; CCT knowledge not already in SUMO + MILO + QoS ontology (subclass CodingScheme Procedure) (documentation CodingScheme "A &%Procedure for &%Encoding and/or &%Decoding information. A coding scheme is often implemented as a &%ComputerProgram. Some examples of coding schemes include MPEG, WAV, and pig-latin.") (=> (and (instance ?P Encoding) (agent ?P ?A)) (exists (?CODE) (or (knows ?P ?CODE) (exists (?OBJ) (and (instrument ?P ?OBJ) (containsInformation ?OBJ ?CODE)))))) (=> (and (instance ?P Decoding) (agent ?P ?A)) (exists (?CODE) (or (knows ?P ?CODE) (exists (?OBJ) (and (instrument ?P ?OBJ) (containsInformation ?OBJ ?CODE)))))) (subclass ImageFile ComputerData) ; change from the SUObasedOntology.txt (instance coding BinaryRelation) (documentation coding "A relation between a &%ContentBearingObject and a &%CodingScheme that specifies how the content is expressed. Typically, this will be used either for encoded secret communications or computer files that might be coded simply for data compression instead of information security.") (domain coding 1 ContentBearingObject) (domain coding 2 CodingScheme) ; axiom from SUObasedOntology.txt changed (=> (instance ?URI UniformResourceIdentifier) (exists (?Resource) (and (instance ?Resource ComputerData) (refers ?URI ?Resource))))