OntologySummit2007 Survey/ResponseAnalysis

Latest Version:http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2007/survey/wip/ResponseAnalysis-problems-20070421.html
Date Issued:2007-04-21T17:07:21Z
Status:Work in progress
Description:OntologySummit2007 Survey/ResponseAnalysis Ontology problems

Ontology Problems

Education7 3111 4114 4862 62110
Development methods411 1 12111 156114217
Lack of common understanding of what is meant by an ontology2 1 1  2 241342223226
Demonstrate utility4 1    3    1221 32 4
Mappings among ontologies2 2 1  3 12 221211 14
Developing consensus on a common foundation ontology2 2 2  2 22 122213 23
Lack of an open, well-maintained clearinghouse for ontologies and related products and services that are enabled by them21  1  1     12 1 1 2
Too many ontology standards and languages that are not compatible1      2  1 1221 1 12
Complexity and cost1                   1
Cooperation among different groups1 1 1       1 1 1 1 1
De-mystifying and simplifying ontologies and ontological terminology                  1 1
Developing, verifying and validating ontologies       1     11     1
Lack of an identifying scheme for biomedical entities  1                 1
Lack of extensive ontology experience  1    1      1     1
Lack of usable ontology language  1    1      1     1
Missing predicates in tagging solutions          1  1    111
Navigation1           111     1
Ontology has a bad reputation         1          1
Overemphasis on formal logic  1           1     1
Scoping1           111     1
Uncertainty1 1    1     11     1


APApplications Development, Software Engineering and Information Model communities
BCBIM and CSI specifications
BMBiomedical communities
BPBusiness Process and Project Management Communities
CMConcept Map community
EAEnterprise Architecture Communities
EBElectronic business
FOFormal ontology communities
IMInformation management
LCLinguistic communities
MDMetadata communities
MLMultilingual Architectures
SASystem Architecture communities
SDStandards Development communities
SWSemantic Web communities
THThesauri community
TMTopic Map community
TXTaxonomy communities
W2Web 2.0 communities
XMXML communities