
E-Mail Address:
Phone No:
2aRepresenting. I represent the perspective of the following constituency/community (if you want to provide input from more than one perspective, please return a separate form):
Formal ontology communities
Semantic Web communities
Concept Map community
Topic Map community
SEARCH communities
Web 2.0 communities
Thesauri community
Taxonomy communities
Metadata communities
XML communities
Applications Development, Software Engineering and Information Model communities
System Architecture communities
Biomedical communities
Standards Development communities
Other (please specify)


or sub-community I am affiliated with:
2cExpertiseSelfAssessment. With respect to the perspective you are representing and providing input from, I am a/an:
informed layman
other (please specify)

4aGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:

Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4a1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4bGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4b1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4cGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4c1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4dGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4d1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4eGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4e1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4fGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4f1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4gGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4g1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


4hGlossary. Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community:
Reference (citation/url)
Artifact (name/version)
- Artifact Ref. (url)
4h1CalledAnOntology. On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community?
1 - totally unlikely
2 - rarely
3 - sometimes
4 - quite often
5 - almost always


5ConfirmParticipationwhere,. a 'convener' is a participants who is making substantive contribution to the discourse, workshops ittenand the written communique for OntologySummit2007, and
a 'co-sponsor' is an organization who is providing technical or funding support (e.g. supporting member(s) of its technical staff to participate as a 'convener'), and/or endorsing the objective of this OntologySummit2007,
I agree that my name can be listed as a 'convener' of OntologySummit2007
I will consider endorsing the OntologySummit2007 communique. Please send it to me for review when it is ready. I will confirm my endorsement after the review.
I confirm that you may list my organization as a 'co-sponsor' for OntologySummit2007 (details below).


Organization Name:
Link (url) to Logo

This online questionnaire was developed  by  Peter Yim  for the "Ontology Summit 2007" initiative.