURE) means that \nthe two-dimensional geometric angle ?ANGLE has the &%PlaneAngleMeasure of \n?MEASURE.")) ([SUMO148_00341] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "lineMeasure") (documentation "(&%lineMeasure ?LINE ?MEASURE) means that the \nstraight line ?LINE has the &%LengthMeasure of ?MEASURE.")) ([SUMO148_00342] of TernaryPredicate (SUO-name "geometricDistance") (documentation "(&%geometricDistance ?POINT1 ?POINT2 \n?LENGTH) means that ?LENGTH is the distance between the two \n&%GeometricPoints ?POINT1 and ?POINT2.")) ([SUMO148_00343] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "radius") (documentation "(&%radius ?CIRCLE ?LENGTH) means that the radius of \nthe &%Circle ?CIRCLE has a length of ?LENGTH.")) ([SUMO148_00344] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "diameter") (documentation "(&%diameter ?CIRCLE ?LENGTH) means that the diameter \nof the &%Circle ?CIRCLE has a length of ?LENGTH.")) ([SUMO148_00345] of BinaryPredicate (SUO-name "tangent") (documentation "(&%tangent ?LINE ?CIRCLE) means that the straight line \n?LINE is tangent to the &%Circle ?CIRCLE, i.e. ?LINE touches ?CIRCLE without \nintersecting it.")) ([SUMO148_00346] of SaturationAttribute (SUO-name "Dry") (documentation "An &%Attribute which indicates that the associated \n&%Object contains no &%Liquid.")) ([SUMO148_00347] of SaturationAttribute (SUO-name "Damp") (documentation "An &%Attribute which indicates that the associated \n&%Object contains some &%Liquid.")) ([SUMO148_00348] of SaturationAttribute (SUO-name "Wet") (documentation "An &%Attribute which indicates that the \nassociated &%Object is fully saturated with a &%Liquid, i.e. \nevery part of the &%Object has a subpart which is a &%Liquid.")) ([SUMO148_00349] of BreakabilityAttribute (SUO-name "Fragile") (documentation "An &%Attribute which indicates that the \nassociated &%Object is very breakable.")) ([SUMO148_00350] of BreakabilityAttribute (SUO-name "Unbreakable") (documentation "An &%Attribute which indicates that the \nassociated &%Object cannot be broken.")) ([SUMO148_00351] of BodyPosition (SUO-name "Standing") (documentation "The &%BodyPosition of being upright, i.e. being \nfully extended and supported by nothing other than one's own feet.")) ([SUMO148_00352] of BodyPosition (SUO-name "Sitting") (documentation "The &%BodyPosition of being recumbent, i.e. \nknees bent and back side supported.")) ([SUMO148_00353] of BodyPosition (SUO-name "Prostrate") (documentation "The &%BodyPosition of lying down, being in a \nhorizontal position.")) ([SUMO148_00354] of AnimacyAttribute (SUO-name "Living") (documentation "This &%Attribute applies to &%Organisms that are \nalive.")) ([SUMO148_00355] of AnimacyAttribute (SUO-name "Dead") (documentation "This &%Attribute applies to &%Organisms that are \nnot alive.")) ([SUMO148_00356] of SexAttribute (SUO-name "Female") (documentation "An &%Attribute indicating that an &%Organism is \nfemale in nature.")) ([SUMO148_00357] of SexAttribute (SUO-name "Male") (documentation "An &%Attribute indicating that an &%Organism is \nmale in nature.")) ([SUMO148_00358] of DevelopmentalAttribute (SUO-name "FullyFormed") (documentation "The stage of an &%Organism when it has reached \nthe end of its growth phase.")) ([SUMO148_00359] of DevelopmentalAttribute (SUO-name "NonFullyFormed") (documentation "The stage of an &%Organism before it is \n&%FullyFormed.")) ([SUMO148_00360] of DevelopmentalAttribute (SUO-name "Larval") (documentation "Form of most &%Invertebrates, &%Amphibians, and \n&%Fish immediately after they hatch. This form is fundamentally unlike \nthe adult form, and metamorphosis is required to reach the latter form.")) ([SUMO148_00361] of DevelopmentalAttribute (SUO-name "Embryonic") (documentation "The stage of an &%Organism or an \n&%AnatomicalStructure that exists only before the &%Organism is born. \n&%Mammals, for example, have this &%Attribute only prior to \ntheir birth.")) ([SUMO148_00362] of ConsciousnessAttribute (SUO-name "Unconscious") (documentation "This &%Attribute applies to &%Organisms that \nare unconscious. An &%Organism may be &%Unconscious because it is &%Dead \nor &%Asleep or because of a blow to the head, a drug, etc.")) ([SUMO148_00363] of ConsciousnessAttribute (SUO-name "Awake") (documentation "This &%Attribute applies to &%Organisms that are \nneither &%Unconscious nor &%Asleep.")) ([SUMO148_01237] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "TemporalCompositionFn") (documentation "The basic &%Function for expressing \nthe composition of larger &%TimeIntervals out of smaller &%TimeIntervals. \nFor example, if &%ThisSeptember is an &%instance of &%September, \n(&%TemporalCompositionFn &%ThisSeptember &%Day) denotes the &%Class of \nconsecutive days that make up &%ThisSeptember. Note that one can obtain \nthe number of instances of this &%Class by using the function &%CardinalityFn.")) ([SUMO148_01271] of BinaryFunction (SUO-name "SeriesVolumeFn") (documentation "A &%BinaryFunction that maps a type of &%Series \n(e.g. the Encyclopedia_Britannica or the Popular_Mechanics periodical) and a \nnumber to the volumes of the text type designated by the number.")) ([SUMO152_00100] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain2Value])) ([SUMO152_00102] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain3Value])) ([synonymousExternalConcept] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class Language)) ([TemporalCompositionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimeInterval)) ([temporallyBetween] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimePoint)) ([temporallyBetweenOrEqual] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimePoint)) ([TimeIntervalFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimePoint)) ([UBLinv011_00108] of Synonym) ([UBLinv011_00109] of NaturalLanguage (SUO-name "English") (documentation "English langauge,any dialect.")) ([UBLinv011_00110] of NaturalLanguage (SUO-name "French") (documentation "French language,any dialect")) ([UBLinv011_00111] of NaturalLanguage (SUO-name "German") (documentation "German language, any dialect.")) ([UBLinv011_00112] of NaturalLanguage (SUO-name "Italian") (documentation "Italian language, any dialect.")) ([UBLinv011_00113] of NaturalLanguage (SUO-name "Russian") (documentation "Russian language, any dialect")) ([UBLinv011_00114] of ConstructedLanguage (SUO-name "WordNet") (documentation "Terms in the WordNet semantic network")) ([UBLinv011_00115] of ConstructedLanguage (SUO-name "OpenCyc") (documentation "Terms in the OpenCyc ontology")) ([UBLinv011_00116] of ConstructedLanguage (SUO-name "PUO-ontology") (documentation "Terms in the PUO ontology constructed by Patrick Cassidy.")) ([UBLinv011_00165] of Synonym) ([UBLinv011_00166] of Synonym (usageFrequency 0.05) (SUO-name "thing") (documentation "\"Thing\" is often used to mean any thing whatsoever.") (usageType deprecated) (inLanguage [UBLinv011_00109])) ([UBLinv011_00167] of Synonym (usageFrequency 0.2) (SUO-name "anything") (documentation "\"anything\" can mean anything at all, abstract or concrete.") (usageType deprecated) (inLanguage [UBLinv011_00109])) ([UnionFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class SetOrClass)) ([WhereFn] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ADomain2Class TimePoint))