; Fri Feb 27 14:25:53 EST 2004 ; ;+ (version "1.8") ;+ (build "Build 1074") ([%22This+is+a+string%22] of %3AAbstractString (%3ASUO-name "\"This is a string\"")) ([%3AAbstractString] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AAssertion] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AAXIOMS] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv014_00277])) ([%3AClass] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AClassPredicates] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":ClassPredicates") (%3ADomain1Type Class) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AClassPreds] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([%3ACodeList] of %3ASYN-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AConstructedLanguage] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ADomain1Type] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018_00290])) ([%3ADomain2Class] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SUMO148_00000]) (%3ADomain1Type Instance)) ([%3ADomain2Type] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018_00288])) ([%3ADomain2Value] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SUMO152_00100])) ([%3ADomain3Class] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLcore_00000])) ([%3ADomain3Type] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018t_00300])) ([%3ADomain3Value] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SUMO152_00102])) ([%3ADomain4Class] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018t_00302])) ([%3ADomain4Type] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018t_00306])) ([%3ADomain4Value] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018t_00304])) ([%3AEmbeddedComment] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AFunctionTerm] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([%3AGroup] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AhasClassValue] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ASUO-name ":hasClassValue") (%3ADomain1Type Class) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class BinaryRelation) (%3ADomain2Type Instance) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(KAX-002)\n(=>\n (:hasClassValue ?CLASS ?REL ?VAL)\n (and\n (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (?REL ?INST ?VAL)))))\n")) ([%3AhasDefaultValue] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ASUO-name ":hasDefaultValue") (%3ADomain1Type Class) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class BinaryRelation) (%3ADomain2Type Instance) (%3AAXIOMS "(KAX-003)\n(=>\n (:hasDefaultValue ?CLASS ?REL ?VAL)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (and\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (not\n (exists (?CLASS2 ?VAL2)\n (and\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS2)\n (or\n (:hasClassValue ?CLASS2 ?REL ?VAL2)\n (:hasDefaultValue ?CLASS2 ?REL ?VAL2))\n (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS)\n (not (equal ?CLASS2 ?CLASS))\n (not (equal ?VAL2 ?VAL)))))\n (?REL ?INST ?VAL))))\n")) ([%3AhasFrequency] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":hasFrequency")) ([%3AhasRestrictedVal] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ASUO-name ":hasRestrictedVal") (%3ADomain1Type Class) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class BinaryRelation) (%3ADomain2Type Instance) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(KAX-004)\n(<=>\n (:hasRestrictedVal ?CLASS ?REL ?CLASS2)\n (:isRestrictedTo ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))")) ([%3AhasUsage] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":hasUsage")) ([%3AhasValueClass] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ASUO-name ":hasValueClass") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class BinaryRelation) (%3ADomain2Type Instance) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(KAX-005)\n(=>\n (:hasValueClass ?VAL ?REL ?CLASS)\n (and\n (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (?REL ?VAL ?INST)))))\n")) ([%3AHumanLanguage] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AinLanguage] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":inLanguage") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([%3AisaSynonymOf] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":isaSynonymOf") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(=>\n (:isaSynonymOf ?SYN ?CONC)\n (:SYNONYMS ?CONC ?SYN))")) ([%3AisInModule] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [UBLinv018t_00322])) ([%3AisRestrictedTo] of %3ATernarySlot (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SKIFcore_00400]) (%3ASUO-name ":isRestrictedTo") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class Entity) (%3ADomain2Type Class) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(KAX-001)\n(=>\n (:isRestrictedTo ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)\n (forall (?ENT1 ?ENT2)\n (=>\n (and\n (?REL ?ENT1 ?ENT2)\n (instance ?ENT1 ?CLASS1))\n (instance ?ENT2 ?CLASS2))))\n\n(KAX-004)\n(<=>\n (:hasRestrictedVal ?CLASS1 ?REL ?CLASS2)\n (:isRestrictedTo ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))")) ([%3AKIFentity] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ALanguage] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AList] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AModule] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ANaturalLanguage] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AOrderedSet] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([%3AProtegeSymbolList] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ArelationAllExists] of %3ATernarySlot (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SKIFcore_00418]) (%3ASUO-name ":relationAllExists") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3ADomain2Class Entity) (%3ADomain2Type Class) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(=>\n (:relationAllExists ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS1)\n (exists (?ENT)\n (and\n (instance ?ENT ?CLASS2)\n (?REL ?INST ?ENT))))))\n")) ([%3ARow] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASet] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASetOrClass] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASKIFdocs] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AStringList] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASUMOProposition] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASUO-name] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [KIFcore2_00373])) ([%3ASynonym] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3ASYNONYMS] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SKIFcore4_00382]) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([%3AuncInstList] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name ":uncInstList") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([%3AUnclassifiedProposition] of %3AUBL-CLASS (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([BinaryRelation] of %3ASYN-CLASS (%3ASUO-name "BinaryRelation") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([DefaultModule] of %3AModule (%3AStartingBlock 0) (%3ASUO-name "DefaultModule") (%3Adocumentation "The DefaulModule is the module to which input data blocks are assigned until the first module definition block is encountered.")) ([disjoint] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "disjoint") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-25)\n(<=>\n (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)\n (and\n (instance ?CLASS1 NonNullSet)\n (instance ?CLASS2 NonNullSet)\n (forall (?INST)\n (not\n (and\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS1)\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS2))))))")) ([disjointDecomposition] of %3AVariableAritySlot (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-38)\n(=>\n (disjointDecomposition @ROW)\n (=>\n (inList ?ELEMENT (ListFn @ROW))\n (instance ?ELEMENT Class)))\n\n(UAX: SUMAX-119)\n(=>\n (disjointDecomposition ?CLASS @ROW)\n (forall (?ITEM)\n (=>\n (inList ?ITEM (ListFn @ROW))\n (subclass ?ITEM ?CLASS))))\n\n(UAX: SUMAX-120)\n(=>\n (disjointDecomposition ?CLASS @ROW)\n (forall (?ITEM1 ?ITEM2)\n (=>\n (and\n (inList ?ITEM1 (ListFn @ROW))\n (inList ?ITEM2 (ListFn @ROW))\n (not\n (equal ?ITEM1 ?ITEM2)))\n (disjoint ?ITEM1 ?ITEM2))))")) ([disjointRelation] of %3AVariableAritySlot (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SKIFcore4_00381]) (%3ASUO-name "disjointRelation") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-26)\n(=>\n (and\n (disjointRelation @ROW)\n (inList ?REL (ListFn @ROW)))\n (instance ?REL Relation))\n\n(UAX: SUMAX-27)\n(=>\n (and\n (disjointRelation @ROW)\n (inList ?REL1 (ListFn @ROW))\n (inList ?REL2 (ListFn @ROW))\n (valence ?REL1 ?NUMBER))\n (valence ?REL2 ?NUMBER))\n\n(UAX: SUMAX-32)\n(=>\n (and\n (disjointRelation @ROW1)\n (inList ?REL1 (ListFn @ROW1))\n (inList ?REL2 (ListFn @ROW1))\n (not (equal ?REL1 ?REL2))\n (holds ?REL1 @ROW2))\n (not (holds ?REL2 @ROW2)))")) ([English] of %3ANaturalLanguage) ([Entity] of %3ASYN-CLASS (%3ASUO-name "Entity") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([French] of %3ANaturalLanguage) ([German] of %3ANaturalLanguage) ([hasField] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_2] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_3] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_4] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_5] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_6] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([hasField_7] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ASUO-name "hasField") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([InheritableRelation] of %3AClass (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([KIF-core] of %3AModule (%3ASUO-name "SKIF-core") (%3Adocumentation "SKIF-core is the module to which we assign the base internal concepts of the core Protege Knowledge base, present in the protege file before a SKIF file is loaded. These concpets are not usually exported to an output SKIF file.")) ([KIFcore2_00373] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ASUO-name])) ([Name] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core])) ([partition] of %3AVariableAritySlot (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-39)\n(<=>\n (partition @ROW)\n (and\n (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)\n (disjointDecomposition @ROW)))")) ([partition2] of %3AVariableAritySlot (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-39)\n(<=>\n (partition @ROW)\n (and\n (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)\n (disjointDecomposition @ROW)))")) ([partition3] of %3AVariableAritySlot (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3AisInModule [KIF-core]) (%3AAXIOMS "(UAX: SUMAX-39)\n(<=>\n (partition @ROW)\n (and\n (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)\n (disjointDecomposition @ROW)))")) ([relatedExternalConcept] of %3ATernarySlot (%3ASUO-name "relatedExternalConcept") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ADomain2Class Entity) (%3ADomain2Type Instance)) ([relatedInternalConcept] of %3AUBL-SLOT (%3AASSOCIATED-FACET [SKIFcore4_00380]) (%3ASUO-name "relatedInternalConcept") (%3ADomain1Type Instance) (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0)) ([SKIFcore4_00380] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [relatedInternalConcept])) ([SKIFcore4_00381] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [disjointRelation])) ([SKIFcore4_00382] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ASYNONYMS])) ([SKIFcore4_00393] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3AidenticalTo])) ([SKIFcore_00396] of Entity (%3ASUO-name "OurUniverse") (%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE 0) (%3Adocumentation "The physical universe, including Space-Time and all the physical entities in it. It is neither an object nor a location, but contains objects and locations.")) ([SKIFcore_00398] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET) ([SKIFcore_00400] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3AisRestrictedTo])) ([SKIFcore_00402] of %3AKIF-AXIOM (%3APAL-NAME "KAX-001") (%3APAL-DESCRIPTION "isRestrictedTo allows one to specify that a relation’s values may be restricted when that relation is applied to some subclass of the original domain 1. This can help to make the relation more clear, and may limit the range of necessary inferences. Such restrictions are realized in Protege by modifying the allowed class of a value of a relation at the level of some particular class which is a subclass of the higher-level class on which the relation is defined. This provision in Protege distinguishes between the opt-level definition of a slot and its application at lower levels.\n\n The axiom specifies that when the given relation is asserted on an instance of CLASS1 as argument 1, the argument 2 must bean instance of CLASS2.") (%3APAL-STATEMENT "(=>\n (:isRestrictedTo ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)\n (forall (?ENT1 ?ENT2)\n (=>\n (and\n (?REL ?ENT1 ?ENT2)\n (instance ?ENT1 ?CLASS1))\n (instance ?ENT2 ?CLASS2))))\n")) ([SKIFcore_00406] of %3AKIF-AXIOM (%3APAL-NAME "KAX-002") (%3APAL-DESCRIPTION ":hasClassValue ?CLASS ?REL ?ENT) is used to assert that every instance of class ?CLASS is related by relation ?REL to some instance ?ENT. The parent class of instance ?ENT must be a subclass of an allowed class for the values of relation ?REL.\n\n This allows one to specify, for example, that all instances of a particular class have a specific property value.") (%3APAL-STATEMENT "(=>\n (:hasClassValue ?CLASS ?REL ?VAL)\n (and\n (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (?REL ?INST ?VAL)))))\n")) ([SKIFcore_00412] of %3AKIF-AXIOM (%3APAL-NAME "KAX-003") (%3APAL-DESCRIPTION "Unless there is a specific overide at a subclass by another :hasDefaultValue or :hasDefaultValue proposition, (:hasDefaultValue ?REL ?CLASS ?VAL) will assign the value ?VAL to the relation ?REL for every instance of class ?CLASS\n\n\"(:hasDefaultValue ?REL ?CLASS ?VAL) is used to specify that, for every instance of a particular class, the value of the relation ?REL for every instance of class ?CLASS is ?VAL, unless it is overridden by an explicit assignment of the value. In Protege, such overrides can be accomplished by simply changing the value of the instance. For the SKIF files, we need an explicit override relation so that the condition for using the default can be described logically rather than programmatically. The override relation is 'hasClassValue'.\"") (%3APAL-STATEMENT "(=>\n (:hasDefaultValue ?CLASS ?REL ?VAL)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (and\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (not\n (exists (?CLASS2 ?VAL2)\n (and\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS2)\n (or\n (:hasClassValue ?CLASS2 ?REL ?VAL2)\n (:hasDefaultValue ?CLASS2 ?REL ?VAL2))\n (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS)\n (not (equal ?CLASS2 ?CLASS))\n (not (equal ?VAL2 ?VAL)))))\n (?REL ?INST ?VAL))))\n")) ([SKIFcore_00414] of %3AKIF-AXIOM (%3APAL-NAME "KAX-004") (%3APAL-DESCRIPTION ":hasRestrictedVal is the companion slot to :isRestrictedTo, with args 1 and 2 reversed, so that it is displayed in the class window for arg2 of :isRestrictedTo.") (%3APAL-STATEMENT "(<=>\n (:hasRestrictedVal ?CLASS1 ?REL ?CLASS2)\n (:isRestrictedTo ?REL ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))")) ([SKIFcore_00418] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ArelationAllExists])) ([SKIFcore_00420] of %3AConstructedLanguage (%3ASUO-name "UBLv10") (%3Adocumentation "The UBL invoices specification,version 1.0")) ([SKIFcore_00422] of %3AFunctionTerm (%3ASUO-name "of") (%3Adocumentation "\"of\" is a term used in some macro predicates to make more perspicuous relations.")) ([SKIFcore_00424] of %3AKIF-AXIOM (%3APAL-NAME "KAX-005") (%3APAL-DESCRIPTION "This axiom specifies the meaning of the :hasValueClass relation -- used to associate a value necessarily with all instance of a class, when the relation has the instance as argument 1 -- the inverse of the relation :hasClassValue, where the value instance is in argument 3.") (%3APAL-STATEMENT "(=>\n (:hasValueClass ?VAL ?REL ?CLASS)\n (and\n (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)\n (forall (?INST)\n (=>\n (instance ?INST ?CLASS)\n (?REL ?VAL ?INST)))))\n")) ([SUMO148_00000] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain2Class])) ([SUMO152_00100] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain2Value])) ([SUMO152_00102] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain3Value])) ([UBLcore_00000] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain3Class])) ([UBLinv014_00277] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3AAXIOMS])) ([UBLinv018_00288] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain2Type])) ([UBLinv018_00290] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain1Type])) ([UBLinv018t_00300] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain3Type])) ([UBLinv018t_00302] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain4Class])) ([UBLinv018t_00304] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain4Value])) ([UBLinv018t_00306] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ADomain4Type])) ([UBLinv018t_00322] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3AisInModule])) ([UBLinv019_00333] of %3ASTANDARD-FACET (%3AASSOCIATED-SLOT [%3ALOAD-SEQUENCE]))