ppy/chat-transcript_20110304a.txt PeterYim: Welcome to the . OpenOntologyRepository: Architecture & API Workshop-I - Fri 2011_03_04 Topic: OOR Specification Workshop I - "OOR Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-I" Session Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider Please refer to details on the session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_04 . == Proceedings: == . anonymous: Hello, Atul and Scott from KBSI anonymous morphed into Scott Scott morphed into Scott Fahle anonymous: Atul from KBSI anonymous: from my desk anonymous morphed into Atul Jain PeterYim: -- session starts: 6:08am PST -- anonymous morphed into Kim Viljanen Kim Viljanen: hello Kim Viljanen: which URL are we looking at now? Kim Viljanen: is it this: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture/Candidate03 ? Scott Fahle: yes Scott Fahle: I think so anyway MikeBennett: Yes it is Kim Viljanen: thanks PeterYim: ref. "translations" and whether that affect our API ... we should ping the Bremen folks about it (as they are doing exactly that with HeTS, say, between CL and OWL) PeterYim: same thing (pinging the appropriate folks -- like NatashaNoy) goes with "mapping" MikeBennett: Presumably a similar but different consideration applies for ontologies modeled in e.g. ODM where there is a one on one mapping to OWL but the file format is not the OWL/RDF file format? PeterYim: one things we *must* incorporate in our architecture decision is that we can still continue to leverage on progress made by the BioPortal folks, despite the "fork" KenBaclawski: The homework for the next session is to examine the current API in http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/kenb/oor/OORI.java or in http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/kenb/oor/OORService.wsdl PeterYim: Next workshop - One hour meeting Fri 2011.03.11 same time (9:00am EDT) Scott Fahle: ok PeterYim: let continue talking on [oor-forum] between now and then! PeterYim: Great session, thank you for putting it together! Scott Fahle: Thanks letting me listen in PeterYim: -- session ended: 8:06am PDT --