(documentation TimeInterval "An interval of time. Note that a TimeInterval has both an extent and a location on the universal timeline. Note too that a TimeInterval has no gaps, i.e. this class contains only convex time intervals.") | Merge.kif 1658-1661 | |
(subclass TimeInterval TimePosition) | Merge.kif 1657-1657 | time interval is a subclass of time position |
(domain BeginFn 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 5982-5982 | the number 1 argument of BeginFn is an instance of time interval |
(domain EndFn 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6003-6003 | the number 1 argument of EndFn is an instance of time interval |
(domain TemporalCompositionFn 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6842-6842 | the number 1 argument of TemporalCompositionFn is an instance of time interval |
(domain duration 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 5913-5913 | the number 1 argument of duration is an instance of time interval |
(domain during 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6184-6184 | the number 1 argument of during is an instance of time interval |
(domain during 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6185-6185 | the number 2 argument of during is an instance of time interval |
(domain earlier 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6225-6225 | the number 1 argument of earlier is an instance of time interval |
(domain earlier 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6226-6226 | the number 2 argument of earlier is an instance of time interval |
(domain finishes 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6048-6048 | the number 1 argument of finishes is an instance of time interval |
(domain finishes 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6049-6049 | the number 2 argument of finishes is an instance of time interval |
(domain meetsTemporally 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6199-6199 | the number 1 argument of meetsTemporally is an instance of time interval |
(domain meetsTemporally 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6200-6200 | the number 2 argument of meetsTemporally is an instance of time interval |
(domain overlapsTemporally 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6160-6160 | the number 1 argument of overlapsTemporally is an instance of time interval |
(domain overlapsTemporally 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6161-6161 | the number 2 argument of overlapsTemporally is an instance of time interval |
(domain starts 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6028-6028 | the number 1 argument of starts is an instance of time interval |
(domain starts 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6029-6029 | the number 2 argument of starts is an instance of time interval |
(domainSubclass RecurrentTimeIntervalFn 1 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6284-6284 | the number 1 argument of RecurrentTimeIntervalFn is a subclass of time interval |
(domainSubclass RecurrentTimeIntervalFn 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6285-6285 | the number 2 argument of RecurrentTimeIntervalFn is a subclass of time interval |
(domainSubclass TemporalCompositionFn 2 TimeInterval) | Merge.kif 6843-6843 | the number 2 argument of TemporalCompositionFn is a subclass of time interval |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT1 TimePoint) (instance ?POINT2 TimePoint) (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL)) (and (equal (BeginFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT1) (equal (EndFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT2))) |
Merge.kif 6261-6269 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT1 TimePoint) (instance ?POINT2 TimePoint) (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL)) (forall (?POINT) (<=> (temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT ?POINT2) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 6271-6280 |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (before (BeginFn ?INTERVAL) (EndFn ?INTERVAL))) |
Merge.kif 6099-6101 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (FutureFn ?INTERVAL) (TimeIntervalFn (EndFn ?INTERVAL) PositiveInfinity))) |
Merge.kif 6357-6359 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (PastFn ?INTERVAL) (TimeIntervalFn NegativeInfinity (BeginFn ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 6327-6329 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (exists (?POINT) (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 5953-5958 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (finishes (ImmediatePastFn ?INTERVAL) (PastFn ?INTERVAL))) |
Merge.kif 6340-6342 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (meetsTemporally (PastFn ?INTERVAL) ?INTERVAL)) |
Merge.kif 6323-6325 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (meetsTemporally ?INTERVAL (FutureFn ?INTERVAL))) |
Merge.kif 6353-6355 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (starts (ImmediateFutureFn ?INTERVAL) (FutureFn ?INTERVAL))) |
Merge.kif 6370-6372 |
(<=> (overlapsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) (exists (?INTERVAL3) (and (instance ?INTERVAL3 TimeInterval) (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL1) (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL2)))) |
Merge.kif 6166-6172 | ?INTERVAL2 overlaps ?INTERVAL1 if and only if there exists ?INTERVAL3 so that ?INTERVAL3 is an instance of time interval and ?INTERVAL3 is a part of ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL3 is a part of ?INTERVAL2 |
(=> (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (exists (?INTERVAL) (and (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 5946-5951 |