a owl:Ontology; owl:versionInfo "$Id$". @prefix : . :Ontology a owl:Class; rdfs:comment "An ontology is a living artifact that is born inside an organizational context, has a life-cycle and is interacted with by various agents. Examples of ontologies are the Gene Ontology or OWL Time, which may have multiple representations and/or versions."; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :manifestedBy; owl:allValuesFrom :OntologyRepresentation ], [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :hasCharacteristic; owl:minCardinality 0 ]. :OntologyRepresentation a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :hasCharacteristic; owl:minCardinality 0 ]. :FormalOntology a owl:Class. :ConceptualOntologyRepresentation a owl:Class; rdfs:label "ontology (conceptual model)"; rdfs:comment "A human-centric, human-understandable model of the things and relationships in a portion of the world, expressed independently of technological implementation or machine use considerations. May be textual, graphical, or captured in any other human-friendly way."; rdfs:subClassOf :OntologyRepresentation. :LogicalOntologyRepresentation a owl:Class; rdfs:label "ontology (logical model)"; rdfs:comment "A representation of an ontology in a particular, logic-based ontology language, such as OWL 2, Common Logic, etc."; rdfs:subClassOf :OntologyRepresentation, :FormalOntology. :PhysicalOntologyRepresentation a owl:Class; rdfs:label "ontology (physical model)"; rdfs:comment "A serialized representation of an LogicalOntologyRepresentation (e.g., in RDF/XML or CLIF)"; rdfs:subClassOf :OntologyRepresentation, :FormalOntology. :hasCharacteristic a owl:ObjectProperty. # definition that should have been included from High Level Concept Model :OntologyLanguage a owl:Class; rdfs:comment "Language used to represent an ontology, e.g. OWL, Common Logic, etc. An ontology characteristic.". # suggested additional definitions :OWL2 a :OntologyLanguage. :CommonLogic a :OntologyLanguage. :RDFS a :OntologyLanguage; rdfs:label "RDF Schema". :LogicalOntologyRepresentation rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :implements; owl:allValuesFrom :ConceptualOntologyRepresentation ]. :PhysicalOntologyRepresentation rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :implements; owl:allValuesFrom :LogicalOntologyRepresentation ]. :OntologySerializationFormat a owl:Class; rdfs:comment "Format used to serialize a physical ontology, e.g. RDF/XML or CLIF. An ontology characteristic.". :RDF_XML a :OntologySerializationFormat. :OWL_XML a :OntologySerializationFormat. :Turtle a :OntologySerializationFormat; rdfs:comment "Terse RDF Triple Language". :CLIF a :OntologySerializationFormat; rdfs:comment "Common Logic Interchange Format". :XCL a :OntologySerializationFormat; rdfs:comment "XML representation for Common Logic". # TODO: reflect :OntologyLanguage as :hasCharacteristic of :LogicalOntologyRepresentation # TODO: reflect :OntologySerializationFormat as :hasCharacteristic of :PhysicalOntologyRepresentation # TODO: link ontology serialization formats to their respective ontology languages?