Relationship Capital Management describes a class of business solutions and software applications and services which help individuals and organizations to identify, manage and leverage their network of business and professional relationships as assets. IT as partner in realising business strategy. Clear direction with business goals, objectives and formal targets. Effective management reports linked to business function, actively used. Integrated process plans linked to business and IT plans. Regular improvements are planned and reviewed. CIO/CTO have equal business/IT roles. Identify Service Cost Components is the activity associated with identifying the service and product offerings and cost components.[SME] Determine Stage-gates principle is for programme’s full economic life cycle. Confirm business case requirements at each stage-gate to commit total programme funding, release funding to next stage-gate and identify funding requirements at subsequent stage-gates. Service Interface provides an entry point that consumers use to access the functionality exposed by the service Budgeting is the process of predicting and controlling the spending of money within the enterprise and consists of a periodic negotiation cycle to set budgets (usually annual) and the day-to-day monitoring of current budgets. [OGC ITIL] A strategic plan brings together all the elements enabling the clients to engineer and implement the designed systems to achieve the desired state enterprise management platform.[SME] DMADV define , measure, analyze, design, verify process Val IT principles are Value of IT best practices that provide the means to unambiguously measure, monitor and optimise the realisation of business value from investment in IT. Indirect Expense is an administrative or executive cost that relates to the management, conduct, or supervision of a business that are not attributable to any one particular product or department. Examples: HW, furniture, cubicles, dedicated SW. Correct Performance activities focus on analysis reporting functionality to implement continuous improvement for reaching compliance. [SME] Monitor Current Performance task employs analysis and linkage of IT Services offered with the business needs of the customer base [SME] Chargeback is a cost recovery mechanism, generally based on a per-use or hourly model.[SME] Inventory management consists of all the activities and procedures used to control and maintain the right amount of hardware and software in stock or to provide the required level of service at minimum cost. [SME] Define Evaluation Criteria by Category act is to identify the critical success factors that enable a fair, transparent, repeatable and comparable evaluation. Weightings may be applied to allow an overall relative score to be derived for each investment. Establish Strategic Direction principle is to definine how the business and IT strategy integrated, clearly linking enterprise goals and IT goals. Factors to be broadly communicated include the business vision, business principles, strategic goals and objectives, and IT priorities. Identify Consumption Constituencies is the activity associated with identifying the consumption units and definitions for the service and product components.[SME] Monitoring and evaluation control objcetives deal with assessing whether or not the current IT system meets the business objectives for which it was designed, does comply with regulatory requirements and the company’s control processes required by internal and external auditors. Release is a collection of new and/or changed CIs which are tested and introduced into the live environment together. Performance Management integrates multiple forms of performance measurment using managerial, customer, operational and financial methodologies Verify process design using set up pilot runs to implement production process and handover to process owners Apportioned cost is a cost that is shared by a number of business units (an indirect cost). This cost must be shared out between these units on an equitable basis [OGC ITIL]. It is a cost shared, on an equitable bais, by a number of customers [ITSMF] A Metric is a measurable element of a service process or function. [SME] Assets possess an implied value and have future economic benefits which were obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events. Val IT Portfolio Management principle is to ensure that an organisation’s overall portfolio of IT-enabled investments is aligned with and contributing optimal value to the organisation’s strategic objectives. Identity employs many facets that must combine to create a unique descriptor Delivery and support control objectives focus on the delivery aspects of information technology, the execution of IT applications , the support processes of the IT systems which include security issues and training. Service functionality unambiguously express the function and the real world effects that result from the service being invoked. A SOA Contract is agreed between two or more parties Determine Target Portfolio Mix principle is to have an alignment of investment dimensions with the strategic direction of the enterprise employing an appropriate balance of categories, short- and long-term returns, financial and non-financial benefits, and high-risk vs. low-risk investments. Application refers to both application software and its implementation. Requester agent is a software agent that wishes to interact with a provider agent in order to request that a task be performed on behalf of its owner the requester entity A procedure is an established series of steps to accomplish a specified task(s). [SME] DPMO Defects Per (one) Million Opportunities Ensure Accepted Accountability act is to provide unambiguous definitions of accountabilities and practices that can be clearly assigned and monitoredto avoid a breakdown in internal control and oversight. Evaluate Candidate Business Case principle is to enable an assessment of the concept looking at strategic alignment; benefits, both financial and non-financial; overall financial worth and risk; and fit with the overall portfolio. ISO/IEC 20000 is the ISO international standard for IT Service Management Problem Managment process that minimizes the effect on customer(s) of defects in services and within the infrastructure, human errors and external events. Manage Programme Performance action is to use key criteria (e.g., scope, schedule, quality, cost and risk), identify deviations from plan and take timely remedial action when required. Monitor individual project performance related to delivery of the expected capability, schedule, costs and risks to identify potential impacts on programme performance, and take timely remedial action when required. Infrastrucure Investment act has goal of providing improved use of shared services and integration Configuration Management plan is the document setting out the organization and procedures for the Configuration Management of a specific product, project, system, support group or service. Value Governance (VG) principle is to have a relationship between the IT function and the other parts of the business and between the IT function and those functions in the organisation with governance responsibilities, such as the CFO, CEO and the board. The goal of Value Governance is to optimise the value of an organisation’s IT-enabled investments. Business aligned objectives and formal targets actively monitored as part of everyday activity. Roles and responsibilities part of overall corporate culture. Training needs assessed as part of organisational process. Programs planned to address identified gaps and future needs. Strategy and planning competencies. Mandatory Investment is a non-discretionary investment A (computer science) program is a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute [DICT] Establish Value Governance Reporting Requirements principle is to enable senior management’s review of the enterprise’s progress toward identified goals. Including the extent to which planned objectives have been achieved, deliverables obtained, performance targets met and risks mitigated. Physical agent is an entity which percepts through sensors and acts through actuators Develop Cost Recovery Model is the activity of modeling the products and services and measurement methodology to ensure the right results are achievable.[SME] Define Value Governance Responsibilities principle is to make a role distinction between accountable / consultated / informed parties, contributing to the portfolio of IT-enabled business investment programmes, individual investment programmes, and other IT assets and services, to allow sufficient authority to exercise the roles and responsibilities assigned. Val IT Programme is a structured group of interdependent projects that are both necessary and sufficient to achieve the business outcome and deliver value. These projects could include, but are not limited to,changes to the nature of the business, business processes, the work performed by people, as well as the competencies required to carry out the work, enabling technology and organisational structure. The investment programme is the primary unit of investment within Val IT. Manage Cost Recovery is the activity associated with the management of the cost recovery process and control of the pricing structure. [SME] Information model is an abstract but formal representation of entities including their properties, relationships and the operations that can be performed on them Do process by implementing the process procedures IT Service Support is the discipline that employs those processes that enable IT Services to be provided. Creation of a hierarchy of all the CIs that comprise a configuration. Implemention control objectives cover implementing IT within the company’s current business processes. It also addresses the development of a maintenance plan that a company should adopt in order to prolong the life of an IT system and its components. Business Process Management ( BPM) refers to activities performed by organizations to manage and, if necessary, to improve their business processes. IT as service provider. IT strategy linked to business strategy. Documented and agreed formal objectives and targets (e.g. SLAs). Formally published, monitored, reported and reviewed plans. Coordination activity well funded and appropriately resourced. Service information model is a characterization of the information that may be exchanged with the service. It includes the format of information that is exchanged, the structural relationships within the exchanged information and also the definition of terms used. [SOARM] The generally accepted purpose of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is to enable organizations to better manage their customers through the introduction of reliable systems, processes and procedures for interacting with those customers. Allocated Cost is a cost that can be directly identified with a business unit [OGC ITIL]. It can be directly identified and assigned to a particular customer [ITSMF] Minimal funds and resources for steering and little activity. Sporadic efforts and reviews of global IT. Coordination benefits temporary, not retained. Cost and technical outcomes (stability, availability, performance) drive investment. Provenance is the origin or source from which something comes, and the history of subsequent owners (also known as Chain of custody in some fields) Contnuous Service Improvement Programme is an ongoing formal programme undertaken within an enterprise to identify and introduce measurable improvements within a specified work area or work process. Action Improvement is to take action based on what you learned in the check step: If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a different plan. If you were successful, incorporate what you learned from the test into wider changes. Use what you learned to plan new improvements, beginning the cycle again. Determine Candidate Investment principle is to evaluate, prioritise and select whether a candidate should be, selected and moved to the active portfolio. If not selected, determine if it should be held for consideration at a later date, held and provided with some ‘seed’ funding to determine if the business case can be improved or eliminated from further consideration. Communicate and review the decision with the business sponsor. Tool and technology based and driven, with a strong activity focus. IT is an infrastructure provider (hardware, software, networks) Performance SLA Compliance Reporting activities focus on creating and running meaningful reports around the metrics and goals of the business that show compliance and trending [SME] The process of security management within IT service management .Focuses on implementing security requirements identified in the IT service level agreement (SLA).Does not address business aspects of security policy. Classic state diagrams are so called "or" diagrams, because the machine can only be in one state or the other. Harel statecharts model "and" machines, where a machine is in two or more states at the same time. This is due in part to the modelling of superstates and in part to the modelling of concurrent machines. Application profile is a specific use for a computer or program, such as for accounts payable or payroll. The term is commonly used in place of the terms "application program," "software" or "program." Examples of programs and software include pre-packaged productivity software (such as spreadsheets and word processors) and larger, customized packages designed for multiple users (such as e-mail and workgroup applications). Better defined, but self contained roles and responsibilities. Recognition of first and second line support. Technical training opportunities approved by role. The Process that ensures the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of an Organisations Assets, information, data and IT Services. Information Security Management usually has a wider scope than the Service Provider. It normally includes handling of paper, building access, phone calls etc., for the entire Organisation [OGC]. A Process ia a connected series of actions, activities, Changes etc, performed by agents with the intent of satisfying a purpose or achieving a goal.[SME] Monitor Portfolio Performance principle is to provide a succinct, all-round view of the performance of the portfolio to the board and executive management in a timely and accurate fashion, and in a way that fits within the enterprise monitoring system. Management reports should be provided for senior management’s review of the enterprise’s progress toward identified goals. Status reports should include the extent to which planned objectives have been achieved, deliverables obtained, performance targets met and risks mitigated. Develop Investment Opportunity principle is to create value in support of business strategy or to address operational or compliance issues. Clarify expected business outcome(s) and identify, at a high level, business, process, people, technology and organisational initiatives required to achieve the expected outcomes. These requirements should be owned by business management acting as sponsor for the overall opportunity including the necessary IT projects. Service represents a particular, described, pattern of behavior. A service is an abstract resource that represents a capability of performing tasks that represents a coherent functionality from the point of view of provider entities and requester entities. To be used, a service must be realized by a concrete provider agent Service oriented management (SOM) is the operational management of a service delivery capability using business objectives to drive system behaviour. ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies Initiative is a vehicle (business driver) for officially requesting and justifying that the organization expend funds and effort for a finite period of time to support a specific business strategy. Value principle is to have end business outcome(s) from an IT-enabled business investment where such outcomes may be financial, non-financial or a combination of the two Loosely defined roles or responsibilities. Ad hoc training. Technical excellence. A generic term that can be used to mean any manager within the IT Service Provider. Most commonly used to refer to a Business Relationship Manager, a Process Manager, an Account Manager or a senior manager with responsibility for IT Services overall [OGC]. The baseline plan is the original plan (for a project, a work package, or an activity), plus or minus approved changes. Usually used with a modifier, e.g., cost baseline, schedule baseline, performance measurement baseline. [SME] Check process by monitoring and evaluate the process performance and procedural results against objectives, specifications to report the outcome IT Service Management is the principles and practices of designing, delivering and maintaining IT Services to an agreed level of quality, insupport of a customer activity. [ITSMF] Thus it is the process of applying a structured set of processes to ensure the quality of mission-critical IT services to meet levels of services agreed to with the customer. [SME] Service Visibility is the capacity for those with needs and those with capabilities to be able to see each other. Visibility is the relationship between service consumers and providers that is satisfied when they are able to interact with each other. Preconditions for visibility are awareness, willingness, and reachability. Val IT Project principle is to have a structured set of activities concerned with delivering to the enterprise a defined capability (that is necessary but NOT sufficient to achieve a required business outcome) based on an agreed schedule and budget Service description describes the interface to and semantics of a service A Direct Cost can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective, i.e., a particular award, project, service, or other direct activity of the organization [SME] Define process design goals to be consistent with customer demands and enterprise strategy IT as business enabler. Integrated strategic plans inextricably linked with overall business plans, goals and objectives. Added value drives investment. Continuous monitoring, measurement, reporting, alerting and reviews linked to a continuous process of improvement. Regular reviews and/or audits for effectiveness, efficiency and compliance. Depreciation is the amount allocated each year to amortize an asset over its useful life. An estimate of how much an asset has been used in a given year.[SME] Planning and Organization control objectives cover the use of technology to achieve a company’s goals and objectives. It also highlights the organizational and infrastructural form IT is to take in order to achieve the optimal results and to generate the most benefits from the use of IT Investment Management principle is to ensure that an organisation’s IT-enabled investment programmes deliver optimal value at an affordable cost with a known and acceptable level of risk. Determine Measurement Capabilities activities ascertain existing tools and methodologies available to collect and record measurable metrics around performance [SME] An IT Asset is a component of a business process. IT Assets can include IT people, It accommodation, computer systems, networks, paper records, fax machines, etc. [OGC ITIL] Event is something that takes place at a particular place and time Develop Programme Plan principle is defining and documenting all projects, including business, business process, people, technology and organisational projects, required to achieve the programme’s expected business outcomes. Specify required resources, including project managers and project teams as well as business resources where applicable. Specify funding, timing and interdependencies of multiple projects. Specify the basis for acquiring and assigning competent staff members and/or contractors to the projects. Check Quality is to review outcome of a test for change, analyze the results and identify what you’ve learned. ITSM (IT Service Management) is a discipline for managing large-scale information technology (IT) systems, philosophically centered on the customer's perspective of IT's contribution to the business Message model is a predefined message format Data model is an abstract model that describes how data is represented and used Service task is an action or combination of actions that is associated with a desired goal state. Performing the task involves executing the actions, and is intended to achieve a particular goal state Evaluation control objectives deal with assessing whether or not the current IT system meets the business objectives for which it was designed, does comply with regulatory requirements and the company’s control processes required by internal and external auditors. Reference model is an abstract framework for understanding significant relationships among the entities of some environment An IT Service Asset is an item against which threats and vulnerabilities are identified and calculated to carry out a risk assessment. It is the assets importance in underpinning services that matters. Especially for Security Audit and Continuity Management. [ITSMF] DMAIC define , measure, analyze, improve, control process Develop Resourcing Plan principle is for resources that are required to support the portfolio of IT-enabled investment programmes and the IT strategic plan. These tactical plans describe how IT initiatives will contribute to the programmes, which resources are required, and how the use of resources and delivery of the expected contribution will be monitored. Interaction policy are characteristics of an interaction controlled by a formal agreement Temporal agent may use time based stored information to offer instructions or data acts to a computer program or human being and takes program inputs percepts to adjust its next behaviors Acquisition control objectives cover the identification of IT requirements, acquiring the technology within the company’s current business processes. It also addresses the development of a maintenance plan that a company should adopt in order to prolong the life of an IT system and its components. Define Investment Categories principle is to have specific tracking the investment types that differ in complexity and the degree of freedom in allocating funds. Cost Management employs all the procedures, tasks and deliverables that are needed to fulfil an organization’s costing and charging requirements. Report Programme Performance action is to ensure that programme performance and IT’s contribution to that performance are reported to the board and executive in a timely and accurate fashion. Reporting may include performance against the overall portfolio, IT strategy, compliance with policy and standards, benefit realisation, process maturity, end-user satisfaction, and the status of IT internal control. Delivery control objectives focus on the delivery aspects of information technology and the execution of IT applications which include security issues and training. Maintain Human Resource Inventory principle is of current IT human resources, their competencies, their current and committed utilisation and key personnel that are in short supply. Develop Benefits Realisation Plan principle is to have each key outcome, identify and document baseline and target measurements to be achieved, the method formeasuring each key outcome, the accountability for achieving the outcome, the expected delivery schedule, and the monitoring process, which should include some form of detailed benefits register, along with an explanation of the risks that may threaten the achievement of each key outcome and how those risks will be mitigated. Transactional Investment act has goal of processing transactions to reduce the cost of doing business Do Quality is to introduce a planned change for improvement. A Budget is an expression of organizational policies and operational plans in financial terms. [SME] Action process improvement for required outcome. This means reviewing and modifying the process to improve it before its next implementation An understanding of the value of IT to the business and its role within the business value chain. A continuous improvement attitude, together with a strategic business focus. Val IT Portfolio is the principle of grouping of programmes, projects, services or assets selected, managed and monitored to optimise business return Develop Programme Business Case principle is making programme consistent with the enterprise’s standard business case requirements. The business case should include an executive summary; a description of the programme purpose, objectives, approach and scope; programme dependencies, risks and milestones; organisational change impact of the programme; a value assessment; and a programme plan. The programme value assessment should include full economic life cycle costs and benefits, both financial and non-financial; overall financial worth; strategic alignment; risks, both delivery and benefits risks; the programme’s overall relative value scoring; and any key assumptions. The programme plan should include component project plans, a benefits realisation plan, the approach to risk and change management, and the programme governance structure and controls. The IT function manager signs off on the technical aspects of the programme. The business sponsor approves and signs off on the business case. Define Value Governance Processes act is for clear and active linkage amongst the enterprise strategy, the portfolio of IT-enabled investment programmes that execute the strategy, the individual programmes, and the business and IT projects that make up the programmes. Application Portfolio Management System is an information system containing key attributes of applications deployed in a company. Application portfolios are used as tools to manage the business value of an application throughout its lifecycle.[OGC ITIL] Configuration of a product or system established at a specific point in time, which captures both the structure and details of the product or system, and enables that product or system to be rebuilt at a later date. IT Organisation provides help and advice to business. Business focused with an understanding of the wider issues. SLA is a formal written agreement made between two parties: the service provider and the service recipient. The SLA itself defines the basis of understanding between the two parties for delivery of the service itself. The document can be quite complex, and sometimes underpins a formal contract. Generally, an SLA should contain clauses that define a specified level of service, support options, incentive awards for service levels exceeded and/or penalty provisions for services not provided. Process control event is an occurrence that has happened and has been registered System is an integrated set or regularly interacting group of interdependent components created to accomplish a defined objective, with defined and maintained relationships among its components, and the whole producing or operating better than the simple sum of its components. Analyze causality factors to determine what the relationship is and attempt to ensure that all causality factors have been considered Assign Accountability Ownership principle is to have accountability for achieving the benefits, controlling the costs, managing the risks, and co-ordinating the activities and interdependencies of multiple projects clearly and unambiguously assigned and monitored. Where accountability is assigned, such accountability must be accepted, there must be a clear mandate and scope, and the person accountable must have sufficient authority and latitude to act, requisite competence, commensurate resources, clear lines of accountability, an understanding of rights and obligations, and relevant performance measures. Ensure Informed Committed Leadership principle is to ensure all executives have a sound understanding of strategic IT issues, such as dependence on IT, and technology insights and capabilities. Communications focus on a common and agreed understanding between the business and the IT function regarding the potential impact of IT on the business strategy. Management of services to meet the customer's requirement [OGC ITIL] Configuration Management is the process of planning for, identifying and defining the Configuration Items in a service, recording and reporting the status of Configuration Items and Requests For Change, and verifying the completeness, correctness and potential impact of Configuration Items.[ITSMF] Configuration control is the activities concerned with ensuring only authorized CIs are added, modified, replaced or removed. [ITSMF] . Activities include the control of Changes to Configuration Items after formally establishing its configuration documents. It includes the evaluation, co-ordination, approval or rejection of Changes. Analyze process design to develop and design alternatives, such as, create high-level design and evaluate design capability to select the best design A Process that is owned and carried out by the Business. A Business Process contributes to the delivery of a product or Service to a Business Customer. For example, a retailer may have a purchasing Process which helps to deliver Services to their Business Customers. Many Business Processes rely on IT Services [OGC]. Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Any undertaking with a defined starting point and defined objectives by which completion is identified. In practice, most projects depend on finite or limited resources by which the objectives are to be accomplished. This a project is a one-time effort to accomplish an explicit objective by a specific time. Each project is unique although similar projects may exist. Like the individual activity, the project has a distinguishable start and finish and a time frame for completion. Each activity in the project will be monitored and controlled to determine its impact on other activities and projects. [SME] Manage Resource Profiles.. Quality Management System (QMS) is set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution (Production / Development / Service) as core business area of an Organization. QMS promotes employing methods to identify, measure, control and improve the various core business processes that will ultimately lead to improved business performance. The Single Point of Contact between the Service Provider and the Users. A typical Service Desk manages Incidents and Service Requests, and also handles communication with the Users [OGC]. The Service Desk is not an ITIL process, but rather a function that serves as the primary liaison between users and IT service providers, and a focal point for information gathering and service coordination. The Service Desk manages interactions between the technical infrastructure and the user community. Primary functions of the service desk include incident management, providing answers to basic usage questions and providing the interface for user initiated change to the infrastructure (e.g. add a user). Agent is a program acting on behalf of another person, entity, or process Refine Cost Recovery Model is the activity of taking the lessons learned from model refining than implementing the cost recovery model. [SME] Configuation Baseline is a configuration of a product or service established at a specific point in time, which captures both the structure and details of the product or system, and enables that product or system to be rebuilt at a later date. Provider is an entity (people or enterprise) with service capabilities An ITSM Agreement is used for an understanding, normally written, between internal parties( though it may be appended to and form part of an external contract). Thus an agreement ia likely to register an aspiration for a particular Service Level wheras a contract will record the minimum service level permissable. Source Ref : ITSMF Dictionary Plan Quality is to recognize when there is improvement opportunity to drive change. Operating Budget is produced by the traditional process of identifying costs by account type ands summarizing them by month and year. Total Cost of Ownership is a financial estimate designed to help consumers and enterprise managers assess direct and indirect costs related to the purchase of any capital investment. Calculated by including depreciation, maintenance, staff costs, accommodation, and planned renewal. Score Business Case principle is to enable comparison by performing a detailed assessment of the business case evaluating strategic alignment; benefits, both financial and non-financial; financial worth; risk, including delivery risk and benefits risk; and availability of resources. Assign a relative score based upon evaluation criteria and their weighting for this category of investment. Systems / service Outage Analysis is an Availability / problem Management technique used to analyze downtime and to identify opportunities for improvement [ITSMF] TCO is the total cost of owning, operating and maintaining a computer system. It can be calculated by including depreciation, maintenance, staff costs, accommodation, and planned renewal. [OGC ITIL] TCO includes the up-front costs of hardware and software, plus the costs of installation, training, support, upgrades and repairs compared to asset value, cost of establishing the asset, and replacement value. Establish Organisational Structures principle is to put in place an optimal co-ordination, communication and liaison structure between the IT function and various other stakeholders inside and outside the IT function, such as users, suppliers, security officers, risk managers, the corporate compliance group, outsourcers and offsite management. Planning control objectives cover the use of technology to achieve a company’s goals and objectives. It also highlights the organizational and infrastructural form IT is to take in order to achieve the optimal results and to generate the most benefits from the use of IT Application software is a loosely defined subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This should be contrasted with system software which is involved in integrating a computer's various capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user. IT Financial Management is the set of processes that enable the IT organization to account fully for the way money is spent (particularly the ability to identify costs by customer, by service and by activity). Service Level Management is the process of defining, agreeing, documenting and managing the levels of customer IT service, that are required and cost justified. Initiate Programme action the is resourcing and commissioning projects required to achieve the programme results. Direct Expense is an expense (other than for labor and materials) that can easily and economically be identified either with an individual unit of production or with a responsibility centre.Examples: Fixed fee consultants,off-shore consultants, non-preferred T&M, contracted services, leased equipment, AD software. Update Business Case action is to reflect the current status of the programme. This should be done whenever the projected costs or benefits of the programme change, when risks change, and in preparation for stage-gate reviews. Develop Understanding of Candidate principle is using appropriate methods and techniques, involving all key stakeholders, to develop and document a complete and shared understanding of the expected business outcomes (both intermediate, or ‘lead’, and end, or ‘lag’, outcomes) of the candidate programmes, how they will be measured, and the full scope of initiatives required to achieve the expected outcomes. These initiatives should include any changes required to the nature of the enterprise’s business, business processes, people skills and competencies, enabling technology and organisation structure. The nature of each initiative’s contribution, how that contribution will be measured and all key assumptions should be identified. Relevant metrics or similar indicators to monitor the validity of these assumptions should be identified. Key risks, both to the successful completion of individual initiatives and to the achievement of the desired outcomes, should also be identified. Monitor Optimal Portfolio Performance principle is to maximize opportunities for synergies and mitigate risks. DefineValue Governance Information Requirements act is the collection of timely and accurate data that align with the balanced set of performance objectives, measures, targets and benchmarks that are approved by the business and other relevant stakeholders. An Actor can be a person or an organization or a piece of technology – someone or something that does something Measure current process to collect relevant data for future comparison Business methodology defines principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed for a particular procedure or set of procedures Monitoring control objcetives deal with assessing whether or not the current IT system meets the business objectives for which it was designed, does comply with regulatory requirements and the company’s control processes required by internal and external auditors. Product and service base and driven. Team and product orientation. Customer awareness and promotion Inter- and intra-process team working. Responsibilities clearly defined in all IT job descriptions. Training gaps identified and training opportunities sought. Business intelligence and competencies. Develop Cost Recovery Plan activity associated with planning the cost recovery methodology I.e. chargeback, corporate tax [SME] Configuration Identification activities determine the product structure, the selection of Configuration Items, and the documentation of the Configuration Item’s physical and functional characteristics including interfaces and subsequent changes. It includes the allocation of identification characters or numbers to the Configuration Items and their documents. It also includes the unique numbering of Configuration control forms associated with changes and problems. Risk is a measure of the exposure to which an organization may be subject. [ITSMF] Establish Investment Threshold principle is to determine the overall budget available for the portfolio, the current commitment of that budget, the current approved spend and the actual spend to date. XML schema is a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntax constraints imposed by XML itself. Financial Budget Management is the process of predicting and controlling the spending of money within the enterprise and consists of a periodic negotiation cycle to set budgets (usually annual) and the day-to-day monitoring of current budgets. Organization control objectives highlights the organizational and infrastructural form IT is to take in order to achieve the optimal results and to generate the most benefits from the use of IT Profile is a representation of something in outline [DICT] A framework for Control Objectives for Information and related Technology is the COBIT set of best practices for information (IT) management created by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) Programme / program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Or are a collection of activities and projects that collectively implement a new corporate requirement or function. Programs may include elements of related work outside of the scope of the discrete projects in the program provides a framework for appropriate service metrics. Clearly defined and agreed interfaces between roles. Formal objectives and targets. Formalised process (e.g. service management, service support) training plans. Training needs identified for roles, attendance relies on opportunity. Recognition of service portfolio, little input from business. No clear objectives or formal service targets. Funds and resources available for governance. Sporadic activities, reporting and reviews. Services defined in technical terms (e.g. bandwidth, disk capacity) Manage Benefits action is performed by implementing a benefit monitoring process to ensure that planned benefits are achieved, sustained and optimised. Benefit delivery should be monitored and reported. The performance against targets should be regularly reviewed and root cause analysis performed for deviations from plan. Remedial action to address the underlying causes should be initiated and controlled. Control process to ensure that any factorial variances are corrected before they result in defects Design optimal process with design verification activity, such as, process simulation Transformational Invesment act has goal of gaining a competitive advantage or major innovation Cost Recovery records the cost of services provided and the charges allocated to the users and recipients of the services. Thus it is cost-accounting chargeback framework based on 100% cost recovery for IT support services for hardware, software applications and labor.[SME] An Assembly CI (Configuration Item) is a configuration item comprising other CIs [ITSMF] Asset status the description of the different states of an asset. [SME] Retire Programme action is to remove programme from the active portfolio and ensure that all the lessons learnt from the programme are reviewed and any necessary changes implemented to improve the programme management process. Strategic is the highest of the three levels of planning and delivery. It is concerned with the overall goals of an enterprise. [ITSMF] Perform Gap Analysis principle is to identify shortfalls between current and future IT and business resource demand and resource supply. Develop Business Case principle is to describe the business outcome(s) to which the potential programme will contribute, the nature of the programme’s contribution, and how that contribution would be measured. High-level benefits, both financial and non-financial, and costs for the full economic life cycle of the programme should be estimated. Any key assumptions should be stated. Key risks should be identified, along with their potential impact and mitigation strategies. IT Service Delivery is the discipline comprised of the processes which provide the actual management of the IT services themselves. [SME] Portfolio is a grouping of financial assets held [DICT] Action model of a service is the characterization of the actions that may be invoked against the service. Plan, do, check, act (aka the Deming Cycle, Shewhart cycle, or Deming Wheel) is an iterative four-step quality control strategy Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. Configuration Status Accounting is the task of recording the state of a CI at any point in time, past , present or future. [ITSMF] CI is a component of an infrastructure – or an item, such as a SLA or Request for Change, associated with an infrastructure – which is (or is to be) under the control of Configuration Management. CIs may vary widely in complexity, size and type – from an entire system (including all hardware, software and documentation) to a single module or a minor hardware component.[ITSMF] A Risk Measure is a measurement of the exposure to which an organization may be subjected. This is a combination of the likelihood of a business disruption occurring and the possible loss that may result from such business disruption.[SME] SOA process model characterizes the temporal relationships between and temporal properties of actions and events associated with interacting with the service. An approach, borrowed from the financial industry, for managing information technology (IT) as a portfolio of investments. The IT portfolio consists of investments in existing assets and ongoing processes as well as projects designed to change the status quo. Existing assets and projects are assigned values and risks, which enables organizations to use risk management techniques (e.g., planning, executing, measuring, communicating) appropriate to different levels of uncertainty.[SME] Service and Customer oriented with a formalised approach. Asesses Customer satisfaction. Utilises Account managers. Object model has two related but distinct meanings. [1] The properties of objects in general, in a specific computer programming language, technology, notation or methodology that uses them. [2] A collection of objects or classes through which a program can examine and manipulate some specific part of its world Service behavioral model is an abstract definition of an executable service A Policy is a rule and / or regulation set by the organization.[SME] Identify Resource Requirements principle is to understand the current and future demand for IT resources based on the current and forward view of the portfolio plus IT-enabled change programmes. Monitor Resource Requirements Versus Utilisation principle is to review the IT function and business organisational structure to adjust staffing requirements and sourcing strategies to meet expected business objectives and respond to changing circumstances. Provider agent is an agent that is capable of and empowered to perform the actions associated with a service on behalf of its owner the provider entity Reprioritise Portfolio principle is to enable a refocus when changes occur to the internal or external business environment, or when programme business cases are updated to reflect changes in requirements or programme performance. Re-evaluate whether the portfolio is aligned with the business strategy and the target mix of investments is maintained so the portfolio is achieving maximum overall value. This may require programmes to be changed, deferred or retired, and new programmes to be initiated. Acquire and implement control objectives cover the identification of IT requirements, acquiring the technology, and implementing it within the company’s current business processes. It also addresses the development of a maintenance plan that a company should adopt in order to prolong the life of an IT system and its components. Measure process to identify CTQs (critical to qualities), product capabilities, production process capability, and risk assessments Define Value Governance Roles principle is to award all participants, involved in the portfolio of IT-enabled business investment programmes, individual investment programmes, and other IT assets and services, sufficient authority to exercise the roles and responsibilities assigned. Service provider is an organization concerned with the provision of a service that incurs the resources/costs to generate and deliver it to a service recipient . Measure Utilization Consumption is the activity associated with identifying the consumption units and definitions for the service and product components.[SME] Software Program is the directly executable part of a software object. A Configuration Set is a group of Configuration Items that normally belong together [ITSMF] The Business Relationship Management process is often performed by an Account Manager who acts as the liaison between IT operations and customers, providing the contact point for service-level administration, services marketing, customer satisfaction, and ongoing customer communications. [ITSMF SME]. A Role responsible for maintaining the Relationship with one or more Customers. This Role is often combined with the Service Level Manager Role [OGC]. The Process responsible for maintaining a Relationship with the Business. This Process usually includes:· Managing personal Relationships with Business managers; Portfolio Management; Ensuring that the IT Service Provider is satisfying the Business needs of the Customers [OGC]. Plan proces to establish the objectives and procedures necessary to deliver results in accordance with requirement specifications Perform Alternatives Analysis principle is to achieve the desired business outcomes. Assess the relative benefits, costs, risks and timing for each identified course of action. Select the course of action that has the highest potential value, at an affordable cost with an acceptable level of risk. Document the rationale for recommending the selected course of action. Business management should assess the business impact of the alternative courses of action, and the IT function should assess the technical impact. Portfolio Management is the discipline that executives use to ensure that the correct mix of investment activity is initiated, grouped, funded and managed to identify business risks and deliver true competitive benefit to the enterprise Implement Value Governance Process is to actuate the active linkage amongst the enterprise strategy, the portfolio of IT-enabled investment programmes, the individual investment programmes, and the business and IT projects that make up the programmes. Asset Management is the Business Process responsible for tracking and reporting the value and ownership of financial Assets throughout their Lifecycle [OGC]. Asset Management is a standard accountancy process concerned with maintaining details of assets above a certain value and their depreciation. [ITSMF] Asset Management is the combination of tools, processes, and organizational interfaces used to financially manage, optimize, and dispose of IT assets. Asset management includes the implementation of a set of operating and accounting procedures intended to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of the equipment assets of an organization, especially capital assets. [SME] Informational Investment act has goal of providing better information Identify Life Cycle Cost Benefits principle is to make programme budget that reflects the full economic life cycle costs and financial and non-financial benefits for review, refinement and approval by the business sponsor. Business Relationship Management is a role responsible for maintaining the relationship with one or more customers. This role is often combined with the Service Level Manager Role [OGC]. Establish SLA Reporting activities focus on reaching consensus from all stakeholders and enter contractual agreement [SME] Improve process based upon the analysis of factors Service Level Manager is a role responsible for ensuring Service Level Agreements meet the needs of one or more customers. This role is often combined with the Business Relationship Manager Role. Support control objectives focus on the support processes of the IT systems which include security issues and training. Define process improvement goals that are consistent with customer demands and enterprise strategy Cost Recovery Management is cost-accounting chargeback framework based on 100% cost recovery for IT support services for hardware, software applications and labor.[SME] Quality control is used to ensure products or services are designed and produced to meet or exceed customer requirements OLA is an internal agreement covering the delivery of services which support the IT organization in their delivery of services. The Process responsible for managing the Lifecycle of all Incidents. The primary Objective of Incident Management is to return the IT Service to Customers as quickly as possible [OGC]. Assess Portfolio Impact principle is the determination of the impact on the overall portfolio of adding a candidate programme to the portfolio mix. Identify viability of any changes that might be required to other programmes in the portfolio as a result of adding this programme. Process model traces what actually happens during a process. A SOA Policy is owned and operated by a single party Application Portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives. The projects or programs of the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or directly related. Agent action is an action performed by an agent, possibly as a result of receiving a message, or which results in sending a message or other observable state change Policy assertions are about the relationship between the service and its execution context semantic engagement of a system is a relationship between the system and information it may encounter. Data structure describes the encoding of character data, the format of the data and the data types associated with elements of the information. Domain semantics enable providers and consumers to identify unambiguously those definitions that are relevant to their respective domains. service role is an abstract set of tasks which is identified to be relevant by a person or organization offering a service. Service roles are also associated with particular aspects of messages exchanged with a service Discovery mediation uses mediated discovery pattern which is a transition point from the reference architecture to reference implementations implementing SOA visibility in an automated fashion service performs one or more tasks capability is a named piece of functionality (or feature) that is declared as supported or requested by an agent points to an Archetype value action may result in a desired goal state goal state is a state of some service or resource that is desireable from some person or organization's point of view SOA depends on a wide variety of descriptions to characterize the needs and capabilities it can facilitate connecting. SOA description elements, such as real world effects produced by a service and those desired by the consumers, provide the basis for determining the match between consumers and providers pointer to value of parameter in an onotology A label for the concept that is accurate but not preferred reference to a taxonomy scheme Siemens is a $96 billion electronics company with 460,000 employees in 190 countries. T-Mobile offers a comprehensive array of wireless calling plans for mobile professionals as well as mobile enterprises. Plans include: Pooled national Whenever Minutes, Unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling, Unlimited weekend calling–limited time offer, 300 Text Messages per user, Caller ID, VoiceMail, Conference calling, Call waiting, Call forwarding Phone, email, SMS, browser, instant messaging and organizer. Quad-Band handheld, operates on 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS wireless networks, allowing for international roaming between North America, Europe and Asia Pacific Headquartered in New Jersey, with more than 25,000 employees worldwide, Cognizant is a global leader in IT services